SNEP Watershed Implementation Grant Administrative Entity 2021
Click Here for the Full Request for Applications.
This Request for Applications (RFA) sets forth a competitive process to solicit applications for a single eligible entity to develop and administer a subaward grant program on behalf of the Southeast New England Program (SNEP) to support the Program's collaborative goals and priorities for coastal watershed restoration in furtherance of the SNEP's Five-Year Strategic Plan. SNEP plans to award one incremental cooperative agreement under this announcement. The total amount to be awarded under this announcement is up to $15 million over a project period of seven years and requires the applicant to provide a minimum non-federal match of 25% of the total Federal request. Applications will be expected to include all the documentation necessary to serve as a grant application and to respond fully to evaluation criteria described in this RFA. We expect to select and fund an organization by September 2021.
To sign up for the RFA mailing list or to ask questions about the RFA please contact with EPA-R1-SNEP-2021A in the subject line.