If I am a Federally recognized Tribe, can I charge indirect costs?
To charge indirect costs, an indirect cost rate agreements must be included in accordance with 2 CFR 200.414 and must be valid until at least 9/30/2025.
If you do not have a previously established indirect cost rate (IDC) agreement, you must prepare an indirect cost rate proposal in accordance with 2 CFR 200 Subpart E, "Special Considerations for States, Local Governments and Indian Tribes." Submit your indirect cost rate proposal to:
National Business Center
Indirect Cost Services
U.S. Department of the Interior
2180 Harvard Street, Suite 430
Sacramento, CA 95815-3317
Tribal recipients may also budget for IDCs pending approval of their IDC rate by the cognizant Federal agency (DOI); however, recipients may not draw down indirect costs until their rate is approved. In other words, you can submit a draft rate agreement (as submitted to DOI) to EPA as part of your application package, but the final approved rate agreement should be sent to EPA as soon as it is received (ideally before award). Additionally, you cannot draw down IDCs until this rate is final.
Similarly, exceptions to use an expired rate may be granted by EPA according to EPA IDC Policy; please see FAQ titled "How do I request a regulatory exception to use an expired ‘fixed rate with carry-forward’ IDC agreement?".
All applicants can also elect to use a de minimus rate of 15% of modified total direct costs (MTDC); please see FAQ titled "What if my agency does not have an approved indirect cost rate agreement or our rate is expired?".