Air Emissions Reporting Requirements (AERR)
On this page:
Rule Summary
On July 25, 2023, EPA announced proposed updates to the AERR to improve EPA's collection of certain emissions data critical for performing air quality and risk analyses, among other regulatory and non-regulatory activities. This proposed action would allow for EPA to annually collect (starting in 2027), hazardous air pollutant (HAP) emissions data for point sources in addition to continuing the criteria air pollutant and precursor (CAP) collection in place under the existing AERR. The proposed amendments would ensure that EPA has sufficient information to identify and solve air quality and exposure problems and ensure that communities have the data needed to understand significant environmental risks that may be impacting them.
The proposed revisions were withdrawn on January 21, 2025.
Rule History
1/21/2025 - Revisions withdrawn
10/5/2023 - Extension of Proposal and ICR Comment Period
9/13/2023 - Reopening of the ICR Comment Period
7/24/2023 - Proposed Rule
2/6/2015 - Final Rule
6/6/2013 - Proposed Rule
12/17/2008 - Final Rule
1/3/2006 - Proposed Rule
6/10/2002 - Final Rule
5/23/2000 - Proposed Rule
Additional Resources
Fact Sheets (July 25, 2023)
- Key Things to Know About the Proposed Updates to the AERR (pdf)
- Overview Fact Sheet: Proposed Updates to the AERR (pdf)
Technical Documents
- Regulatory Impact Analysis
- Technical Support Document (pdf)
- Tables 1B, 1D, 2A-C of the Proposed Rule in Excel Format (xlsx)
Webinar Slides & Select Recordings
- AERR slides for Point Sources Webinar (pdf)
- AERR slides for Industry Webinar (pdf)
- Recording of the Industry Webinar
- AERR slides for Fires, Mobile and Nonpoint Webinar (pdf)
- AERR slides for Tribes and Small Businesses Webinar (pdf)
- Recording of Tribes and Small Businesses Webinar
- AERR Slides for Communities Webinar (pptx)
- Recording of Communities Webinar
- AERR slides for SLT Q&A session (pdf)
- AERR Slides for Industry Q&A session (pdf)