Cool & Connected: Nine Actions for Success
Through the Cool & Connected planning assistance program, EPA and USDA helped 21 small towns to leverage local broadband service to attract people and investment. Each town developed strategies and an action plan focused on engaging local businesses, residents, and organizations and expanding access to broadband to diversify their economies. The action plans typically emphasized ways to bring people and resources to Main Streets, creating opportunities for higher economic returns, and the potential to protect the natural environment by focusing development in compact, walkable neighborhoods.
The following lessons can help communities deploy federal and other available funds for broadband in ways that revive the local economy while also protecting the environment.
Montrose, Colorado leveraged high-capacity broadband in the city's core and encouraged more diverse housing types and walkability downtown. - Ensure your entrepreneurs, especially downtown businesses, are using online platforms, whatever your level of internet service. Create peer learning networks to demystify internet sales and marketing. While Main Street businesses of all kinds should be making use of any available service, higher-speed service can offer even more opportunities, especially for businesses that operate primarily online.
- Establish publicly available WiFi downtown at centrally located schools, libraries, and public facilities, and at key attractions like popular outdoor recreation facilities.
- Tell the world you're open for business. Brand your community, highlighting broadband access along with your lively downtown and authentic local amenities. Tell your unique story to everyone, including residents who may be unfamiliar with local assets as well as potential visitors and new residents.
- Coordinate social media, so your town presents itself with a clear identity. Encourage business and other networks to use common branding in social media. Every community member can be a powerful ambassador.
Eastport, Maine expanded educational services for young people and adults and offered publicly available Wi-Fi at the historic downtown Peavey Library. - Educate and encourage your kids in the physical and online worlds. Welcome them to have fun outdoors and in public facilities and businesses in your internet-connected downtown. Create programs for children, especially from disadvantaged households, how to be online safely while learning useful skills, such as coding, graphic design, and creating websites.
- Skip the app. Prioritize making your municipal websites, including travel and tourism websites, mobile-friendly. Develop an app only if you have ample demand and resources to maintain it.
- Convene people to make community decisions. This includes making special efforts to hear from those who don't typically participate in community meetings. Develop strategies and a plan with the specific actions your community will take to use broadband to support Main Street and create economic opportunities.
Learn more about Cool & Connected program, including resources and community stories.