Factsheet: What to Know About the EPA’s Proposed Plan for Addressing Lead in Residential Soils
On this page:
On October 16, 2024, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released a Proposed Plan for changes to the existing cleanup level of lead in residential soils at the Butte Priority Soils Operable Unit (BPSOU) of the Silver Bow Creek/Butte Area Superfund Site. We encourage interested citizens to read the Proposed Plan and attend the Open House (10/29) and Public Meeting (11/18). The Butte community is also invited to take part in a 60-day public comment period, which will run through December 16, 2024. Public Comment period has been extended until February 14, 2025.
Existing BPSOU Boundary and Proposed Modification
Red outline
- Existing BPSOU Boundary
- 4,265 acres
- 4,700 households
Purple outline
- Proposed BPSOU Modification
- 3,637 additional acres
- 7,253 additional households
Proposed Changes
1. Lower Cleanup Level for Lead in Residential Soils
The EPA proposes to lower the BPSOU-specific cleanup level for lead in residential soils and interior dust from 1,200 mg/kg (which is equivalent to parts per million) to 175 mg/kg.
2 . Expand the BPSOU Boundary
The EPA proposes to expand the current BPSOU boundary to incorporate densely populated residential neighborhoods impacted by historic mining operations in Butte. Properties within the expanded BPSOU boundary (see map) will need to be sampled and evaluated for contamination to determine if cleanup is necessary.
3. Extend the Timeline for Cleanup
The increased number of properties that will need to be sampled and evaluated for cleanup will take additional time, so the EPA proposes to extend the anticipated timeline for cleanup. The EPA expects sampling and evaluating additional properties will take 15 years (at about 640 residences per year). While the number of properties that will require cleanup due to the lowered cleanup level and expanded BPSOU boundary is unknown, the EPA expects the cleanup will take an additional 25 years to complete.
YOU Have a Voice in the Change
The public comment period (Oct. 16 , 2024 - Feb. 14, 2025) for the Proposed Plan will have multiple opportunities for the public to learn more and provide feedback, including an open house and public meeting. We welcome your input. Written comments will be accepted throughout the comment period and there will be one opportunity to provide verbal comments. EPA is hosting an open house prior to the public meeting to provide an interactive and informational learning session. While verbal comments will not be recorded at the open house, written comments are welcomed. The public meeting, which will be recorded by a stenographer, is the only opportunity to provide verbal public comment. In addition, written comments can be emailed to (EPAButtePPcomments@epa.gov) or mailed. After the comment period closes, all comments will be evaluated and modifications may be made to the plan as appropriate. The comments received and EPA’s responses to them will be provided in a Responsiveness Summary, issued as part of the ROD Amendment formalizing the changes in the Proposed Plan.
Get the Details
There are several ways to learn more about the Proposed Plan:
- Read the plan: The Proposed Plan(pdf)(2pp, 3.0MB)
Instructions on how to comment (in person at the public meeting or in writing) are given in the Proposed Plan. - Attend the Open House and Public Meeting. See below for where and when.
- Reach out. Contact Mackenzie Meter, EPA Community Involvement Coordinator, (meter.mackenzie@epa.gov).
Tips for Reducing Lead Exposure
Families can take simple steps to reduce exposure to lead in soil. Removing shoes before entering your home, washing hands before eating, and using a damp cloth to wipe down high-touch surfaces are all effective strategies. For more information on reducing exposure to lead in soil visit the CDC website: Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention
Updated National Guidance Prompts BPSOU Cleanup Changes
In January 2024, the EPA released revised guidance for residential soil lead cleanups based on updated science showing adverse effects from lead exposure at lower levels than were previously understood. In Butte, the EPA reevaluated the current cleanup level of 1,200 parts per million (ppm) for the BPSOU.
Cleanup at the BPSOU is ongoing and will continue during this period of proposed change.
The proposed changes outlined in the Proposed Plan will only modify the portion of the cleanup that addresses lead in residential soils and interior dust. All other components of the cleanup outlined in the 2006 Record of Decision (ROD), 2011 Explanation of Significant Differences, and the 2020 ROD Amendment remain in place. The three remedy component changes presented in the Proposed Plan are listed on the front of this fact sheet.
Office Hours
(speak with EPA staff)
October 22 and Dec. 5, 2024
Noon – 2 p.m.
27 W. Park St, Butte
Public Meeting
(provide formal verbal comments)
Monday, November 18, 2024
6 – 7:30 p.m.
Montana Tech Student Union,
Copper Lounge
1300 W. Park St., Butte
Open House
(informational learning session)
Tuesday, October 29, 2024
6 – 7:30 p.m.
Montana Tech Student Union,
Copper Lounge
1300 W. Park St., Butte
Download a print-friendly version of this factsheet:
Factsheet: What to Know About the EPA’s Proposed Plan for Addressing Lead in Residential Soils (pdf) (22pp, 849KB)