What projects are eligible for an EN grant?
Section 3A of the Solicitation Notice presents EPA's annual assistance activities, current EN funding areas (which must be supported in a proposed project), and a list of project write-ups known as EN ‘project opportunities’. These EN project opportunities are listed in Appendix A, Appendix B, Appendix C, and provide potential applicants with the information needed to design a proposal for a particular data exchange, data service, or project type. Applicants can apply under one or multiple EN project opportunities or propose projects without a specific EN project opportunity write-up.
- Appendix A contains opportunities designed to help agencies adopt innovative business processes, data management practices and services to support their workflows
- Appendix B includes opportunities designed to eliminate paper submittals and expand e-reporting required as part of EPA programs. Opportunities within Appendix B are created by EPA National Program Offices to help their stakeholders submit and share programmatic data for ten EPA programs
- Appendix C has opportunities available only to Tribes and territories to build IT and data management capacity necessary to manage their environmental programs and enable increased participation in the EN
Note: Grant funds are intended for development of projects or data management; funding is not available for operations and maintenance.