What's New in Scientific Integrity?
In keeping with EPA's commitment to transparency, the Building EPA's Updated Scientific Integrity Policy Page describes the development of EPA's 2025 Scientific Integrity Policy.
EPA’s FY 2022-2026 Strategic Plan and Cross-Agency Strategy
EPA’s FY 2022-2026 Strategic Plan outlines seven strategic goals focused on protecting human health and the environment and four cross-agency strategies that describe the essential ways EPA will work to carry out our mission. Cross-Agency Strategy 1 is to ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making. Actions supporting this initiative include, but are not limited to, the following:
Promote a culture of Scientific Integrity at EPA and ensure that everyone knows their responsibilities for adhering to Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making
Deliver Rigorous Scientific Research and Analyses to Inform Evidence-based Decision Making
Communicate science with honesty, integrity, and transparency as well as make certain that information is accessible across communities.
Long-term Performance Goals
By September 30, 2026, each EPA Deputy Scientific Integrity Official will certify completion of two implementation actions for each of the following scientific integrity objectives:
Scientific integrity is highly visible at EPA
All of EPA embraces and models scientific integrity
Robust mechanisms protect and maintain EPA’s culture of scientific integrity
Members of the scientific integrity committee are working on implementation plans that will be shared through the Committee and then with the EPA at future annual meetings. Annual performance goal/measure will be one action to implement an EPA Scientific Integrity Objective in FY 2023 & FY 2024. Annual Performance goal/measure to be increased to two actions to implement the EPA Scientific Integrity Objectives in FY 2025 & FY 2026.
Scientific Integrity Performance Standards
The new FY 2024 performance standard on scientific integrity (SI) has been included in Performance, Appraisal, and Recognition System (PARS) for EPA’s general service (GS) supervisors. Identical to the performance standard on SI for senior executive service (SES) and senior level/senior scientist (SL/ST) employees that was implemented in FY 2023, this initiative has the strong support of Agency leadership.
The performance standard for SES, SL/ST, and GS supervisor employees states that they are responsible for exemplifying firm commitment to principles of SI in all relevant situations and complying with and advocating for the EPA Scientific Integrity Policy when doing any of the following: conducting, managing, using the results of, and communicating about science and scientific activities.