About the Office of Civil Rights (OCR)
What We Do
The Office of Civil Rights (OCR), which is located within the Office of the Administrator, provides leadership, direction, and guidance in carrying out the Agency’s equal employment programs. We also provide policy and technical assistance to EPA’s Headquarters offices, Regional offices, and laboratories located throughout the country in carrying out their responsibilities related to civil rights and in complying with Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) laws and regulations.
- The Employment Complaints Resolution Staff ensures that all EPA employees and applicants for employment receive equal employment and advancement opportunities without regard to:
- race;
- color;
- religion;
- sex;
- national origin;
- physical or mental disability;
- age;
- protected genetic information;
- status as a parent;
- marital status;
- political affiliation; or
- retaliation based on previous EEO activity.
- The Affirmative Employment Analysis and Accountability Staff prepares the Agency’s Affirmative Employment plan and monitors its implementation.
- Through the Reasonable Accommodation Program, all EPA employees and applicants for employment that are individuals with a disability can request reasonable accommodations (modifications or change in work environment or way job is performed) to remove workplace barriers unless it would cause an undue hardship.
Programs and Projects Managed by OCR
- Employment Complaints Resolution (Title VII)
- Affirmative Employment Analysis and Accountability (AEAA)
- Reasonable Accommodation (RA)
Mail code: 1201A | EPA mailing addresses
Location: EPA Headquarters at Washington, D.C. Federal Triangle campus
OCR Organization
- Biography
- Phone: (202) 564-7272
- Email: Hunt.JuanCarlos@epa.gov
- Phone: (202) 564 -1587
- Email: Darden.Cynthia@epa.gov
OCR's Management Team includes:
Vacant, Assistant Director
Vacant, Assistant Director
Amanda Sweda, National Reasonable Accommodation Coordinator
- Phone: (202) 566-0678
- Email: Sweda.Amanda@epa.gov