Public Notice: Clean Water Act Certification for the Old Faithful Wastewater Treatment Plant and Collection System Project in Yellowstone National Park
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) received a request from the National Park Service, Yellowstone National Park for a Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 401 water quality certification (WQC) for the above project. Section 401(a)(1) of the CWA requires applicants for Federal permits and licenses that may result in any discharge into waters of the United States to obtain certification or waiver from the certifying authority where the discharge would originate.
The EPA acts as the certifying authority on lands of exclusive federal jurisdiction in relevant respects, in this case on lands within Yellowstone National Park. The EPA will act on this certification request by either: (1) granting certification; (2) granting certification with conditions; (3) denying certification; or (4) expressly waiving certification consistent with CWA Section 401 and the EPA’s implementing regulations at 40 CFR 121.
The proposed project would be covered under USACE CWA Section 404 Nationwide Permit (NWP) 58. NWP 58 authorizes utility line activities for water and other substances and addresses impacts to waters of the U.S. from pipeline activities that are not related to oil, natural gas, or petrochemicals.
Project Description
Yellowstone National Park
Project Location
44.45112, -110.810390 in Yellowstone National Park
Unnamed wetlands in the Yellowstone River watershed
The proposed project is to rehabilitate and replace components of the Old Faithful Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) and upgrade segments of the collection system to improve wastewater treatment and collection. The project includes construction at the existing Old Faithful WWTP, two sewer lift stations, sewer collection/lateral lines and manholes. The project also includes replacement of the septage receiving system and headworks and upgrades to telemetry/supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) and other automated systems for the Park.
Work within waters of the United States (wetlands) is limited to the manhole rehabilitation, including, but not limited to, installing a cement-based lining, and replacing the manhole frame and cover, at the following sites:
- a wetland meadow adjacent to Myriad Creek. Construction will result in approximately 0.033 acres of temporary impact to wetlands from 2.22 cubic yards of fill (i.e., wetland mats and plywood) for construction equipment access.
- a riverine wetland next to the Old Faithful Inn. Construction will result in approximately 0.002 acres of temporary impacts to wetlands from 0.15 cubic yards of fill (i.e., wetland mats and plywood) for construction equipment access.
- a riverine wetland next to the Old Faithful Inn. Construction will result in approximately 0.007 acres of temporary impacts to wetlands from 0.45 cubic yards of fill (i.e., wetland mats and plywood for construction equipment access.
Upland work completed for the project includes repairs on sewer mains, replacement of full pipe sewer mains, pipe cleaning, installation of cured-in-place pipe liner, and open cut lateral replacements.
Public Comments
Submit comments as described in the “How to Comment” box at the righthand side of this webpage. The EPA must receive comments by 11:59 pm MST on February 5, 2025.
All comments received prior to the end of the comment period will be considered in the preparation of the Clean Water Action Section 401 Water Quality Certification and will be part of the administrative record. Contact Estella Moore (; 303-312-6329) to request additional information, public notice updates, submit comments or provide additional information relevant to this certification.
At this time there is no opportunity to review the submitted material and documents in person at an EPA office. These documents are only available electronically and can be provided upon request.
Notice of any extension of the comment period will be published on this page and sent to those who have requested updates.
Public Hearings
Any person may request, in writing within the comment period specified in this notice, that a public hearing be held to consider this application. If the Administrator, in his or her discretion, determines that a public hearing is appropriate or necessary, the EPA will schedule a public hearing. You may request a public hearing using the information in the “How to Comment” box on the righthand side of this webpage.
Project Applicant
Yellowstone National Park
Cameron H. Sholly, Superintendent
(307) 344-2002
Authorized Agent
Sara Straub, Environmental Protection Specialist
Yellowstone Center for Resources