Summary of Virginia's Water Reuse Guideline or Regulation for Agriculture
This page is part of the EPA’s REUSExplorer tool, which summarizes the different state level regulations or guidelines for water reuse for a variety of sources and end-uses.
The source water for this summary is Treated Municipal Wastewater.
On this page:
- Technical basis
- Water reuse for agriculture approved for use in Virginia
- Water reuse treatment category for agriculture
- Additional context and definitions
- Water reuse for agriculture specifications (table)
- Upcoming state law or policy
- References
- Disclaimer
This page is a summary of the state’s water reuse law or policy and is provided for informational purposes only. Please always refer to the state for the most accurate and updated information.
In Virginia, water reuse for water reuse for agricultureThe use of recycled water to land to assist in the production of both commercially and non-commercially processed food crops consumed by humans or livestock and non-food crops. Includes pasture for milking and non-milking animals, fodder, fiber, and seed crops, vineyards, orchards, ornamental nursery stock, Christmas trees, and silviculture. Excludes consumption by livestock, onsite non-potable reuse, and landscaping. includes irrigation where access is unrestricted, including surface and/or spray irrigation for any food crops not commercially processed including crops eaten raw, excluding root crops, only when there will be no direct contact; and irrigation where access is restricted, including surface irrigation of food crops commercially process and of food crops eaten raw, excluding root crops, only when there will be no direct contact between the reclaimed water and edible portions of the crop; spray irrigation where the appropriate setback distance specified in Table H of 9 Va. Admin. Code § 25-740-170 is in place at the irrigation site; nonfood crops and turf, including fodder, fiber and seed crops; pasture for foraging livestocks; and sod farms, ornamental nurseries and silviculture where site access is restricted. The source of water treated municipal wastewater Treated wastewater effluent discharged from a centralized wastewater treatment plant of any size. Other terms referring to this source of water include domestic wastewater, treated wastewater effluent, reclaimed water, and treated sewage. is specified by the state as municipal wastewater. This write-up uses state terms when discussing sources or uses of water that may differ from the Regulations and End-Use Specifications Explorer's (REUSExplorer's) terms.
Technical basis
Virginia approves the use of reclaimed water for agriculture, including irrigation of food and non-food crops (9 Va. Admin. Code § 25-740). The quality of reclaimed water used for irrigation will determine the level of site access allowed and the need for commercial processing, specifically for food crops (9 Va. Admin. Code § 25-740). All applicable provisions of the Clean Water Act (CWA) (33 U.S.C. §§ 1251 et seq.), including its implementing regulations, must be met. Additionally, commercial food crop growing operations may be subject to any relevant rule requirements under the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) (124 Stat. 3885). Treatment requirements and performance standards are applied for the removal of microbial contaminants, chemicals and other relevant indicators related to water reuse for agriculture and are summarized in the table.
The fecal coliform specifications for Level 1 reclaimed water are derived from water quality standards for fecal coliforms established for shellfish propagation waters in Virginia on the basis that surface water quality standards considered safe for the propagation of shellfish for human consumption would also be considered safe for uses that have the potential for public contact (9 Va. Admin. Code § 25-260-160). The E. coli and enterococci specifications for Level 1 reclaimed water are derived from those fecal coliform standards using conversion factors. The fecal coliform specifications for Level 2 reclaimed water are derived from effluent limitations set in Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) permitted point source discharges to shellfish waters (Virginia DEQ, 2014). The E. coli and enterococci specifications for Level 2 reclaimed water are derived from the freshwater E. coli water quality standards and saltwater enterococci water quality standards, respectively, for other recreational waters (9 Va. Admin. Code § 25-260-170). Specifications for microbial contaminants in Level 2 reclaimed water are derived in this manner on the basis that surface water quality standards and effluent limitations considered safe for recreational waters and/or protective of shellfish waters, are also safe for the below water reuse for agriculture that have a low potential for direct public contact.
Water reuse for agriculture approved for use in Virginia
9 Va. Admin. Code § 25-740 identifies the following approved water reuse for agriculture:
- Irrigation where access is unrestricted (Level 1 reclaimed water), including
- Surface and/or spray irrigation for any food crops not commercially processed, including crops eaten raw, excluding root crops, only when there will be no direct contact (or indirect contact via aerosol carry) between the reclaimed water and edible portions of the crop
- Irrigation where access is restricted (Level 2 reclaimed water), including:
- Surface irrigation of food crops commercially processed and of food crops eaten raw, excluding root crops, only when there will be no direct contact (or indirect contact via aerosol carry) between the reclaimed water and edible portions of the crop
- Spray irrigation where the appropriate setback distance specified in Table H of 9 Va. Admin. Code § 25-740-170 is in place at the irrigation site
- Nonfood crops and turf, including fodder, fiber and seed crops
- Pasture for foraging livestock
- Sod farms; ornamental nurseries; and silviculture where site access is restricted
For irrigation with reclaimed water treated to Level 2, 9 Va. Admin. Code § 25-740 further prohibits the following unless Level 1 disinfection of the reclaimed water is provided:
- Grazing by milking animals on the irrigation reuse site for 15 days after irrigation with reclaimed water ceases
- Harvesting, retail sale or allowing access by the general public to ornamental nursery stock or sod farms for 14 days after irrigation with reclaimed water ceases
In addition, worker contact with reclaimed water treated to Level 2 shall be minimized. Level 1 disinfection should be provided when worker contact with reclaimed water is likely.
Water reuse treatment category for agriculture
The various classes of reclaimed water treatment are defined by their respective treatment requirements and applicable performance standards. The respective treatment requirements are briefly summarized regarding water reuse for agriculture:
- For Level 1 reclaimed water, the treatment requirements are secondary treatment with filtration and “higher-level disinfection” to achieve the bacterial standards outlined in the table. Disinfection may be accomplished by chlorination, ozonation, other chemical disinfections or UV radiation.
- For Level 2 reclaimed water, the treatment requirements are secondary treatment and “standard disinfection” to achieve the bacterial standards outlined in the table. Disinfection may be accomplished by chlorination, ozonation, other chemical disinfections or UV radiation.
Additional context and definitions
Virginia defines reclaimed water as “water resulting from the treatment of domestic, municipal or industrial wastewater that is suitable for a water reuse that would not otherwise occur” (9 Va. Admin. Code § 25-740).
Virginia does not allow direct cross-connections between the municipal reclaimed water distribution system and a potable water supply system (9 Va. Admin. Code § 25-740). Separation distances of 50 feet must be maintained between in-ground reclaimed water distribution pipelines and a public or private potable supply well or spring; at least 10 feet must be maintained from a water main; and for distribution pipelines that convey Level 1 reclaimed water, at least a two foot horizontal distance from the sewer line must be maintained. Any above ground portions of the reclaimed water distribution system must differ materially (i.e., painted purple) from those used on the potable water supply and any below-ground portions should also be labelled as part of the reclaimed water distribution system (i.e., painted purple, labelled). In-ground reclaimed water distribution piping with an outer diameter greater than or equal to one inch and installed after January 2014 must have signage or labels that display the warning: “CAUTION: RECLAIMED WATER – DO NOT DRINK.”
Virginia defines “shellfish waters” as all open ocean or estuarine waters capable of propagating shellfish or in specific areas where public or leased private shellfish beds are present, including those waters on which condemnation are established by the State Department of Health (9 Va. Admin. Code § 25-260-160).
Water reuse for agriculture specifications
Summary of Virginia's Water Reuse for Agriculture Specifications
Recycled Water Class/Category | Source Water Type | Water Quality Parameter | Specification | Sampling/Monitoring Requirements (Frequency of monitoring; site/ location of sample; quantification methods)*a |
Level 1 (Irrigation of areas with unrestricted access for any food crops not commercially processed, including crops eaten raw) |
Municipal wastewater |
Fecal coliformc |
≤14 colonies/100 mL (monthly geometric meand) >49 colonies/100 mL (corrective action threshold) |
Measured after all reclaimed water treatment, including disinfection and prior to discharge to a reclaimed water distribution system between 10 am and 4 pm. The sampling frequency depends on the reclamation system designated design flow:
Monitoring of the CAT for fecal coliform, E. coli or enterococci shall be based on the bacteriological monitoring results determined for each day a sample is collected. |
E. colic |
≤11 colonies/100 mL (monthly geometric meand) >35 colonies/100 mL (corrective action threshold) |
Enterococcic |
≤11 colonies/100 mL (monthly geometric meand) >24 colonies/100 mL (corrective action threshold) |
pH |
6.0–9.0 |
Daily grab samples at the POC. |
5-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) or 5-day carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand (CBOD5) |
≤10 mg/L (monthly average BOD5) or ≤8 mg/L (monthly average CBOD5)e |
Weekly sampling or more frequent based on the designated design flow of the reclamation system; sampling at the POC. |
Total residual chlorinef |
<1.0 mg/Lg (corrective action threshold) |
Continuous online monitoring at the end of the contact tank or contact period. Minimum contact time is 30 minutes at average flow or 20 minutes at peak flow. |
Turbiditya,h |
≤2 NTU (daily average of discreet measurements recorded over a 24-hour period) >5 NTU (corrective action threshold) |
Continuous online monitoring just upstream of disinfection. |
UV light design dosei |
≥100,000 uWsec/cm2 |
Continuous monitoring. |
UV transmittancei |
≥55% at 254 nm |
Not specified |
Nitrogenj |
Not specified |
Not specified |
Phosphorusj |
Not specified |
Not specified |
Level 2 (Irrigation of areas with restricted access for any food crops commercially processed and nonfood crops and turf, including fodder, fiber and seed crops; pasture for foraging livestock; sod farms; ornamental nurseries; and silviculture)b |
Municipal wastewater |
Fecal coliformc |
≤200 colonies/100 mL (monthly geometric meand) >800 colonies/100 mL (corrective action threshold) |
Measured after all reclaimed water treatment, including disinfection and prior to discharge to a reclaimed water distribution system. The sampling is based on the reclamation system designated design flow and must be the same sampling type and frequency as specified for sewage treatment works in the Sewage Collection and Treatment Regulations (9 Va. Admin. Code § 25-790). |
E. colic |
≤126 colonies/100 mL (monthly geometric meand) >235 colonies/100 mL (corrective action threshold) |
Enterococcic |
≤35 colonies/100 mL (monthly geometric meand) >104 colonies/100 mL (corrective action threshold) |
pH |
6.0–9.0 |
Daily grab samples at the POC. |
Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) or 5-day carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand (CBOD5) |
≤30 mg/L (monthly average BOD5) ≤45 mg/L (maximum weekly average BOD5) or ≤25 mg/L (monthly average CBOD5)e ≤40 mg/L (maximum weekly average CBOD5)e |
At least weekly sampling or more frequently based on reclamation system designated design flow and must be the same sampling type and frequency as specified for sewage treatment works in the Sewage Collection and Treatment Regulations (9 Va. Admin. Code § 25-790); sampling to occur at the POC. |
Total suspended solids (TSS) |
≤30 mg/L (monthly average) ≤45 mg/L (maximum weekly average) |
Total residual chlorinef |
<1.0 mg/Lg (corrective action threshold) |
Minimum contact time is 30 minutes at average flow or 20 minutes at peak flow. Sampling should be based on the reclamation system designated design flow and the same type and frequency as specified for sewage treatment works in the Sewage Collection and Treatment Regulations (9 Va. Admin. Code § 25-790). |
UV light design dosei |
≥50,000 uWsec/cm2 |
Determined in accordance with 9VAC25-790-770. |
UV transmittancei |
≥65% at 253.7 nm |
Determined in accordance with 9VAC25-790-770. |
Nitrogenj |
Not specified |
Not specified |
Phosphorusj |
Not specified |
Not specified |
Source= 9 Va. Admin. Code § 25-740, 9 Va. Admin. Code § 25-790
CAT= corrective action threshold. MGD= million gallons per day. POC= point of compliance.
* Information about sampling and monitoring requirements such as frequency, site and quantification methods not specifically listed in the table was not explicitly specified in the State-specific regulations.
a The POC for most reclaimed water quality parameters, excluding turbidity, in Virginia is after all reclaimed water treatment and prior to discharge to a reclaimed water distribution system. The POC for turbidity shall be just upstream of disinfection.
b Worker contact with reclaimed water treated to Level 2 shall be minimized. Level 1 disinfection shall be provided when worker contact with reclaimed water is likely.
c Must meet bacterial standards for either fecal coliform, E. coli or enterococci. All three are not required.
d For the purpose of calculating the geometric mean, bacterial analytical results below the detection level of the analytical method used shall be reported as values equal to the detection level.
e Applies only if CBOD5 is used in lieu of BOD5.
f Only applies if chlorine was used for disinfection.
g TRC less than 1.0 mg/L may be authorized by the board if demonstrated to provide comparable disinfection through a chlorine reduction program in accordance with the Sewage Collection and Treatment Regulations (9 Va. Admin. Code § 25-790).
h If UV radiation is used for disinfection of Level 1 reclaimed water, other turbidity standards may apply in accordance with 9 Va. Admin. Code § 25-740-110 A2a.
i Only applicable is UV radiation is used for disinfection.
j There are no reclaimed water standards for phosphorus and nitrogen. However, a nutrient management plan may be required for use of reclaimed water as determined by the total nitrogen and total phosphorus content of the reclaimed water and the area of the site to be irrigated, with some exceptions specified in 9 Va. Admin. Code § 25-740-110 A2a.
Upcoming state law or policy
No upcoming regulations pertaining to water reuse for agriculture were found for Virginia.
Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. §§ 1251 et seq.
Control Board Generally, Va. Admin. Code § 62.1-44.15 (2024).
Design criteria, 9 Va. Admin. Code § 25-740-110.
Fecal coliform bacteria; shellfish waters, 9 Va. Admin. Code § 25-260-160.
Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), 124 Stat. 3885.
Sewage Collection and Treatment Regulations, 9 Va. Admin. Code § 25-790
Use Area Requirements, 9 Va. Admin. Code § 25-740-170-9.
Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), 2014. Division of Water Permitting, Guidance Memo. 10-2001, Rev. 1; Implementation Guidance for the Water Reclamation and Reuse Regulation, 9VAC25-740-10 et seq.
Water Reclamation and Reuse Regulation, 9 Va. Admin. Code § 25-740.
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