Environmental Issues in Illinois' Cahokia Heights and Metro-East Neighborhoods
The Metro-East Region is an area in southern Illinois, east of St. Louis, Missouri. The area includes the cities of East St. Louis, Cahokia Heights, Caseyville, and Village of Sauget and others.
The community expressed the following environmental challenges:
- Sanitary sewer overflows.
- Flooding issues.
- Threats to drinking water.
- Air pollution.
- Historical contamination.
Latest News
Cahokia Heights/Metro-East Coordinator Position
Representative Budzinski’s requests:
- Budzinski Secures the EPA’s Commitment to Appoint Cahokia Heights Response Coordinator
- Budzinski Secures Appointment of the EPA Coordinator for Cahokia Heights Flooding and Sewage
The EPA appointed the first coordinator in October of 2023. The coordinator works with residents, community organizations, and agencies to provide information on wastewater, drinking water and flooding in the area.
Metro-East Infrastructure Project Matrix
Betsy worked closely with more than 35 organizations to develop, for the first-time, a summary of area:
- Infrastructure projects.
- Funding needs.
- Funding opportunities.
- Funding use.
This summary is called the Matrix and the Matrix was released for the first time in May 2024. For more information see The EPA Announces Funding Update for Drinking Water, Wastewater and Flood Prevention in Cahokia Heights/Metro East, Illinois.
To request a copy of the Matrix, email Coordinator Betsy Nighingale (Nightingale.Elizabeth@epa.gov).
Public Meetings for Matrix Explanation and Intended Use
In June 2024, EPA held three public meetings to show how to use the Matrix and answer community questions. EPA recorded one of the meetings as a reference for anyone who could not make one of the meetings.
Recording of the June 11, 2024 meeting
Reporting Sewage or Drinking Water Emergencies
Report Drinking Water Emergencies (pdf) (189.09 KB)
Report Sewage Emergencies (pdf) (187.19 KB)
Upcoming Meetings
Cahokia Heights Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Grant Meetings
Flooding Resources
- The EPA - Flooding information
- Federal Emergency Management Agency - Flooding Information
- Illinois Department of Natural Resources - Flooding Information
- Illinois Department of Public Health - Flood Cleanup Resources
- Illinois Emergency Management Agency - Recovery
- National Weather Service - Homepage
- National Weather Service Central Region Headquarters
- Saint Clair County, Illinois
General Community Resources
- Cahokia Heights Sewer Project
- City of Cahokia Heights
- City of East St. Louis
- East Side Health District
- Heartlands Conservancy - Prairie Dupont Watershed Plan
- Illinois Dept. of Natural Resources - Prairie Du Pont Watershed Storm Sewer Survey Information Viewer
- Illinois Environmental Protection Agency - Cahokia Heights Financial Assistance Projects
- St. Clair County, IL
- The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Louis District Cahokia Heights Support Homepage
- U.S. Representative Nikki Budzinski
Other Active Projects or Actions
EPA staff work with residents, community organizations, private companies, and governmental agencies on other projects in the Metro-East area.
- EPA Announces Settlement with Gulfstream Aerospace Services Corp. in Cahokia, Illinois, for Alleged Clean Air Act Violations
- Veolia Sauget Air Permitting
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
- Jennison-Wright Corporation Superfund Site
- NL Industries/Taracorp Lead Smelter Superfund Site
- North Alcoa Site
- Old American Zinc Superfund Site
- Sauget Area 1 Superfund Site
- Sauget Area 2 Superfund Site
Technical Assistance
Completed Projects
Drinking Water - Unilateral Administrative Order
Cahokia Heights Metro East Coordinator
Betsy Nightingale (Nightingale.elizabeth@epa.gov)
312-886-6294 or 800-621-8431, ext. 66163