eDisclosure – Getting Started Checklist
EPA welcomes you to eDisclosure. If you have any questions, please contact eDisclosure support via email at helpdesk@epacdx.net; or toll-free at 888-890-1995.
To facilitate your electronic disclosure, please have the following information readily available before you initiate the eDisclosure process.
Violation Disclosure
- Date of discovery of violation. The “21 days to disclose period” begins when the entity discovers that a violation has, or may have, occurred.
- Facility name, address, city, state, zip code. You may use EPA’s FRS Query page to check if your facility is already in our Facility Registry System, or you can use the “Manage Facility” functionality in eDisclosure to check or add a new facility that will be added to EPA databases.
- Environmental law (e.g., the Clean Air Act) and section of violation (i.e., the specific legal provision(s) that may have been violated).
- Copies of previous EPCRA disclosures that are being re-submitted in eDisclosure within 120 days of the system’s launch.
- e-mail addresses of individuals (e.g., counsel, EHS manager or staff) with whom you may wish to share your eDisclosure.
Compliance Certification
- Facility’s primary NAICS (North American Industry Classification System code – 6 digits).
- Information about the latest regulatory inspection(s) (date(s), agency(ies), regulatory area(s)).
- Information about noncompliance (description(s), federal and/or state citation(s), location and date(s)).
- Information about chemical/pollutant(s) (name, CAS Number and amount involved).
- Information about correcting and preventing future violations (descriptions and documents that support the steps that have been or will be taken).
- Information to support requests for an extension of the Violation Correction Due date and corresponding Compliance Certification Due date (permit applications, pollution prevention implementation plans, etc.).