Subpart U – Miscellaneous Uses of Carbonate
This page provides resources for subpart U reporters, including implementation information as well as supporting documents for relevant rulemakings.
This source category consists of any facility that is covered by the rule and that uses any form of carbonate (CO32-) in a manufacturing process that emits carbon dioxide (CO2). Carbonates covered by this rule include limestone (CaCO₃), dolomite (CaMg(CO3)2), ankerite (Ca(Fe,Mg,Mn)(CO3)2), magnesite (MgCO3), siderite (Fe++CO3), rhodochrosite (MnCO3), and sodium carbonate (Na2CO3). Facilities are considered to emit CO2 if they consume at least 2,000 short tons (tons) per year of CO32- heated to a temperature sufficient to allow the calcination reaction to occur.
This subpart does not cover the use of CO32- for producing cement, ferroalloys, glass, iron (Fe) and steel, lead (Pb), lime, phosphoric acid (H3PO4), pulp and paper, soda ash, sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3), sodium hydroxide (NaOH), and zinc (Zn), because these processes are covered by other parts of this rule.
Reporter Resources
Subpart U Regulatory History
Federal Register Date | Citation | Action | Description | First reporting year impacted |
4/25/2024 | 89 FR 31802 | Final Rule |
Updates global warming potentials (GWPs), expands the GHGRP to new source categories, and revises the requirements for certain sectors to improve the data collected and program implementation. |
2024 (updated GWPs for existing reporters) 2025 (all other changes) |
12/09/2016 | 81 FR 89188 | Final Rule | Revises 29 subparts to streamline implementation, improve data quality, provide flexibility, and clarify the rule. Establishes confidentiality determinations for new or substantially revised data elements. Final action in response to a Petition for Reconsideration. Final Preamble and Rule (PDF) (87 pp, 801K) Response to Comments Final Rule Fact Sheet Memo: Table of Final 2015 Revisions to the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Rule Proposed Preamble and Rule (PDF)(91 pp, 890K) |
2017 |
10/24/2014 | 79 FR 63750 | Final Rule | Amends reporting and recordkeeping requirements and establishes an alternative electronic verification approach for 23 subparts to address concerns regarding public disclosure of business sensitive information while maintaining EPA’s ability to verify emissions and ensure compliance. Final Preamble and Rule (PDF) (51 pp, 633K) Response to Comments Fact Sheet Proposed Preamble and Rule (PDF) (31 pp, 550K) Memorandum: List of ‘Inputs to Equations’ Data Elements Not To Be Reported More Information |
2014 |
05/26/2011 | 76 FR 30782 | Final Rule | Finalizes confidentiality determinations for 34 subparts for data elements that are not inputs to emissions equations. Finalizes amendments to 40 CFR 2 governing CBI obtained under 40 CFR 98. Final Preamble and Rule (PDF) (37 pp, 330K) Proposed Preamble and Rule (07/07/2010) (PDF)(40 pp, 366K) Correction Notice (PDF)(6 pp, 167K) Response to Comments Proposed Preamble and Rule (07/27/2010) (PDF) (4 pp, 164K) Fact Sheet Memo: Final Data Category Assignments and Confidentiality Determinations for Part 98 Reporting Elements More Information |
2010 |
10/30/2009 | 74 FR 56260 | Final Rule | Finalizes the first 30 subparts of 40 CFR Part 98, comprising subparts A, C, D, E, F, G, H, K, N, O, P, Q, R, S, U, V, X, Y, Z, AA, BB, CC, EE, GG, HH, JJ, LL, MM, NN, OO, and PP. Final Preamble and Rule (PDF) (260 pp, 1.4MB) Proposed Rule Proposed Preamble Response to Comments Technical Support Document: Miscellaneous Uses of Carbonate |
2010 |