Training and Technical Assistance for Tribes in Region 10
The table below contains a listing of some of the training opportunities for Region 10 tribes that are hosted, funded, or sponsored in collaboration with EPA. Additional details about upcoming trainings are also available in our weekly news digest.
Training | Provider | Date | Topic | Type | Description | Primary Audience | Location |
Tribal Environmental Webinars | EPA | Various dates | Administrative | Webinars | EPA Region 10 hosts webinars on a wide variety of administrative and environmental topics. | Tribal administrators, bookkeepers & accountants, environmental staff | Online |
Grants Management Training for Applicants and Recipients | EPA | On demand | Administrative | Online training | EPA's Grants Management Training for Applicants and Recipients is highly recommended for all GAP grantees. The training includes 6 modules:
Tribal administrators, bookkeepers & accountants, environmental staff | Online |
Watershed Academy | EPA | On demand | Water | Online training | EPA's online Watershed Academy provides self-paced training modules and webcasts from national experts about a range of watershed management topics. | Environmental staff | Online |
Tribal Environmental Leaders Summit | Region 10 Tribal Operations Committee (RTOC) | Annual | General environmental | Conference | The Tribal Environmental Leaders Summit provides tribal leaders in EPA Region 10 the opportunity to meet and share environmental concerns with other tribes and EPA. The summit is typically held in March or April in different locations throughout Region 10. | Tribal councils, tribal administrators, environmental staff | Various locations |
Alaska Forum Online Environmental Training Courses | Alaska Forum | General Environmental | General environmental | Online training | The Forum provides a wide variety of environmental trainings online throughout the year. | Environmental staff | Online |
Capacity & Training: 7 Generations | Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC) | Various dates | General environmental | Workshop/class | 7 Generations introduces participants to a community-based approach for developing and implementing local environmental plans. The training focuses on team building, community involvement, identifying environmental concerns that can impact health, and learning about ways to address local issues. To find this training, click on the "7 Generations" tab in the middle of the page. | Tribal leaders and environmental staff | Anchorage |
Emergency Management Framework for Tribal Governments | FEMA Emergency Management Institute | Various dates | Emergency management | Workshop/class | Assists tribal communities in understanding emergency management principles and developing and implementing comprehensive emergency management systems. | Environmental staff | Emmitsburg, MD |
Emergency Operations for Tribal Governments | FEMA Emergency Management Institute | Various dates | Emergency management | Workshop/class | Assists tribal officials in developing organizational structures, operational procedures, and resources for effective emergency operations. | Environmental staff | Emmitsburg, MD |
Mitigation for Tribal Governments | FEMA Emergency Management Institute | Various dates | Emergency management | Workshop/class | Gives tribal governments a foundation for reducing or preventing potential losses from natural or other hazards. | Environmental staff | Emmitsburg, MD |
Emergency Management Overview for Tribal Leaders | FEMA Emergency Management Institute | Various dates | Emergency management | Workshop/class | Give tribal leaders an understanding of emergency management principles and practices in order to protect tribal citizens, lands and culture. | Tribal leaders and environmental staff | Various locations |
Continuity of Operations (COOP) for Tribal Governments | FEMA Emergency Management Institute | Various dates | Emergency management | Workshop/class | Gives tribal governments a foundation for ensuring operation of essential government functions during emergency events. | Tribal leaders and environmental staff | Various locations |
Building Strong and Effective Organizations | Foraker Group | Various dates | Administrative | Workshop/class, Webinars | The Foraker Group serves as a capacity-building organization for nonprofits and tribes across Alaska. In-person training is available on a variety of topics, such as:
Tribal councils, tribal administrators, bookkeepers and accountants | Various locations |
Air Quality Trainings | Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP) | Various dates | Air | Workshop/class | ITEP holds a wide variety of air quality trainings on topics such as:
Environmental staff | Various locations |
Climate Change Planning Training | Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP) | Various dates | Climate | Workshop/class | These ITEP trainings focus on climate change adaption planning. | Environmental staff | Various locations |
Waste & Response Trainings | Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP) | Various dates | Solid waste | Workshop/class | ITEP holds a wide variety of solid waste trainings on topics such as:
Environmental staff, landfill operators & administrators | Various locations |
Solid Waste Training and Technical Assistance Program | Zender Environmental | Various dates | Solid waste | Workshop/class | Zender holds a wide variety of solid waste trainings on topics such as:
Environmental staff, landfill operators & administrators | Various locations |
Water Quality and Soil Sampling Training | Zender Environmental | Various dates | Water | Workshop/class | Zender's Qualified Sampler Training (Water Quality and Soil Sampling) teaches participants how to take water and soil samples to send for laboratory contaminant testing, how to test on-site for surface water fecal coliform, and how to sample and monitor for the basic water quality parameters using a YSI probe and turbidity meter. Passing this course satisfies the State of Alaska training requirements to become a qualified sampler. | Environmental staff | Various locations |
Tribal Waste and Response Courses | Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP) | On demand | Brownfields | Online training | ITEP's online training includes:
Environmental staff | Online |
Tribal Air Quality Courses | Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP) | On demand | Air | Online training | ITEP's online training includes:
Environmental staff | Online |
Tribal Capacity & Training Webinars | Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC) | On demand | Administrative | Webinars | ANTHC has a wide range of recorded webinars on administrative topics, including:
Tribal administrators, bookkeepers & accountants, environmental staff | Online |
IGAP Networking Webinar/ Teleconference |
Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC) | Monthly | General environmental | Teleconference | ANTHC hosts monthly GAP Networking Calls for GAP grantees in Alaska. The calls provide space to communicate program successes, share experiences, and ask for technical assistance. |
Environmental staff and tribal administrators | Phone |
Rural Alaska Community Environmental Job Training Program (RACEJT) | Zender Environmental | Annual (typically March-May) | General environmental | Education/job training | The RACEJT works to provide environmental training for residents of rural communities impacted by environmental health issues. Training is available on becoming a Landfill Operator, Environmental Technician, Emergency Spill Responder, Home Fuel Tank Inspector, Certified Sediment and Erosion Control Lead, Forklift Operator, Water and Soil Sampler, or Backhaul materials specialist. Applicants must be unemployed or under-employed and live in a rural village consisting of 30% or more Alaska Natives. Applications are typically due in November. | Community members | Anchorage |
Tribal Healthy Homes Network Webinars | Tribal Healthy Homes Network (THHN) | On demand | Air | Webinars | THHN has three recorded webinars on indoor and outdoor air quality:
Environmental staff | Online |
Solid Waste Bootcamp | Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation | Various dates | Solid waste | Webinars | DEC's Solid Waste Bootcamp is a webinar training series that covers topics such as solid waste 101, how administrators and operators are different, what’s possible as an GAP Coordinator, backhaul 101, and much more. Contact: Trisha Bower ( | Environmental staff, landfill operators & administrators | Online |
Northern and Interior Alaska Solid Waste Training and Teleconference | Alaska Dept. of Environmental Conservation | Monthly | Solid waste | Teleconference | The Northern and Interior Region Solid Waste Monthly Teleconference serves Northern and Interior tribes facing solid waste issues. You must register monthly. Contact: Trisha Bower ( | Environmental staff, landfill operators & administrators | Phone |
Alaska Forum on the Environment | Alaska Forum | Annual (typically February) | General environmental | Conference | The Alaska Forum on the Environment is a large environmental conference covering a wide range of tribal environmental issues. | Tribal councils, tribal administrators, environmental staff, landfill operators & administrators | Anchorage |
Alaska Tribal Administrators Association Symposium | Alaska Tribal Administrators Association | Annual | Administrative | Conference | The Alaska Tribal Administrators Association Symposium focuses on best practices for tribal council and administrative collaboration to strengthen delivery of services to tribal members. | Tribal administrators | Anchorage |
Alaska Tribal Conference on Environmental Management | Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium | Annual (typically October/November) | General environmental | Conference | The Alaska Tribal Conference on Environmental Management (ATCEM) is an annual environmental conference for tribes, nonprofits, the state of Alaska, and federal agencies. The discussions focus on finding and implementing solutions to address the unique environmental concerns facing communities in Alaska. | Tribal councils, tribal administrators, environmental staff, landfill operators & administrators | Anchorage |
BIA Tribal Providers Conference | Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) | Annual (typically November) | General environmental | Conference | BIA Providers covers a wide range of topics of interest to tribes. GAP may cover a portion of the travel costs if the grantee is attending sessions that relate to the tribe's GAP work plan. Check with your Project Officer. | Tribal councils, tribal administrators, environmental staff, landfill operators & administrators | Anchorage |
National Tribal Forum on Air Quality | Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP) | Annual (typically May) | Air | Conference | The National Tribal Forum on Air Quality focuses on current policies, regulatory initiatives, and technical topics in air quality. | Environmental staff | Various locations |
Tribal Lands & Environment Forum | Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP) | Annual | General environmental | Conference | The Tribal Lands & Environment Forum (TLEF) focuses on solid/hazardous waste management, brownfields, underground storage tanks, Superfund sites, emergency response, and water quality. | Environmental staff | Various locations |
Alaska Rural Management Certificate | Alaska Pacific University (APU) | Ongoing | Administrative | Education/job training | The Alaska Rural Management Certificate provides foundational skills and understanding of management, as well as discussion and consideration of management issues in rural Alaska. The certificate is designed to provide relevant education for Tribal administrators, utility managers, and municipal managers and to improve access to management education. | Tribal administrators | Anchorage |
Alaska Native Executive Leadership Program Certificate | Alaska Pacific University (APU) | Ongoing | Administrative | Education/job training | The Alaska Native Executive Leadership Certificate program focuses on executive leadership development designed to enhance and grow the capacity of future Alaska Native leaders. | Tribal administrators, environmental staff | Anchorage |
Tribal Governance Program | University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) | Ongoing | Administrative | Education/job training | UAF's Tribal Management Program offers an Associate of Applied Science Degree and a Certificate in Tribal Management. Students obtain job-related skills and knowledge needed for positions within tribal and local governments and other organizations in rural Alaska. Concentrations are available in Community & Economic Development, Community Health & Wellness, Environment & Natural Resources, Tribal Governance & Law, Tribal Planning, and Tribal Transportation. | Tribal administrators, environmental staff | Anchorage |
Smoke Management in the Northwest | EPA | Annual (typically March) | Air | Conference | The Annual EPA-Sponsored Smoke Management Meeting in the Northwest brings together burners both public and private, air quality regulators, researchers, and others to discuss smoke management and air quality protection in the Pacific Northwest. Sessions provide information about regional and national policies, new tools, available resources, forecasts and management plans. | Environmental staff | Various locations |
Air Quality Planning for Wildland Smoke | Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP) | On demand | Air | Webinar | A six-part recorded webinar series covering modeling tools and monitor information, response planning, communication strategies, and public health topics related to wildland smoke. | Environmental staff | Online |
Swinomish Climate Change and Health Assessment Project Training Modules | Oregon State University | On demand | Climate | Online training | Two learning modules describe how the Swinomish Indian Tribal Community used the Center for Disease Control and Prevention's health assessment framework to better reflect indigenous health definitions and priorities, and how other tribe’s can tailor the process for use in their own community’s climate assessment efforts. | Environmental staff | Online |
National Brownfields Conference | EPA and International City/County Management Association (ICMA ) | Annual (typically December) | Brownfields | Conference | Training and networking sessions focus on cleaning up and reusing brownfield sites in order to to revitalize communities, spur economic growth, restore the environment, and protect public health. | Environmental staff | Various locations |
Underground Storage Tank Operator Exams | EPA | On demand | Underground storage tanks | Online training | EPA developed class A and class B UST operator exams to help UST system owners and operators in Indian country meet the 2015 federal UST regulation requirements. Designated operators can access the exam, as well as EPA’s guidance documents, which can help them prepare for and complete the exam. | Environmental staff | Online |
Water Quality Standards Academy | EPA | Twice a year | Water | Workshop/class | The Water Quality Standards Academy is an introductory course designed for those with six months to one year of experience with water quality standards and criteria programs. However, others may benefit from the course, including veterans of the water quality standards program who want a refresher course. Find a Region 10 contact for the Academy. | Environmental staff | Washington, DC |
Training Courses on Quality Assurance and Quality Control Activities | EPA | On demand | QAPPs | Online training | Online training is available in eight modules, including Introduction to Quality Assurance Project Plans, Introduction to Quality Management Plans, and Overview of the EPA Quality System. | Environmental staff | Online |
Quality Assurance Project Plans | Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP) | On demand | QAPPs | Online training | This online series consists of nine courses and addresses all 24 elements of a Quality Assurance Project Plan. | Environmental staff | Online |
Turbo-QAPP Videos | Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP) | On demand | QAPPs | Online training | This online training includes 5 videos on using ITEP's TurboQAPP software. The software guides users through creation of a Quality Assurance Project Plan. | Environmental staff | Online |
How to Plan Projects Using the Uniform Federal Policy for QAPPs | EPA | On demand | QAPPs | Online training | This online training includes 5 videos on how to plan projects using the Uniform Federal Policy for Quality Assurance Project Plans | Environmental staff | Online |
Contaminated Site Clean-Up Information | EPA | On demand and in person | Brownfields | Online training, in-person classes/workshops, and conferences | This site includes many resources and training opportunities, ranging from introductory to advanced. | Environmental staff | Online and in person |
Contaminated Site Clean-Up Information | EPA | On demand and in person | Solid Waste |
Online training, in-person classes/workshops, and conferences | This site includes many resources and training opportunities, ranging from introductory to advanced. | Environmental staff | Online and in person |
Contaminated Site Clean-Up Information | EPA | On demand and in person | Superfund | Online training, in-person classes/workshops, and conferences | This site includes many resources and training opportunities, ranging from introductory to advanced. | Environmental staff | Online and in person |
Quality Assurance Project Plans: Technical Assistance | Various Providers | On demand | QAPPs | Technical assistance | Multiple organizations, such as the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, ANTHC, ITEP and the TAMS Center (air), Yukon River Inter-Tribal Watershed Council (water), and Zender Environmental (solid waste, water), provide one-on-one technical assistance to tribes seeking to develop Quality Assurance Project Plans. Contact these organizations to learn more. | Environmental staff | Phone |
RUBA Financial Management for Rural Utilities | Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation | Various dates | Administrative | Workshop/class | RUBA provides an overview of financial operations for rural utilities. If space is available, tribal administrators may attend. Topics cover basic processes and procedures for financial reporting, fund accounting, budgeting, collections, risk managements, audits, and rate setting. | Tribal administrators | Various locations |
Water Operator Trainings and Certifications | Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation | Various dates | Water | Online training, in-person classes/workshops, webinars | The State of Alaska offers a wide variety of trainings for Alaska-based water operators, such as Water Treatment Operator, Small Systems Webinar Series, Wastewater Analysis, Financial Management for Rural Operators, and more. | Water operators | Various locations and online |
National Tribal & Indigenous Climate Conference | Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP) | Every other year in even years | Climate | Conference | This conference focuses on climate-related impacts, assessments, tools, adaptation, mitigation, and actions, and the intersection of western science and adaptation strategies with Traditional/Indigenous Knowledges. | Environmental staff | Various locations |
EPA Region 10 Tribal Training on Water Quality Monitoring (106) and Non-Point Source Pollution (319) | EPA, Squaxin Island Tribe | Every other year in even years | Water | Workshop/class | This training provides an opportunity for tribes to share the CWA 106 and CWA 319 projects they are working on and expertise they have gained. For more information, contact the Squaxin Island Tribe at | Environmental staff | Various locations |
Tribal Climate Health Trainings | Tribal Climate Health Project | Various dates | Climate | Online training, in-person classes/workshops, webinars | The Tribal Climate Health Project provides training materials, online self-paced training, and in-person training opportunities to help tribal health and environmental professionals prepare their communities for the public health impacts of climate change. | Environmental Staff | Various locations and online |
ASAP Trainings | Bureau of the Fiscal Service | Various dates | Administrative | Online, webinar | The federal Bureau of the Fiscal Service offers a variety of trainings to help grantees understand how to use the Automated Standard Application for Payment (ASAP) system. | Tribal administrators, bookkeepers & accountants, environmental staff | Online |
How to Develop a Budget | EPA | On demand | Administrative | Online training |
The training may be used by applicants and recipients of EPA funds when preparing proposed work plans, budgets, and budget narratives for EPA grants. The course is divided into four self-paced modules that can be completed individually: Module 1: General Principles and Considerations |
Tribal administrators, environmental staff | Online |
EPA Grants Webinars | EPA | Various dates | Administrative | Online training | EPA's Office of Grants and Debarment periodically hosts webinars for the EPA grants community. You may subscribe to the EPA Grants Update Listserv to learn about upcoming webinars. | Tribal administrators, bookkeepers & accountants, environmental staff | Online |
Wildfire Training | Northwest Fire Science Consortium | Various dates | Air | Online training, in-person classes/workshops, and conferences | The Northwest Fire Science Consortium maintains a calendar of fire science conferences, workshops, webinars, lectures, symposia, and tours offered by a variety of organizations in the Pacific Northwest. | Environmental staff | Various locations and online |
Environmental Law Summer Series | Environmental Law Institute | Various dates | Administrative | Online training, classes/workshops | The Environmental Law Institute's free seminar series offers an introduction to the legal and policy foundations of environmental protection in the United States. Participants learn about the major environmental statutes, land use law, energy law, and environmental justice. Events are held once a week for two hours each day. | Tribal administrators, environmental staff | Various locations and online |
Administrative Training | Graduate School USA | Various dates | Administrative | Education/job training | Graduate School USA provides professional development courses and certificate programs to prepare adult learners for success, particularly in government-related careers. Topics include acquisition and contracting, auditing, business analysis, leadership and management, communication and professional skills, financial management, grants management, and human resources. | Tribal administrators, bookkeepers & accountants, environmental staff | Various locations and online |
Drone Training | Federal Aviation Administration | Various Dates | General environmental | Online training, in-person testing | This page describes the requirements for becoming a drone pilot and where to get training. | Environmental staff | Various locations and online |
Air Knowledge | EPA | On demand | Air | Online training | This partnership program provides e-learning modules for air quality professionals. Topics include air quality basics, modeling, planning, rule development, monitoring, emissions inventories. permitting, source emissions, and more. | Environmental staff | Online |
Disaster Preparedness | FEMA | On demand | General environmental | Online training | The National Center for Disaster Preparedness at the Columbia Climate School, Columbia University, provides free instructor-led and online certificate training courses, webinars, and lectures designed for the whole community. | Environmental Staff | Online |
General Grants Assistance | Environmental Protection Network | On demand | Administrative, General environmental | Technical assistance | The Environmental Protection Network harnesses the expertise of over 550 former EPA career staff and political appointees from across the country to serve as a resource on a wide range of environmental and grants issues. | Tribal administrators, bookkeepers & accountants, environmental staff | Phone |
Business Support | APEX Accelerators | On demand | Administrative | Technical assistance | APEX Accelerators provides business support services, including assistance on SAM registration issues. | Tribal administrators, bookkeepers & accountants, environmental staff | Phone |
General Grants Assistance | Willamette Partnership | On demand | Administrative, General environmental | Technical assistance | The Willamette Partnership is an EPA-funded Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Center serving communities in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. | Tribal administrators, bookkeepers & accountants, environmental staff | Phone |
Environmental Data Management | Tribal Exchange Network Group | Various dates | Administrative | Training | The Tribal Exchange Network Group supports tribal management, analysis, and sharing of environmental data, so that it can be used to advocate for tribal interests, preserve tribal lifeways, maintain cultural integrity, and enhance tribal member's sense of place. | Tribal staff | Online |