Base Indicators
Base Indicators
Base Indicators describe basic attributes of subwatersheds, such as subwatershed ID, name and area. Base Indicators are useful for understanding the location and setting of subwatersheds. Base Indicators do not have a positive or negative influence on RPS index scores – they are value-neutral.
Base Indicators can be used to identify and filter a group of subwatersheds to include in a screening, referred to as a “subset” of subwatersheds. For example, the RPS Indicator Database includes a Base Indicator that reports the county where a HUC12 subwatershed is located. The indicator could be used to create a subset of subwatersheds that are located in one or more counties of interest to a user. The Web RPS Tool User Guide (pdf) and Excel RPS Tool User Guide (pdf) provide step-by-step instructions on how to create subsets.
Example Base Indicators
Base Indicators
- Subwatershed ID
- Subwatershed Name
- Majority State
- Majority County
- % Tribal Lands
- Streamlength
- Mean Elevation