Graymont Rexton Facility (MI) LLC
Graymont Rexton Facility (MI) LLC
1. Facility Information
Graymont Rexton Facility (MI) LLC
2. Location
46.193452, -85.119178, Caffey, Hendricks Township MI
3. Distance from US/Canada Border
About 88 km via auto
4. Facility Type and Size
Lime manufacturing
5. Sources of Emissions
limestone crushing, Lime kilns, outdoor stockpiles, storage silos
6. Type of Fuel
natural gas, diesel fuel for emergency engine use only
7. Type and Quantity of Emissions
CO 258.4 tpy; PM10 82.0 tpy; PM 2.5 116.6 tpy; NOx 131.4 tpy; VOC 33.3 tpy; SO2 14.3 tpy; CO2e 632,045 tpy; lead 0.0006 tpy.
8. Emission Control Technology
low NOx burners for NOx control and dust collection baghouse for particulate matter.
9. Date Permit Application Received
10. Permit Agency Contact
Cindy Smith
Permit Section Manager
Air Quality Division
Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy
517-284-6803 |