Beverage Can Surface Coating Industry: New Source Performance Standards (NSPS)
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Rule Summary
These standards implement Section 111 of the Clean Air Act and are based on the Administrator's determination that beverage can surface coating operations cause, or contribute significantly to, air pollution which may reasonably be anticipated to endanger public health or welfare. The intended effect of these standards is to require all new, modified, and reconstructed beverage can surface coating operations to control emissions to levels achievable through the best demonstrated system of continuous emission reduction, considering costs, nonair quality health, and environmental and energy impacts.
The standards apply to beverage cans defined as two-piece steel of aluminum containers in which soft drinks or beer (including malt liquors) are packaged. Containers in which fruit or vegetable juices are packaged are excluded. The promulgated standards reduce nationwide VOC emissions by approximately 3,190 tons (2,900 Mg), approximately 32 percent from the baseline emission level.
Rule History
10/17/2000 – Final Rule; Amendments to Stationary Source Testing and Monitoring Rules
12/13/1990 – Final Rule; Amendments to Stationary Source Reporting Requirements
08/25/1983 – Beverage Can Surface Coating Industry Final Rule (pdf) (13.7 MB)
11/26/1980 – Beverage Can Surface Coating Industry Proposed Rule (pdf) (30.2 MB)
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