Region 2 Media Contacts
Find contacts for specific topics in the table below or call the general phone line: 212-637-3660.
Media Relations Branch Supervisor
Elias Rodriguez
Press Officers
Beat | Name | Phone |
Air | Carlos Vega | 646-988-2996, 212-637-3662 |
Brownfields | Carlos Vega | 646-988-2996, 212-637-3662 |
Hudson River Cleanup | Larisa Romanowski | 518-703-0101, 518-407-0400 |
Pesticides | Stephen McBay | 212-637-3672 |
Puerto Rico | Brenda Reyes | 202-834-1290; 787-295-0087 |
Spanish Language Media | Stephen McBay, Elias Rodriguez | 212-637-3672, 212-637-3664 |
Superfund and Emergency Response | Stephen McBay | 212-637-3672 |
Toxics | Stephen McBay | 212-637-3672 |
Voluntary Programs | Carlos Vega | 646-988-2996, 212-637-3662 |
Water | Niki Joshi | 212-637-3659 |
Waste, Hazardous and Solid | Stephen McBay | 212-637-3672 |
Western New York | Mike Basile | 646-369-0055, 716-551-4410 |
Related Information
Visiting Region 2
To see a map of our office and surrounding area, please visit Google Maps™. See the MTA's interactive subway map for details.
Region 2 Mailing Addresses
Main Regional Office
290 Broadway
New York, NY 10007-1866
Edison,NJ Environmental Center
2890 Woodbridge Ave.
Edison, NJ 08837-3679
Caribbean Environmental Protection Division
Protection Division
City View Plaza II – Suite 7000
#48 Rd. 165 km 1.2
Guaynabo, PR 00968-8069
Hudson River Field Office
187 Wolf Road, Suite 303
Albany, NY 12205
Western New York Public Information Office
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
130 South Elmwood Avenue, Suite 475
Buffalo, NY 14202
Virgin Islands Field Office
Tunick Building, Suite 102
1336 Beltjen Road
St. Thomas, VI 00801
Long Island Sound Office
888 Washington Boulevard
Stamford, CT 06904-2152