Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) Virtual Listening Sessions for the Gulf of Mexico States
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) Virtual Listening Sessions for the Gulf of Mexico States
The Gulf of Mexico Division (GMD) hosted three Gulf-wide virtual listening sessions to obtain input from stakeholders on issues and concerns impacting quality of life. The goals of these listening sessions were to provide an opportunity for stakeholders to learn about BIL and the funding received by GMD and for GMD to hear from partners about project ideas that would directly benefit underserved communities, under this RFA.
If you would like to provide input, please review the videos and let us know how GMD focus areas can help address issues in your community by sending an email to
Also, please email questions to
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) Virtual Listening Sessions for the Gulf of Mexico States Video Recordings
Please view the videos for sessions of interest.
March – March Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Virtual Listening Session
April - April Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Virtual Listening Session
May - May Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Virtual Listening Session