Conflict Prevention and Resolution Services Contract
All EPA headquarters, Regional, and field offices can use the Conflict Prevention and Resolution Services Contract to obtain expert services to prevent or resolve conflict. The contract is a Task Order contract, which means that the EPA office requesting the service provides the funding, statement of work and the local task manager for each individual project. The CPRC provides overall contract management. You can find the contract statement of work here.
The current contract was awarded in 2019 for a period of five years. The prime contractor for the contract is ERG in Lexington, MA. More than 100 highly skilled individuals and firms experienced in managing environmental disputes and located throughout the country are available to EPA offices as subcontractors. Most individuals whose services are available through the contract practice full-time as neutral third parties and have managed a wide range of environmental disputes for many federal, state, local agencies, and private clients. The contract statement of work provides for strict conflict of interest checks and adherence to professional standards of conduct and ethical guidelines.
The prime contract is currently not actively seeking additions to the roster. Inquiries regarding possible listing as a subcontractor should be addressed to the prime contractor rather than the CPRC.