State Tier II Reporting Requirements and Procedures
To obtain Tier II reporting procedures and requirements for your state or territory, please click on the state or territory where the reporting facility is located.
At this time, EPA is not aware of any tribes that are implementing the hazardous chemical inventory reporting requirements under the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) sections 311-312. If your facility is on tribal lands, please contact your state and tribe to determine your reporting requirements.
American Samoa
District Of Columbia
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Puerto Rico
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
Virgin Islands (U.S.)
West Virginia
Alabama Tier II Reporting Requirements
Tier II Administration: Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM)
Phone: (334) 260-2700
Email for questions/assistance: Beth Woodfin (
Tier II Submission E-mail:
Special Instructions: Alabama’s SERC requires electronic submission using one of the two approved filing options.
- Option 1: Filing online using E-Plan ($25 per facility per year) or
- Option 2: Using the EPA’s Tier2 Submit Software and submitting the .t2s file to (free).
There are two state required fields: 1) Master ID #, and 2) Valid email address for proof of receipt. Please see the above webpage for additional information. Please note: Master ID requests can take 7-14 business days to be processed. ADEM is not liable for late reports due to late Master ID requests.
Alaska Tier II Reporting Requirements
Tier II Administration: Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation
ATTN: Kathy Shea
555 Cordova Street
Anchorage, AK 99501
Phone: (907) 269-3071
Special Instructions: Alaska requires the use of E-Plan for Tier II submittals. More information and instructions are available at
American Samoa Tier II Reporting Requirements
Tier II Administration: American Samoa Environmental Protection Agency
Ignosy Toeava, Manager
HazMat Branch
Pago Pago, American Samoa
Email: Ignosy Toeava (
Office: (684) 633-2304
Mobile: (684) 733-2473
Arizona Tier II Reporting Requirements
Tier II Administration: Arizona Emergency Response Commission
Dave Varela
Emergency Resources Coordinator
Tier II Project Manager
Arizona Department of Environmental Quality
1110 West Washington St.
Phoenix, AZ 85007
Contact: Dave Varela
Special Instructions: Use Arizona Emergency Response Commission online reporting tool.
Online Tier II Reporting: Arizona Emergency Response Commission.
Arkansas Tier II Reporting Requirements
Tier II Administration: Arkansas Division of Emergency Management
Building #9501, Camp Joseph T. Robinson
North Little Rock, AR 72199
Phone: (501) 683-6700
Special Instructions: Arkansas is requesting facilities to use Tier2 Submit and submit electronically. Download the latest version of Tier2 Submit (EPA site). See the Arkansas Division of Emergency Management website for specific reporting details -
California Tier II Reporting Requirements
Tier II Administration: California Emergency Management Agency
Phone Contacts: See the Unified Program Staff page.
Special Instructions: Submissions are made electronically via the California Environmental Reporting System (CERS).
Colorado Tier II Reporting Requirements
Tier II Administration: Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
4300 Cherry Creek Drive South
Denver, Colorado 80246-1530
Primary Tier II Contact: Gabe Catenacci
Phone: (720) 908-5481
Email: Gabe Catenacci (
Special Instructions: Colorado requires that Tier II reports be filed using EPA’s Tier2 Submit software and submitted to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE). Colorado has developed a platform, Colorado Environmental Online Services (CEOS), to handle a variety of environmental reporting requirements. Effective for reporting year 2018 (calendar year 2019) forward, Tier II reporting must occur through CEOS. CEOS will accept only validated T2S files. Visit CDPHE’s Tier II webpage for detailed instructions. Emailed reports will not be accepted. You can find more information on CEOS here:
Colorado has instituted a single-point submission process for Tier II reporting. Facilities are not required to provide the same report to the local emergency planning committee (LEPC) or the local fire department unless those agencies maintain local reporting requirements. Please check with your LEPC and fire district to determine if direct Tier II reporting to their agency is required. Tier II data submitted to the state will be distributed to the LEPCs and local fire districts.
Colorado has instituted several state-specific Tier2 Submit requirements. These requirements are found under the “State Field” tab in Tier2 Submit. Please see Colorado’s Tier II webpage for information.
Connecticut Tier II Reporting Requirements
Tier II Administration: CT State Emergency Response Commission
79 Elm Street
Hartford, CT 06106-5127
Phone: (860) 424-3373
Special Instructions: The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CT DEEP) manages EPCRA data for the Connecticut State Emergency Response Commission. CT DEEP uses the online Hazconnect® Tier II Manager system and also accepts EPA's Tier2 Submit electronic file submissions via email attachment to Refer to the SERC Website for specific reporting details. Facilities are still required to submit reports directly to their Local Emergency Planning Committee and fire department.
Delaware Tier II Reporting Requirements
Tier II Administration: State of Delaware Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA)
Delaware EPCRA Reporting Program
Emergency Response & Strategic Services Section, DNREC
155 Commerce Way, Suite B
Dover, DE 19904
Phone: (302) 739-9405
Special Instructions: Delaware requires facilities use Tier II Manager to submit Tier II reports. Please see the Delaware Tier II website for further details -
District of Columbia Tier II Reporting Requirements
Tier II Administration: Homeland Security & Emergency Management Agency
2720 Martin Luther King Jr Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20032
Frederick Goldsmith
Phone: (202) 481-3169
Email: Frederick Goldsmith (
Special Instructions: The District of Columbia requires all Tier II reports be submitted through the HSEMA Online Tier II Manager database. Tier II report preparers must register via
Florida Tier II Reporting Requirements
Tier II Administration: Florida Division of Emergency Management Technological Hazards Section
2555 Shumard Oak Blvd.
Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100
Phone: (850) 815-4317
Fax: (850) 815-4298
Email: Wendy Reynolds (
Special Instructions: Florida only accepts online filing of Tier II reports and fee payment using E-Plan ( Online payments may be made with credit card or bank account (e-check). Please Note: Florida requires all Tier II maximum amounts be listed in pounds (not range codes).
Georgia Tier II Reporting Requirements
Robert Mangum, Emergency Response Manager
Georgia Environmental Protection Division
16 Center Road
Cartersville, Georgia 30120
Phone: (470) 587-6872
Email: Robert Mangum (
Special Instructions: Georgia now requires all reporting to be electronic utilizing E-Plan. Please see Georgia's instructions at:
Tier II Administration: Guam Environmental Protection Agency
17-3304 Mariner Avenue
Tiyan Barrigada, Guam 96913-1617
Phone: (671) 300-4751/ 52
Fax: (671) 300-4531
Email for Submission:
Email for Inquiries: Chie Takase ( or Derien Mitchell (
Special Instructions: Guam is requesting facilities to use Tier2 Submit and submit electronically. A new version of Tier2 Submit is created around November of each year. Download the latest version of Tier2 Submit.
Hawaii Tier II Reporting Requirements
Tier II Administration: Office of Hazard Evaluation and Emergency Response
Phone: (808) 586-4249
Email: Sharon Leonida (
Special Instructions: Hawaii is requesting facilities to use Tier2 Submit and submit electronically via e-permitting portal.
A new version of Tier2 Submit is created around November of each year. Download the latest version of Tier2 Submit. Reports and fees are due annually by March 1; failure to file on time will be subject to penalties.
Hawaii requires that each facility enter its State issued unique Hawaii Tier 2 Facility ID. The ID is permanently linked to the facility address/location and will not change once assigned. A facility that has never reported for Tier2 can request a new Hawaii Tier2 ID:
Idaho Tier II Reporting Requirements
Tier II Administration: Idaho Office of Emergency Management
4040 Guard Street, Bldg. 600
Boise, ID 83705-5004
Phone: (208) 258-6584
Email Inquiry:
Email for submitting Tier II reports:
Special Instructions: Idaho is requesting facilities to use Tier2 Submit and submit electronically. A new version of Tier2 Submit is created around November of each year. Download the latest version of Tier2 Submit.
Illinois Tier II Reporting Requirements
Tier II Administration: Illinois Emergency Management Agency
Illinois Emergency Management Agency
Tier 2 Reporting
1035 Outer Park Drive
Springfield, IL 62704
Phone: (217) 558-0559
Email for inquiry:
Special Instructions: Illinois is requiring facilities to use the Tier II Manager On-Line Filing System. Only Tier II Manager submissions will be accepted. Please see the Illinois web site for further details -
Indiana Tier II Reporting Requirements
Tier II Administration: Indiana Department of Homeland Security
Phone: (317) 234-5151
Special Instructions: Indiana is requiring facilities to file electronically using Tier II Manager.
Iowa Tier II Reporting Requirements
Tier II Administration: Iowa Department of Natural Resources
Address: Emergency Response and Homeland Security Unit
c/o Simon Stecker
502 E 9th St.
Des Moines, IA 50319
Phone: (515) 783-7346
Special Instructions: Iowa only accepts Tier II information submitted through E-Plan. Iowa does require two Emergency Contacts. See the website above for more details.
Kansas Tier II Reporting Requirements
Tier II Administration: Kansas Division of Health and Environment
Right-to-Know Program
1000 SW Jackson, Suite 330
Topeka, KS 66612-1365
Primary Contact: Marla Oestreich
Phone: (785) 296-1688
Email: Marla Oestreich (
Secondary Contact: Michael Seastrom
Phone: (785) 296-4298
Email: Michael Seastrom (
Special Instructions: Kansas facilities must submit using their web based reporting system located at
Kentucky Tier II Reporting Requirements
Tier II Administration: Kentucky Emergency Management (KYEM)
Phone: (502) 607-1682
Special Instructions: Tier II reports and fees are due annually by March 1. Kentucky facilities must submit their EPCRA section 312 reports, corrections, updates, and payments using the Hazconnect® online reporting system:
The Kentucky Emergency Response Commission (KERC) is responsible for the collection and maintenance of Kentucky’s EPCRA notifications and reporting of sections 302, 311, and 312 (Tier II). The purpose of the online reporting portal is to provide state and local officials with specific information on hazardous chemicals present at Kentucky facilities for use in emergency preparedness, planning, and emergency response.
Reports submitted after the due date of March 1, will be fined a one-time late fee of $250 per facility IAW KRS 39E.990 (2).
Facilities no longer need to submit to the KERC, Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC), and Fire Departments. Instead, a single submittal through Hazconnect® satisfies all three submissions.
Submission of the Tier II report form by facilities that meet the reporting requirements established under Section 312 of SARA Title III is required. Specifically, facilities are required to report their possession of Extremely Hazardous Substances (EHS) stored at 500 pounds or the Threshold Planning Quantity (TPQ), whichever is less. In addition, facilities must report any hazardous chemical for which a Safety Data Sheet is required under the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, and which is stored in the amount of 10,000 pounds or more. For more information on the list of EHS and their TPQ, or to obtain more information on the reporting requirements, please review the information available on the Kentucky Emergency Response Commission website at
If you have any questions or need assistance reporting, please contact the Program Manager at or (502) 607-1682.
Louisiana Tier II Reporting Requirements
Tier II Administration: Louisiana State Police
Emergency Services Unit
P.O. Box 66168, A-16
Baton Rouge, LA 70896
Phone: (225) 925-4893
Webpage(s): LA Tier II Guidance Documents -
LA Tier II Electronic Filing -
Special Instructions: Louisiana requires facilities to submit electronic inventory reports using the Louisiana State Police Tier II Inventory Filing website. Louisiana does not accept submissions from Tier II Submit, Tier II Manager, or E-Plan. Please visit the LA Tier II Guidance Documents website for more information. Additional information on submissions can be found here:
Maine Tier II Reporting Requirements
Tier II Administration: Maine Emergency Management Agency
72 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333-0072
Phone: 1 (800) 452-8735 (ME only)
(207) 624-4400 (outside ME)
Special Instructions: All facilities are required to report electronically. A new version of Tier2 Submit is created around November of each year. Download the latest version of Tier2 Submit.
Maryland Tier II Reporting Requirements
Tier II Administration: Maryland Department of the Environment
1800 Washington Blvd.
Baltimore MD 21230
Phone: (410) 537-3800
Fax: (410) 537-3873
Contact: Ms. Patricia S. Williams
Email: Patricia S. Williams (
Massachusetts Tier II Reporting Requirements
Tier II Administration: Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency
State Emergency Response Commission
400 Worcester Road
Framingham, MA 01702-5399
Phone: (508) 820-2099
Special Instructions: Massachusetts requests facilities to submit electronic reports using the Hazconnect® System. Detailed information may be found on MEMA’s website here:
Facilities will receive an email acknowledgement of their submission.
Please contact your Emergency Planning Committee (EPC) and local fire department to determine how to submit.
Submissions are required for these entities:
- The Massachusetts SERC
- Your Emergency Planning Committee (EPC)
- Your local fire department
The list of all EPCs is available on the MEMA Website listed above.
Please contact the Massachusetts SERC at for additional information or assistance.
Michigan Tier II Reporting Requirements
State Emergency Response Commission
EMHSD/Michigan Department of State Police
Post Office Box 30634
Lansing, Michigan 48909
Contact: Thomas Matzke
Phone: (517) 224-6349
Special Instructions: Reports must be submitted online using the Tier II Manager™ software. Access this program by going to the SARA website and selecting “SARA Title III Hazardous Chemical Inventory.” Access the latest version of the "Michigan Facilities’ Guide to SARA Title III, Emergency Planning, and Release Reporting” by going to the SARA website and selecting “SARA Title III.” Additional information can be found at
Minnesota Tier II Reporting Requirements
Tier II Administration: Minnesota Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) Program
445 Minnesota St. Suite 223
St. Paul, MN 55101-6223
Phone: (651) 201-7417
Email: Chris Marnell (
Minnesota accepts Tier II data electronically using the Tier II Manager software only. Minnesota will accept hard copy submissions using the Minnesota state-specific form only.
Mississippi Tier II Reporting Requirements
Tier II Administration: Mississippi Emergency Management Agency
Phone: (601) 933-6347
Contact: Judson Cavanaugh
Email: Judson Cavanaugh (
Emergency Management Website:
Special Instructions: The Mississippi State Emergency Response Commission now requires the use of the web-based program E-Plan for all Tier II submittals.
Missouri Tier II Reporting Requirements
Tier II Administration: Missouri Emergency Response Commission
2302 Militia Drive
PO Box 3133
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Phone: (573) 526-9240
Contact: Karen Eagleson
Email: Karen Eagleson (
Special Instructions: Submit all Tier II reports on the MISSOURI TIER TWO Electronic filing tool located at
Montana Tier II Reporting Requirements
Tier II Administration: Montana Department of Environmental Quality
P.O. Box 200901
1520 East 6th Avenue
Helena, MT 59620-0901
Phone: (406) 431-3148
Contact: Jennifer Strause
Email: Jennifer Strause (
Special Instructions: Montana uses E-Plan for accepting online submissions of Tier II chemical inventory information and any EPCRA notifications. Facilities must submit their Tier II report by logging into E-Plan's Online Tier II Reporting System. Montana does not collect fees for this submittal. Montana does not accept hard copies. Montana follows EPA requirements and does not have state-level requirements.
EPCRA 312: Hazardous chemical reporting website:
Nebraska Tier II Reporting Requirements
Tier II Administration: Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy
245 Fallbrook Blvd, Suite 100
Lincoln, NE 68521
Phone: (402) 471-2186
Contact: Mark Lohnes
Email: Mark Lohnes (
Nevada Tier II Reporting Requirements
Tier II Administration: Nevada State Fire Marshal and State Emergency Response Commission
107 Jacobsen Way
Carson City, NV 89711
Phone: (775) 687-7524
Fax: (775) 684-7518
Special Instructions: Nevada has implemented the "Nevada Online Hazardous Materials Reporting System" for State Fire Marshal permitting and EPCRA reporting. The system and instructions are accessed through the State Fire Marshal's website at The direct web address to the system is Additional information can be found at
New Hampshire Tier II Reporting Requirements
Tier II Administration:
NH Department of Safety - Division of Fire Safety
State Fire Marshal's Office
33 Hazen Drive
Concord, NH 03305
Contact: James Stone
Phone: (603) 223-4289
The State of New Hampshire will only accept electronic submissions via the NH Tier II portal. Additional information and instructions for submission through the portal can be found at Additionally, Tier II submissions are required to be submitted to LEPCs and Local Fire Departments.
New Jersey Tier II Reporting Requirements
Tier II Administration: New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
Special Instructions: New Jersey only accepts electronic submissions via the eCRTK Survey. Additional information on submitting through eCRTK can be found at
New Mexico Tier II Reporting Requirements
Tier II Administration: New Mexico Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management
State Emergency Response Commission
Hazardous Materials Program
U.S. Mail: P.O. Box 27111, Santa Fe, NM 87508
Non-P.O. Box Delivery Service: 13 Bataan Blvd., Santa Fe, NM 87502
Phone: 505-415-2983
Fax: 505-476-9695
Special Instructions: New Mexico requires facilities to use Tier2 Submit. Facilities may send their submission electronically via email. Alternate submission methods are available for larger submissions. For more information, please see: A new version of Tier2 Submit is created around November of each year. Download the latest version of Tier2 Submit.
New York Tier II Reporting Requirements
Tier II Administration: New York State Emergency Response Commission
C/O The New York State Office of Emergency Management
1220 Washington Avenue, Building 22, Suite 101
Albany, New York 12226-2251
Phone: (518) 292-2302
Special Instructions: New York State is strongly encouraging facilities to use E-Plan as the basic Tier II reporting methodology. By using E-Plan, those required to report will satisfy the Tier II submission to the State. The decision to accept online reporting to LEPCs and fire departments has been left up to each individual jurisdiction. Please review the reporting guidance material at the website link above. Please contact the Planning Section at (518) 292-2302 for more information.
North Carolina Tier II Reporting Requirements
Tier II Administration: North Carolina Division of Emergency Management
4236 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-4236
Phone: (984) 328-0923
Special Instructions: North Carolina only accepts Tier II information submitted through E-Plan. See the website above for more details.
North Dakota Tier II Reporting Requirements
Tier II Administration: North Dakota Division of Homeland Security
North Dakota Department of Emergency Services
Division of Homeland Security
Hazardous Chemicals Preparedness & Response Program Coordinator
P.O. Box 5511
Bismarck, ND 58506-5511
Phone: (701) 328-8112
Jeff Thompson
Hazardous Chemical Officer
Phone: (701) 328-8216
Email: Jeff Thompson(
Additional information can be found at
Ohio Tier II Reporting Requirements
Tier II Administration: Ohio Environmental Protection Agency
Phone: 614-644-2260
Special Instructions: Ohio is requesting facilities to use Tier2 Submit and submit electronically. A new version of Tier2 Submit is created around November of each year. Download the latest version of Tier2 Submit. Additional Information can be found at
Oklahoma Tier II Reporting Requirements
Tier II Administration: Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality
Phone: (405) 702-5137 or (405) 702-5100
Email: Matt Wormus (
Special Instructions: Oklahoma is requesting facilities to use Tier2 Submit and submit electronically. A new version of Tier2 Submit is created around November of each year. Download the latest version of Tier2 Submit.
Oklahoma DEQ accepts electronic Tier2 Submissions via a specialized internet collection utility. Please visit for more information.
Oregon Tier II Reporting Requirements
Tier II Administration: Oregon Community Right to Know Protection Act
Hazard Substances Reporting Information
Oregon State Fire Marshal
3991 Fairview Industrial Drive SE
Salem, OR 97302-9614
Information Request Line
Phone: (503) 378-6835
Fax: (503) 934-2362
Hazardous Substance Information Hotline
Phone: (503) 378-6835 or 1 (800) 454-6125
Pennsylvania Tier II Reporting Requirements
Tier II Administration: Department of Labor and Industry
651 Boas Street/Room 1600
Harrisburg, PA 17121-0750
Phone: (717) 783-2071, Option 0
Fax: (717) 783-5099
Contact: Michelle K. Motter
Email: Michelle Motter (
Special Instructions: Tier2 Submit is not an accepted method for Tier II reporting in Pennsylvania. Facilities are strongly encouraged to use the commonwealth’s electronic reporting system, PATTS.
Puerto Rico Tier II Reporting Requirements
Tier II Administration: Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources
Yolanda Martínez Quesada, EIT
Emergency Response Division Direction
San Jose Industrial Park
1375 Ave Ponce de Leon
San Juan, PR 00926
Phone: (787) 999-2200 ext. 5911
Email: Yolanda Martínez Quesada (
Special Instructions:
Submissions are required to these entities:
- Puerto Rico State Emergency Response Commission (SERC)
- Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC)
- Local Fire Department
Puerto Rico SERC is requesting facilities to use Tier2 Submit and to then submit the electronic file in a 3.5” diskette or CD, with one zip file submission. The diskette or CD should be submitted to the PR SERC address with a company cover letter and label on the diskette or CD.
Puerto Rico SERC Contact: Lcdo. Rafael A. Machargo Maldonado, Secretary
Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources
San Jose Industrial Park
1375 Ave Ponce de Leon
San Juan, PR 00926
Phone: (787) 999-2200 ext. 2126
A new version of Tier2 Submit is created around November of each year. Download the latest version of Tier2 Submit.
Puerto Rico SERC will not accept e-mail submissions. You must mail a 3.5 diskette or CD with one zip file submission to the PR SERC address with a company cover letter and label on the diskette or CD.
Puerto Rico does not collect fees for filing Tier2 forms.
For LEPC and Local Fire Department submissions, you must send a print copy of the Tier2 Submit report.
Rhode Island Tier II Reporting Requirements
Tier II Administration: Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management
Office of Emergency Response
235 Promenade Street
Suite 438
Providence, RI 02908-5767
Phone: (401) 222-1360 x 7128
Special Instructions: Rhode Island requires facilities to use Tier2 Submit and submit electronically by email at: A new version of Tier2 Submit is created around November of each year. Download the latest version of Tier2 Submit.
South Carolina Tier II Reporting Requirements
Tier II Administration: DHEC
SCSERC EPCRA Reporting Point
2600 Bull St.
Columbia SC, 29201
Phone: (803) 896-4116
Contact: Jim Martin
Webpages: and
Special Instructions: South Carolina is requiring all facilities to use E-Plan to submit Tier II reports.
South Dakota Tier II Reporting Requirements
Tier II Administration: South Dakota Dept. Agriculture and Natural Resources
Joe Foss Building
523 E Capitol
Pierre, SD 57501
Phone: (800) 433-2288
Contact: Kelsey Newling
Email: Kelsey Newling (
Special Instructions: South Dakota accepts either paper (hardcopy) submittals or submittals performed using the South Dakota online Tier II reporting website (
Reporting facilities are reminded Tier II reports must also be filed with the local Fire Department and Local Emergency Planning Committee.
Tennessee Tier II Reporting Requirements
Tier II Administration: Tennessee Emergency Response Commission
3041 Sidco Dr.
Nashville, TN 37204
Phone: (615) 253-3157 or (615) 741-0001
Special Instructions: The State of Tennessee requires all facilities operating in Tennessee to electronically file Tier II reports using E-Plan.
Facilities are required to provide Tier II information to the following entities:
- State Emergency Response Commission (SERC). Electronic submission of the Tier II report with E-Plan. A paper copy is not required.
- Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) in the county the facility is located. Contact the appropriate LEPC to confirm whether they require a paper copy of the Tier II report. A paper copy of the electronic submission can be printed from E-Plan and supplied to the LEPC.
- Local fire department in the county the facility is located. Contact the appropriate fire department to confirm whether they require a copy of the Tier II report. A paper copy of the electronic submission can be printed from E-Plan and supplied to the fire department.
E-Plan charges $25.00 per facility to submit a Tier II report. The charge is paid directly to E-Plan. The state has no additional charges. Tier II reports are due by March 1st of each year.
E-Plan Link and Technical Support: Use Online Tier2 eSubmit section for Tier II submitters, facility managers, and business owners
For questions or assistance, call (615) 253-3157 or (615) 741-0001. Email:
Texas Tier II Reporting Requirements
Tier II Administration: Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Tier II Chemical Reporting Program
Phone: (512) 239-5060 or 1 (800) 452-2791 (toll-free within the state of Texas)
Special Instructions: All Tier II reports will need to be submitted via the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality’s STEERS Tier II online application Tier II online application. See the training guides and videos on our resources webpage for guidance.
Utah Tier II Reporting Requirements
Tier II Administration: Utah Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Environmental Response and Remediation
Attn: Tier 2 Coordinator
195 North 1950 West
Salt Lake City, UT 84116
Phone: 801-536-4100
Special Instructions: The Utah Department of Environmental Quality (UDEQ) is tasked by state statute to manage Tier 2 data for the Utah State Emergency Response Commission (SERC). UDEQ requires that each facility use EPA's Tier 2 Submit software for the current reporting year. A new version of the EPA Tier2 Submit is created in November of each year. Facilities must use the latest software version each year to avoid errors in submissions. Download the latest version of Tier2 Submit.
UDEQ will only accept Tier2 Submit (.t2s) electronic file submissions through the UDEQ Tier 2 Submission Portal ( Access to the portal is obtained by following the instructions at
When using the Tier2 Submit application, UDEQ requires that each facility enter its unique Utah Tier 2 State ID. This 8-character ID will consist of six digits preceded by “UT.” For example, "UT001234." The ID is permanently linked to the facility address/location and will not change once assigned. Facilities can lookup their Tier 2 ID under the My Facilities page in the portal. A facility that has never reported for Tier 2 in the past can request a new ID through the New Facility Request option in the portal.
Facilities that need to backfile Tier 2 reports for previous years will not be able to submit reports through the Tier 2 Submission Portal. The Tier 2 Submission Portal is only set to the current reporting year. If you need to file for a previous year, first obtain the Tier2 Submit software version that corresponds to the previous reporting year by contacting the Risk Management Plan (RMP) Reporting Center ( or call (703) 227-7650. The RMP Reporting Center is staffed on weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time. When you are ready to backfile your report, please contact the Tier 2 Coordinator at
Reporting facilities are reminded Tier 2 reports must also be filed with the local Fire Department and Local Emergency Planning Committee. (LEPC). LEPC contact information can be found at and by scrolling down to the link for “Find your local LEPC here.”
Currently, there are no state fees for Tier 2 filing.
For questions, email or call the Tier 2 Coordinator at (801) 536-4100.
Vermont Tier II Reporting Requirements
Tier II Administration: Tier II Compliance Program
Division of Fire Safety
Attn: Chief Patrick McLaughlin
45 State Dr. Waterbury, VT 05671
Phone: (802) 479-7586
Email: Patrick McLaughlin (
Special Instructions: Vermont's Community Right-To-Know Program, 20 VSA Chapter 1, Vermont’s Rules and Regulations dated October 1995, and the Federal Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA), which is a part of 42 USC Chapter 116, require that certain hazardous materials must be reported annually between Jan 1 - March 1 for the preceding calendar year.
The Vermont State Emergency Response Commission (SERC) requires facilities to submit Tier II reports using the EPA Tier2 Submit software. EPA provides this software application at no charge. Electronic submission via .t2s file will be the only means of accepted submission. Download the latest version of Tier2 Submit.
The Tier II File, a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for each reported hazardous material, if required (new chemical not reported in previous year) must be submitted to the following:
- State Emergency Response Commission (SERC) – Tier II Submit Portal at
Complete registration, follow the prompt, and upload your .t2s file. Once the report has been received, an invoice for the fees owed will be generated and email notification will be sent.
Payment can be mailed to the following address with the appropriate fee, payable to "Department of Public Safety - HSF".
Division of Fire Safety
Attn: Community Right-to-Know Program
45 State Dr. Waterbury, VT 05671
Alternatively, payment can be made through the submission portal via eChecks only.
- New Statewide Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) - (Electronic file only) - Emailed to
- Local Responding Fire Department - Hard copy, or as required by local jurisdiction.
More information can be found on the program at the Vermont EPCRA Compliance website
Virgin Islands Tier II Reporting Requirements
Tier II Administration: VI Department of Planning and Natural Resources
4611 Tutu Park Mall, Ste. 300
St. Thomas, VI 00802
Special Instructions: VI Department of Planning and Natural Resources accepts both paper and electronic Tier II report, but electronic files are preferred.
The email provided ( ) sends emails directly to the DPNR and to the current Fire Chief. When submitting electronic reports, you do not need to submit a separate email to the Fire Chief.
For paper submittals, copies must be sent to both the DPNR and the VI Fire Services. Addresses are provided below:
VI Department of Planning and Natural Resources (DPNR)
4611 Tutu Park Mall, Ste. 300
St. Thomas, VI 00802
St. Croix District:
VI Fire Services
3019 Orange Grove
Christiansted, VI 00802
St. Thomas – St. John District
VI Fire Services
1005 Ross Taarneberg
St Thomas, VI 00802
EPA's Tier II forms are located at Call (340) 773-8050 for the appropriate contact for VI Fire Services and (340) 774-3320 for the DPNR contact.
Virginia Tier II Reporting Requirements
Tier II Administration: Virginia Department of Environmental Quality
VA DEQ SARA Title III Program
1111 East Main St., Suite 1400
Richmond, VA 23219
Post Office Box:
P.O Box 1105
Richmond, VA 23218
Phone: (804) 698-4000
Special Instructions: Virginia is requesting facilities to use Tier2 Submit and submit electronically. A new version of Tier2 Submit is created around November of each year. Download the latest version of Tier2 Submit.
Washington Tier II Reporting Requirements
Tier II Administration: WA Department of Ecology, Community Right-to-Know Unit
P.O. Box 47659
Olympia, WA 98504-7659
Phone: 1 (800) 633-7585, option 1
Webpage: Tier Two reporting - Washington State Department of Ecology
Special Instructions: Washington state accepts Tier Two data with our online reporting application, Tier Two Online. Once you submit your report online, you can download a copy of your report to save and send to local agencies. Read details on our Tier Two reporting webpage.
Note: Washington State does not accept the federal Tier2 Submit. Please file your report using Washington’s Tier Two Online. There are no state fees for Tier Two filing.
West Virginia Tier II Reporting Requirements
WV Department of Homeland Security
Emergency Management Division
Tony Domingo
1700 MacCorkle Avenue, 6th floor
Charleston, WV 25314
Telephone: (304) 558-5380
Alternate assistance: Heather Fittro
Telephone: (304) 558-5380
Special Instructions: The WVSERC has implemented mandatory electronic filing using HazConnect (formerly Tier II Manager).
HazConnect link:
Wisconsin Tier II Reporting Requirements
Tier II Administration: Wisconsin Emergency Management EPCRA Program
Attn: Facility Reporting Section
P.O. Box 7865
Madison, WI 53707-7865
Phone: (608) 242-3225
Special Instructions: Wisconsin accepts Tier Two data and other reporting requirements electronically using our WHOPRS website only: Wisconsin will accept hard copy submissions using Wisconsin state-specific forms only which can be found here:
Wyoming Tier II Reporting Requirements
Tier II Administration: Wyoming Office Homeland Security
5500 Bishop Blvd
Cheyenne, WY 82002
Phone: (307) 777-4900
Special Instructions: Wyoming requires facilities to use the new online reporting portal. In addition, Wyoming now requires that the company name for Tier II reporters needs to be assigned to ALL of the stations/facilities they own and file reports on. Use the website link above to access the system.
The Wyoming SERC requires facilities that fall under Section 302 reporting requirements (Extremely Hazardous Materials), complete the EHS worksheet, found on the Wyoming Office of Homeland Security website reporting portal, for reporting year 2021 and beyond. Once completed, the EHS worksheet is attached to the T2S file for the facility submission. Alternatively, submission of a current Facility Emergency Response Plan that includes a site plan (with location of EHS identified) will fulfill this requirement. The EHS worksheet or the Emergency Response Plan with sitemap (can be separate files) is attached to the T2S file for the facility submission.
Any questions may be directed to Nick Wardle (, telephone: (307) 777-4951.