Technical Assistance Hub
On this page:
- Climate Pollution Reduction Grant Technical Assistance
- Indoor Air Quality at Schools | Tools for Schools Program
- Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Center Program
- Community Change Grants Technical Assistance
- Community Change Equitable Resilience Technical Assistance
EPA’s Inflation Reduction Act-funded technical assistance programs are helping to build a healthier and brighter future for people and the planet. These programs create capacity, and make sure communities on the frontline are equipped to navigate these historic resources. Click through the information below to learn more about how each program can benefit your community.
Climate Pollution Reduction Grant Technical Assistance
The Climate Pollution Reduction Grants (CPRG) program provides grants to states, metro areas, Tribes, and territories to develop and implement plans for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and other harmful air pollution. The program’s technical assistance consists of:
- Tools and technical resources: There are a variety of EPA tools and resources available to support development of Climate Action Plans — including tools on creating a detailed Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Inventory and Co-Pollutant Impacts Analysis. Additionally, there are resources for how to document low income and disadvantaged community benefits by reducing GHGs. These tools are found under the CPRG program but may benefit any community interested in understanding and reducing GHG emissions and other harmful effects of air pollution.
- Technical Assistance Forums(TAFs): TAFs provide opportunities for training and technical assistance to grant recipients from EPA and external subject matter experts, and will facilitate peer-to-peer collaboration, mentoring, sharing of case studies, best practices, and lessons learned.
- CPRG Training Webinars: Topics are varied and range from how to calculate GHG Inventory and Emission Projections to how to complete a Low Income/Disadvantaged Communities Benefit Analysis.
- Resources for other available funding opportunities
To learn more, visit CPRG Training, Tools and Technical Assistance
Indoor Air Quality at Schools | Tools for Schools Program
Creating green, clean and healthy schools requires mastering the school environment using a comprehensive approach to indoor air quality (IAQ) management. The IAQ Tools for Schools Program hosts web-based trainings that provide school district staff across the country with the knowledge needed to start, improve or sustain an IAQ management program in their school or school district. Find tools and resources from EPA’s IAQ Tools for Schools program to develop and sustain an effective and comprehensive program using simple, low-cost actions to help save money, improve health, and decrease student and staff absenteeism.
To learn more, visit IAQ Tools for Schools Resources
Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Center Program
The Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Center (EJ TCTAC) Program is a network of 16 technical assistance centers across the nation. These TCTACs work to remove barriers and improve accessibility for navigating federal funding and resources in communities with environmental justice concerns. The services include training and other assistance to help build capacity for:
- Navigating federal grant application systems.
- Writing strong grant proposals.
- Managing grant funding.
- Leading community engagement.
- Supporting equitable meetings with meeting facilitation, language translation/interpretation, and more.
To learn more, visit The Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Centers Program
Interested in receiving the TCTAC Network Newsletter? Sign up here.
Community Change Grants Technical Assistance
Under the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), EPA received $200 million for technical assistance, which includes technical assistance to provide support for preparing an application for the Community Change Grants.
Applicants who are eligible for the Community Change Grants can receive technical assistance both when applying for funds (pre-award) and after selection/award (post-award) through the Community Change Technical Assistance (CCTA) program. Pre-award technical assistance through CCTA includes:
- Grant Application Support.
- Project Planning and Development.
- Outreach and Engagement.
- General Capacity Building.
- Post-award technical assistance through CCTA will offer support with grants management and reporting.
To learn more, visit Community Change Grants Technical Assistance
Community Change Equitable Resilience Technical Assistance
The Community Change Grant Equitable Resilience technical assistance will provide free design and project development assistance, community engagement, and partnership development workshops that support climate resilience and environmental justice activities in disaster-prone areas. EPA intends to offer this technical assistance to up to 50 recipients nationwide. Technical assistance services will be for climate resilience projects and can address:
- Retrofits to community-serving buildings.
- Design or redesign of public parks, open space, and waterways.
- Redesign of streets.
- Other projects that address climate resilience.
These projects are intended to address extreme heat and more intense heat islands, wildfire and smoke, floods, storms, or other climate change impacts that pose a greater risk to disadvantaged communities.
To learn more, visit Community Change Equitable Resilience Technical Assistance