Historic Funding Opportunities
On this page:
- Air Monitoring Grants
- Clean Ports
- Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicles
- Clean School Bus Program
- Climate Pollution Reduction Grants
- Environmental Justice Community Change Grants (CCG) Program
- Environmental Justice Thriving Community Grantmaking (TCGM) Program
- Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Center (TCTAC) Program
- Indoor Air Quality in Schools
- Methane Emissions Reduction Program
Once-in-a-lifetime financing and resources are becoming available to help communities—especially those that are low-income and disadvantaged—confront the climate crisis and reduce pollution. The Community, Equity & Resiliency initiative seeks to highlight EPA programs that are designed to ensure communities on the frontline of the climate crisis are benefiting from the public health, resilience, and economic opportunities unleashed by recent transformative appropriations. The programs provide opportunities and technical assistance to help communities confront environmental pollution and climate change challenges and create positive change in their communities.
Click through the information below to learn more about how each program can benefit your community by providing specific funding or technical assistance. Detailed program information can be found by following links to each program in this listing.
Air Monitoring Grants
EPA Office of Air & Radiation
Through the Inflation Reduction Act, EPA will improve the lives of millions of Americans by delivering cleaner air through air monitoring. Click the link below for more information on two key EPA Air Monitoring Grants programs: Wood-Burning Heaters and Air Pollution of Methane Emissions.
- For more information on key EPA Air Monitoring Grants please visit EPA's Delivering Cleaner Air site and learn about Wood Smoke and Your Health
- View or download the Air Pollution Monitoring of Methane Infographic (pdf)
- View or download the Wood-Burning Heaters Infographic (pdf)
Clean Ports
EPA Office of Air & Radiation
This $3 billion program is funding zero-emission (ZE) port equipment and technology to reduce air pollutants at our nation’s ports, delivering cleaner air to communities across the country.
- View or download the Clean Ports Program Infographic (pdf)
- For more information, please visit EPA's Clean Ports Program. To learn more about reducing emissions at ports, visit EPA Ports Initiative.
Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicles
EPA Office of Air & Radiation
EPA will be distributing $1 billion to replace dirty heavy-duty vehicles with clean, zero-emission vehicles, support zero-emission vehicle infrastructure, and to train and develop workers.
- For more program information, please visit EPA's Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicle Program.
- View or download the Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicles Program Infographic (pdf)
Clean School Bus Program
EPA Office of Air & Radiation
EPA’s Clean School Bus Program provides $5 billion over five years (FY 2022-2026) to replace existing school buses with zero-emission and low-emission models.
- For more information, please visit EPA's Clean School Bus Program.
- View or download the Clean School Bus Infographic (pdf)
Climate Pollution Reduction Grants
EPA Office of Air & Radiation
Authorized under the Inflation Reduction Act, EPA’s Climate Pollution Reduction Grants program provides nearly $5 billion in grants for states, local governments, Tribes, and territories to develop and implement ambitious plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other harmful air pollution and benefit low income and disadvantaged communities.
- View or download the CPRG Overview Infographic (pdf) .
- Learn about ways states, local governments, Tribes and territories can reduce greenhouse gas emissions across sectors including: transportation, electric power, industry, residential and commercial buildings, agriculture and natural and working lands and waste and materials management.
- For more program information, please visit EPA's Climate Pollution Reduction Grant Program.
Environmental Justice Community Change Grants (CCG) Program
EPA Office of Environmental Justice External Civil Rights
The Community Change Grants program will invest approximately $2 billion dollars in Inflation Reduction Act funds in environmental and climate justice activities that reduce pollution, increase community climate resilience, and build community capacity. EPA will also provide technical assistance to help applicants apply for, implement, and report on Community Change and other IRA grants.
- For more information please visit Community Change Grants (CCG) Program.
- View or download the Community Change Grant Program PDF (pdf)
Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Center (EJ TCTAC) Program
EPA Office of Environmental Justice External Civil Rights
The Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Center (EJ TCTAC) Program establishes technical assistance centers across the nation. These TCTACs work to remove barriers and improve accessibility for navigating federal funding and resources in communities with environmental justice concerns. The services include training and other assistance to build capacity on navigating federal grant application systems, writing strong grant proposals, and successfully managing grant funding.
- For more information, please visit Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Center (EJ TCTAC) Program.
- View or download the Thriving Community Technical Assistance Centers (TCTACs) Infographic (pdf)
Environmental Justice Thriving Community Grantmaking (TCGM) Program
EPA Office of Environmental Justice External Civil Rights
The Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Grantmaking (EJ TCGM) Program selects multiple Grantmakers around the nation to reduce barriers to the federal grants application process and increase the efficiency of the awards process for environmental justice grants.
- For more information please visit Thriving Community Grantmaking (TCGM) Program.
- View or download the Thriving Community Grantmaking (TCGM) Program Infographic (pdf)
Indoor Air Quality in Schools
EPA Office of Air and Radiation
EPA’s Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in Schools program provides free resources for schools to improve indoor air problems using straightforward activities and in-house staff.
View or download the Indoor Air Quality in Schools Infographic (pdf)
- For more program information, please visit EPA's Creating Healthy Indoor Air Quality in Schools site.
Methane Emissions Reduction Program
EPA Office of Air and Radiation
EPA is investing over $1 billion in financial and technical assistance to monitor, measure, quantify and reduce methane emissions from the oil and gas sector in concert with establishing a Waste Emissions Charge and updating the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program to advance greater transparency and accountability for methane (CH4) pollution.
View or download the Methane Emissions Reduction Program Infographic (pdf)
- For more program information, please visit EPA's Methane Emissions Reduction Program site.
Together, EPA’s Office of Air and Radiation (OAR) and EPA’s Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights (OEJECR) have received $11 Billion in Inflation Reduction Act funding to support reducing emissions, building a clean economy, lowering energy costs for American households and businesses, creating good-paying union jobs, and advancing environmental justice across the country.