Air Permits for Gas Stations on Tribal Lands in California
General Air Quality Permit for New or Modified Minor Source Gasoline Dispensing Facilities in Indian Country within California
Docket for this Action: EPA-R09-OAR-2016-0580
- Summary
- General Permit Package Documents
- General Permit
- Needs Questionnaire
- Request for Coverage Instructions
- Request for Coverage
- Potential to Emit Calculator CA GDF v4.0
- Technical Support Document
- Webinar Presentation
On May 1, 2019, EPA Region 9 issued a final General Permit under the Clean Air Act Tribal Minor New Source Review program at 49.151 through 49.161 (Tribal Minor NSR program). This General Permit is available for gasoline dispensing facilities (GDFs), such as gas stations, located in Indian country within the geographical boundaries of California. For information on GDFs in Indian country outside of California please see: 5 Source Categories - Gasoline Dispensing Facilities (Final Rule).
This General Permit provides a streamlined permitting option for owners and operators that are planning to construct or modify a gas station in Indian country within California and require a preconstruction permit under the Tribal Minor NSR program. Typically, projects qualifying for the General Permit will receive approval within 90 days of the EPA receiving a request.
The Tribal Minor NSR requires a preconstruction permit for certain new or modified GDFs that construct or modify on or after September 1, 2014. The General Permit is one way for gas stations to meet the permitting requirements of the Tribal Minor NSR program. No owner or operator is required to use the General Permit. Only owners and operators of GDFs that are approved to be covered under the General Permit are required to comply with its terms and conditions.
General Permit Package Documents
- General Permit
Owners and operators approved for coverage under must comply with the terms and conditions of this permit. This link includes copies of documents incorporated by reference into the permit. - Needs Questionnaire
Use the questionnaire to determine whether you need a permit and whether you would qualify for the General Permit - Request for Coverage Instructions
Instructions for completing the Request for Coverage - Request for Coverage
Application form used to request coverage under the General Permit. Please ensure your Request for Coverage meets one of the criteria in Appendices A and B related to protecting federally listed species and protecting historic properties. - Potential to Emit Calculator CA GDF v4.0
Used to estimate emissions from your gas station, and can be submitted with a Request for Coverage to provide the required emissions calculations - Technical Support Document
Provides background information on the terms and conditions in the permit
Webinar Presentation
On July 17, 2019, EPA conducted a webinar for tribes to discuss the permitting requirements for gas stations on tribal lands under the Tribal Minor NSR program.
Note: While the General Permit adopts by reference certain standards and procedures used by the California Air Resources Board’s vapor recovery program, the State of California does not have any authority to implement or enforce its vapor recovery program in any area of Indian country.
For further information, or if you need a permit for your gas station but will not be using the General Permit, please contact Noelle Mushro ( via email or at (415)-972-3987.
Region 9 CAA Permitting Focus
CAA Permitting in EPA's Pacific Southwest (Region 9)
- Air Permit Delegation Agreements
- Construction Approvals: Radionuclides
- Electronic Permit Submittal System and Dashboards
- Title V Program Evaluations
- Tribes that are Affected States under the Title V Permitting Program in Region 9
State/Tribal/Local Permitting Authorities
AZ | CA | HI | NV