Build America, Buy America (BABA) Resources
Guidance from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and Made in America Office (MIAO)
- 2 CFR 184, - Buy America Preferences for Infrastructure Projects (released August 23, 2023, effective on October 23, 2023).
- M-24-02, Final guidance for implementing the Build America, Buy America Act (pdf) (318 K) (released October 25, 2023).
- M-24-11, Reducing Burden in the Administration of Federal Financial Assistance (pdf) (137 K) (released April 4, 2024).
- 2 CFR 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (released April 22, 2024, effective date October 1, 2024).
- Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.
Inquiries and Assistance
- For Office of Mission Support (OMS), please email
- For Office of Water (OW), please email
- For Office of Land and Emergency Management (OLEM), please email
- For Office of Research and Development (ORD), please email
- For Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ), please email
- For Climate Pollution Reduction Grants, please email
- For Office of International and Tribal Affairs (OITA), please email
- For Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF), please contact
Office of Water Presentations
- Domestic Preference Overview (January 2025) (pdf)
- Understanding BABA General Applicability Waivers and Project-Specific Waiver Processing (January 2025) (pdf)
- Codified and Other Official Guidance (January 2025) (pdf)
- Manufacturers, Suppliers, and Distributors (March 2023) (pdf)
- Manufacturers, Suppliers, and Distributors (September 2023) (pdf)
Example Manufacturer Certification Letter Templates
- Certification Letter Template for Iron and Steel Products (pdf)
- Certification Letter Template for Manufactured Products (pdf)
- Certification Letter Template for Construction Materials (pdf)
- Example Manufacturer Certification Letter (pdf)
About Market Research
Market research helps:
- Refine the Government's need;
- Determine whether that need can be met by the existing market;
- Determine whether the product exists as a domestically manufactured resource.
The documented results of market research can be used by a program or an agency to learn about products for subsequent needs and to form broader strategies for obtaining those products.
The market research must describe the activities and methods used to identify domestically manufactured items capable of satisfying the requirement, including the timing of the research and conclusions reached on the availability of domestic sources with supporting data.
If fraud, waste, abuse or any violation of the law is suspected, the Office of Inspector General (OIG) should be contacted immediately. The OIG can be reached at 1-888-546-8740 or More information can be found at the OIG Hotline website.