What is the radon hotline?
If you have further questions about Radon, please call your State Radon Contact.
The EPA supports the following hotlines to best serve consumers with radon-related questions and concerns.
- 1-800-SOS-RADON (767-7236)* Purchase radon test kits by phone.
- 1-800-55RADON (557-2366)* Get live help for your radon questions.
- 1-800-644-6999* Radon Fit-It Fix-It Hotline. For general information on fixing or reducing the radon level in your home.
- 1-800-426-4791 Safe Drinking Water Hotline. For general information on drinking water, radon in water, testing and treatment, and standards for radon drinking water. Operated under a contract with the EPA.
* Operated by Kansas State University in partnership with the EPA.
Kansas State University (KSU)
Web site: www.sosradon.org
Phone: (785) 532-6026
Fax: (785) 532-6952
E-mail: Radon@ksu.edu
As a partner in the Midwest Universities Radon Consortium, conducts National Radon Program Services, including the National Radon Poster Contest, National Radon Hotlines, and Referrals to State Radon Programs, Radon Test Kit Coupons, Radon Mitigation Promotion and other outreach activities.
If you are interested testing or mitigating your home, or purchasing a radon measurement device, visit Find a Radon Test Kit or Measurement and Mitigation Professional.