EPA Welcomes Public Input on Next Round of Chemicals to Be Considered for Prioritization Under TSCA
Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced it will hold two webinars and open a public comment period to gather public input on the next round of chemicals the Agency may prioritize for a risk evaluation under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).
In December 2024, EPA will begin the process to prioritize the next five chemicals for risk evaluation under TSCA, which is the first step in the process of evaluating chemicals under the nation’s premier chemical safety law. If EPA designates a chemical as a High-Priority Substance at the end of the 9- to 12-month time frame required by law, the Agency then must conduct a risk evaluation for that chemical.
EPA will hold webinars on Monday, September 30, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. ET and Tuesday, October 1, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. ET. The webinars will include the same content: an overview of the prioritization process, a list of 25-30 candidate chemicals under consideration for the next round of prioritization, and a discussion of opportunities for public comment during that process.
During these listening sessions, EPA would like to hear from interested stakeholders including state, local, and Tribal governments, industry representatives, non-governmental organizations, labor unions, and the general public.
If you would like to provide a brief oral comment during one of the webinars, please email Sarah Soliman at Soliman.Sarah@epa.gov no later than September 25, 2024, with your name, affiliation, and contact information.
As part of the pre-prioritization phase, EPA also welcomes written comments and potentially relevant information on the prioritization candidates during the 30-day public comment period. Written comments and information can be submitted using docket identification number EPA-HQ-OPPT-2023-0606 starting on October 1, 2024. More details about the comment period will be provided during the webinar.
To attend one of these webinars please register by September 25, 2024, using the following links:
Register for the September 30 Webinar
Register for the October 1 Webinar