About the Office of the Executive Secretariat (OEX)
What We Do
OEX serves as the correspondence, records management, and Freedom of Information Act hub for the Office of the Administrator. The office:
- Processes executive correspondence for the Administrator and Deputy Administrator, facilitating substantive and thorough responses to communications from individuals and organizations representing diverse perspectives, priorities and backgrounds.
- Maintains the Administrator’s and Deputy Administrator’s records, including documents such as correspondence, calendars, and briefing materials.
- Oversees records management activities in AO staff offices and ensures compliance with federal statutes and National Archives requirements. OEX also administers the AO vital records program and disaster preparedness activities.
- Establishes the Agency’s style and format standards for correspondence and publishes the EPA Correspondence Manual (EPA Manual 1320).
- Manages operation of the Correspondence Management System, the EPA’s web-based correspondence tracking and workflow management software application. The CMS has more than 2,800 users across the nation.
- Processes Freedom of Information Act requests assigned to AO and its staff offices. OEX coordinates search efforts, liaisons with the Office of General Counsel, and provides training to staff.
Programs and Projects Managed by OEX
- System of Records Notice EPA-22 - Correspondence Management System
- Correspondence Management System Privacy Impact Assessment
- EPA Records Schedule 077 - Correspondence Management System
Mail code: 1105A | EPA mailing addresses
Location: EPA Headquarters at Washington, D.C. Federal Triangle campus
OEX Organization
Brian Hope, Acting Director
- Phone: (202) 564-7311
- Email: hope.brian@epa.gov