EPS Partnership Accomplishments
Since 1999, members of the U.S. electric power industry have partnered with EPA's SF6 Emission Reduction Partnership for Electric Power Systems and voluntarily reported their SF6 emissions and nameplate capacity estimates to the partnership.
Note: Some Partners may be subject to EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (GHGRP) and must report emissions, nameplate capacity, and other related data as described in Subpart DD - Use of Electric Transmission and Distribution Equipment. This data is collected by EPA's GHGRP, not the partnership.
The partnership’s average annual SF6 emission rate is a benchmark metric by which achievements of the partnership are tracked. This rate is the ratio of SF6 emissions relative to total SF6 nameplate capacity (i.e., the total quantity of SF6 contained in electrical equipment). Other metrics such as mass emissions and nameplate capacity are also tracked.