Explore Programs Related to the Collision Repair Campaign
Related federal programs
- OSHA’s “$afety Pays” Program
This tool can be used to calculate the health benefits derived when collision repair businesses adopt best practices to reduce air toxics. - NIOSH Hazard Controls: Control of Dust From Sanding in Auto Body Repair Shops
A document alerting workers to dangers of hazardous components of paint spray, including metals such as lead and chromium, polyisocyanates, and liquid organic solvents. - Small Business Environmental Assistance Program (SBEAPs)
Click on your state to contact your confidential nonregulatory technical assistance provider.
- Resources for Notification of (or Petition for) Exemption
The Small Business Environmental Assistance Programs (SBEAPs) have curated lists from all the major paint manufacturers that show which if any automotive paints contain the target HAPs. These provide an easy reference for you to submit with your notification of (or petition for) exemption. You will find that most paints no longer contain the target HAPs thanks to reformulation.
Other related programs
- Coordinating Committee for Automotive Repair -- CCAR operates the National Automotive Environmental Compliance Assistance Center for the automotive industry in cooperation with EPA.
- Safe Shops (a program of the Boston Public Health Commission) -- this website contains information about the safe shops program, its resources, training, education and environmental practices.
- Iowa Waste Reduction Center’s Painter Training -- IWRC offers online training for the painting and coatings industry, including:
- VirtualPaint -- a virtual painting system that allows training without the use of paint.
- STAR4Defense -- a training program for military spray technicians and training instructors.
- New Jersey
- VOC Compliance for Auto Body Shops (pdf) -- a factsheet to provide guidance on air regulations that affect auto body shops in New Jersey.
- Alliance for Auto Service Providers of NJ -- AASP advances the professionalism and excellence in the automotive repair industry through education, representation, and member services
- California
- Pacific Northwest Pollution Prevention Resource Center's Spray Painting Efficiency Training and the New NESHAP