Public Service Announcements and Multimedia Resources for Asthma
EPA is committed to raising public awareness of asthma and environmental factors that can affect asthma. All current EPA asthma multimedia materials are available here for viewing and listening.
Multimedia Resources
- Asthma Can be Tackled Video
- Breathing Freely: Controlling Asthma Triggers Video
- Take the Asthma Quiz
- Conversations for Advancing Action: Podcast series featuring interviews with leaders and experts in asthma programming describing key strategies and best practices for reducing the impact of asthma on underserved communities. Visit the Asthma Community Network to access other asthma related tools and resources.
Asthma Can be Tackled Video
Asthma Can Be Tackled: Chris Draft, Former NFL Linebacker
Breathing Freely: Controlling Asthma Triggers Video
Featuring conversations with medical professionals and parents of children with asthma, this video presents the role of the environment in triggering and worsening asthma attacks and offers ways to manage asthma to help children lead normal, healthy lives.