Stormwater Discharges from Industrial Activities-Electronic Reporting
- Electronic Reporting Overview
- NPDES Electronic Reporting Tool
- New NOIs, Change NOIs, Annual Reports, NOTs, and NECs
- Accessing NetDMR
- Guidance and Training
- NOI Search
- Electronic Signature Agreement Mailing Address
Electronic Reporting Overview
EPA requires the following 2021 MSGP forms be submitted electronically unless granted a waiver from the EPA Regional Office:
- Notice of Intent (NOI)
- Change NOI
- Annual Report
- Notice of Termination (NOT)
- Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) and
- Conditional No Exposure Certification (NOE)
NPDES Electronic Reporting Tool (NeT)
EPA has improved the security of the NPDES Electronic Reporting Tool (NeT) to ensure organizations only have access to their permit forms and information. NeT users will now "own" or have access to specific NPDES IDs to prepare or submit: Changes to NOIs, Notices of Terminations (NOTs), or Annual Reports associated with that NPDES ID.
- NPDES Security Enhancement: Details for MSGP Certifiers (docx)
- NPDES Security Enhancement: Details for MSGP Preparers and Duly Authorized Representative for Certifiers (DARCs) (docx)
New NOIs, Change NOIs, Annual Reports, NOTs, and NECs
NeT-MSGP is accessed through EPA’s Central Data Exchange (CDX). Access the NeT-MSGP directly, or follow the instructions below:
- New Users: If you do not have a CDX account,
- create a new account to add to the NeT-MSGP program, or follow step-by-step instructions:
- learn how to create a new MSGP account in CDX
- Existing CDX Users: If you already have a CDX account,
- Existing Net-MSGP Users: No action is required if you have an existing CDX account with the old Net-MSGP service. You will now see two MSGP program services under your CDX account:
- The OLD service is called “LEGACYNETEPAMSGP: NeT - EPA NPDES Stormwater Industrial Multi-Sector General Permit (Legacy)”
- The NEW service is called “NETEPAMSGP: NeT - EPA Multi-Sector General Permit for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity”
Accessing NetDMR
EPA requires operators to use NetDMR to electronically prepare and submit all Monitoring Reports (DMRs) under the 2021 MSGP.
NetDMR is separate from NeT-MSGP and requires separate registration.
Register for NetDMR
- Access the NetDMR homepage.
- Select your EPA regional regulatory authority and click on the link to register for a new account.
Note: If you are registering for a Signatory role—so you can electronically sign and submit DMRs—you first must sign and submit a Subscriber Agreement (SA) to the EPA regional regulatory authority. This can be done electronically or via paper.
Reporting Changes in Monitoring Requirements
NetDMR automatically populates your electronic DMR form with monitoring parameters and frequency from information submitted on your NOI form (i.e., industrial sector(s), discharges to impaired waters, applicable numeric effluent limits). It also will update your form as you report changes to your monitoring requirements.
EPA requires you to report the following changes to your monitoring schedule by submitting a Change NOI form in NeT-MSGP:
- Benchmark and/or impaired monitoring requirements now apply because your facility has changed from inactive and unstaffed to active and staffed or circumstances change, and industrial materials or activities become exposed to stormwater.
- If after submitting your NOI, you need to correct or update any fields (i.e., your activities change triggering monitoring for any discharge point, the water body into which you are discharging is considered impaired, etc.).
You no longer are required to report monitoring results using NetDMR once you have fulfilled your monitoring requirements for the permit term.
You are required to continue reporting your results using NetDMR if you have only partially fulfilled your benchmark and/or impaired waters monitoring requirements; for example:
- Your four-quarter average is below the benchmark for some but not all parameters, or
- You detected some—but not all—impairment pollutants.
For other benchmark monitoring schedule changes, or if there are any errors with the parameters and monitoring frequency on your DMR form, contact or call 866-352-7755 between 8 a.m.–5 p.m. ET to request changes to your DMR form.
Guidance and Training
- ICIS, NetDMR and ECHO Support - Fr user support and to stay updated with news, announcements, and training information.
- How to complete the annual report - For a refresher on how to properly submit your MSGP Annual Report, please review the linked PowerPoint presentation.
NOI Search
- For NOIs submitted under the 2008 MSGP and NOEs submitted before June 4, 2015, go to the 2008 MSGP search page.
- For NOIs submitted under the 2015 MSGP and NOEs submitted on or after June 4, 2015, go to the ECHO search page.
For NOIs submitted under the 2015 MSGP, and the 2021 MSGP and NECs submitted on or after April 1, 2018, go to the Enterprise Portal.
Electronic Signature Agreement Mailing Address
For Regular U.S. Mail Delivery:
Stormwater Notice Processing Center
Mail Code 4203M
ATTN: 2015 MSGP Signature Agreement
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20460
For Overnight/Express U.S. Mail Delivery:
Stormwater Notice Processing Center
William Jefferson Clinton East Building - Room 7420
ATTN: 2015 MSGP Signature Agreement
1201 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20004