News and Announcements
Check this page for the latest updates on upcoming work, public comment opportunities, meetings, and other news about EPA's cleanup. Please let us know if you have questions or concerns about EPA's cleanup efforts.
Perimeter wall replacement
EPA and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will be replacing the existing sheet pile wall along the perimeter of the Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Site. Portions of the existing wall are deteriorating due to decades of exposure to natural elements. Construction will begin in early 2025. Learn how this work will impact the community.
Construction update on wellfield replacement project
EPA's wellfield replacement project began in August 2024. Learn more about which areas are closed to the public.
Eelgrass transplant study
EPA is conducting a study in the Wyckoff Beach area to understand how eelgrass can be effectively transplanted and what environmental conditions may be ideal for transplant success. Learn more about the eelgrass transplant study.
Integrating climate adaptation
Remedies at contaminated sites may be vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and extreme weather events. EPA's Superfund program developed an approach that raises awareness of these vulnerabilities and applies climate change and weather science as a standard operating practice in cleanup projects. The approach involves periodic screening of Superfund remedy vulnerabilities, prioritizing the Superfund program's steps to adapt to a changing climate, and identifying measures to assure climate resilience of Superfund sites. Read our Climate Adaptation Profile for Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor.
Attention boaters! 'No anchor' area in Eagle Harbor
Anchoring is prohibited over a large area in the eastern part of Eagle Harbor. Boaters are prohibited from anchoring, dredging, and other activities within its boundaries of "regulated navigation area." See our fact sheet for more information about the 'no anchor' area, including a map of the regulated navigation area and list of prohibited activities.
Reminder: Some beaches at Wyckoff are still contaminated!
EPA and the Washington Department of Ecology want to remind the local community that portions of the beaches east and north of "the Point" are still contaminated. See our fact sheet on beach contamination at East Beach and North Shoal, including what to look for and beach safety tips.