Environmental Justice Virtual Listening Sessions for the Gulf of Mexico States
Environmental Justice Virtual Listening Sessions for the Gulf of Mexico States
The Gulf of Mexico Division (GMD) hosted five virtual listening sessions for each Gulf of Mexico State to obtain input from stakeholders on issues and concerns impacting quality of life. The goals of these listening sessions were to provide an opportunity for stakeholders to learn about the priorities of GMD and to serve as a platform for participants to inform the development of a future Environmental Justice Request for Applications (EJ RFA) for projects in the five Gulf States.
If you would like to provide input, please review the videos and let us know how GMD focus areas can help address issues in your community by sending an email to GCEJLS_GMD@epa.gov.
Also, please email questions to GCEJLS_GMD@epa.gov.
Environmental Justice Virtual Listening Sessions for the Gulf of Mexico States Video Recordings
Please view the videos for sessions of interest.
MS: Mississippi EJ Virtual Listening Session
LA: Louisiana EJ Virtual Listening Session
AL: Alabama EJ Virtual Listening Session
TX: Texas EJ Virtual Listening Session
FL: Florida EJ Virtual Listening Session
Frequently Asked Questions (pdf)
Please click the file to view the FAQs.