About the Science Policy Division
On This Page:
What We Do
Science Advisor Programs
Federal Advisory Committees
Main Office Location
What We Do
The Science Policy Division (SPD) provides leadership within the Office of Research and Development (ORD) on regulatory activities, evaluates the impact of ORD’s contributions to the development of regulations and policy actions and coordinates across the Agency on science and technology policy issues, such as peer review, scientific integrity, reproducibility of information, public access to data and human subjects research review.
SPD supports external and internal research by managing ORD engagement with the Board of Scientific Counselors and peer review of research grants. The Division also supports EPA’s Science Advisor, Scientific Integrity Official and Human Subjects Research Review Official.
Science Advisor Programs
The Science Advisor works across the Agency to ensure that the highest quality science is better integrated into the Agency's policies and decisions. In this capacity, the Science Advisor leads the Science Advisor Programs and chairs the Agency's Science and Technology Policy Council which reviews selected science issues that have implications across program and regional offices.
Maureen Gwinn, EPA Chief Scientist
Phone: 202-564-6620
The mission of the Science Advisor Programs is to provide leadership and serve as an honest broker for cross-Agency science, science policy, and technology issues. Science Advisor Programs provide leadership in cross-Agency science and science policy development and implementation to ensure the best possible use of science at the Agency. These efforts help ensure regulations are interpreted and enforced in a manner consistent with the science supporting them and will strengthen EPA's overall scientific performance.
Scientific Integrity
EPA's Agency-wide Scientific Integrity Policy builds on our long history of scientific safeguards and further ensures that sound science drives Agency decision making. The policy builds on EPA's Principles of Scientific Integrity and outlines foundational principles that promote a culture of scientific integrity, communication with the public, the use of peer review and Federal Advisory Committees, and the development of Agency scientists.
Visit these sites for more information:
The Scientific Integrity Policy establishes the Scientific Integrity Committee to implement its policy. The Scientific Integrity Official (ScIO) chairs the Committee and reports to the Science Advisor for EPA. The ScIO is the Agency's focal point on scientific integrity and serves as the Agency's expert on such matters.
Francesca Grifo, EPA Scientific Integrity Official
- Biography
- Phone: 202-564-1687
- Email: Scientific_Integrity@epa.gov
Human Subjects Research
Programs of the Office of the Science Advisor provide direct regulatory oversight of Human Subjects Research (HSR) conducted or supported by the Agency. They also support the Office of Pesticide Programs in its regulatory oversight of HSR done by third parties involving substances meeting the regulatory definition of pesticides, over which EPA has statutory authority. Ethical HSR is executed through the coordinated activities of its two components: Human Subjects Research Review Official and the Human Studies Review Board.
Visit Basic Information about Human Subjects Research for more information.
Risk Assessment Forum
EPA's Risk Assessment Forum (RAF) promotes consensus on risk assessment issues and develops agency risk assessment guidance. RAF guidance is intended to guide the agency as a whole, rather than any specific program. RAF guidance undergoes extensive internal and external peer review along with public comment prior adoption.
Visit Basic Information about Risk Assessment Guidelines Development for more information.
Science and Technology Policy Council
The success of EPA's mission depends on a strong and credible foundation of science and technology. The Science and Technology Policy Council (STPC) serves as a mechanism for addressing EPA's many significant science policy issues that go beyond regional and program boundaries. The STPC's goal is to integrate policies that guide agency decision makers in their use of scientific and technical information.
Visit About Scientific Leadership for more information or email STPC_Staff@epa.gov.
Federal Advisory Committees
Committees subject to the Federal Advisory Committees Act provide advice on a wide range of environmental issues. Every committee meeting, no matter what the subject matter or where it is held, is dedicated to open government and citizen participation.
For more information visit:
Board of Scientific Counselors
The EPA Board of Scientific Counselors provides advice, information, and recommendations on technical and management issues of its research programs.
Visit Board of Scientific Counselors (BOSC) for more information.
Human Studies Review Board
EPA's Human Studies Review Board provides advice, information, and recommendations on issues related to scientific and ethical aspects of human subjects research. The major objectives are to provide advice and recommendations on: research proposals and protocols; reports of completed research with human subjects; and how to strengthen EPA's programs for protection of human subjects of research.
Visit Human Studies Review Board for more information.
Nora Gluch, Director
- Phone: 202-565-1312
- Email: Nora Gluch gluch.nora@epa.gov
- Regulatory Support Branch -- Erik Winchester, Branch Chief
- Science Advisory Branch -- Vacant, Branch Chief
Main Office Location
US EPA ORD Office of Science Advisor, Policy and Engagement
Science Policy Division
William Jefferson Clinton Building
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N. W.
Mail Code: 8104R
Washington, DC 20460