EPA Collaboration with Brazil
Brazil is the largest democracy in South America, has high levels of economic growth, and urbanization which makes it a priority country for US environmental cooperation. EPA began formal cooperation in Brazil in 1987, with an agreement between EPA and Sao Paulo Sanitation Technology Company (CETESB). EPA works with national and state environmental agencies in Brazil to exchange information, improve technical capacity, and strengthen environmental governance on climate adaptation and other areas of mutual interest.
Explore our work with Brazil:
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Current and Recent Activities
Memorandum of Understanding between the Brazilian Ministry of Environment and EPA about Cooperation on Urban Sustainability
Memorandum of Understanding between the Brazilian Ministry of Environment and EPA About Cooperation on Urban Sustainability
EPA and the Brazilian Ministry of Environment (MMA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in January 2020 on urban sustainability, with a focus on marine litter/ocean pollution, wastewater treatment technologies, water quality restoration, methodology sharing for environmental impact assessments, and waste management practices.
Since the MOU’s establishment, EPA and MMA have conducted three webinars focused on Marine Litter/Ocean Pollution, Water/Wastewater Infrastructure Finance, and the U.S. legal framework for clean-up and reclamation of contaminated sites in urban areas. These webinars included a range of stakeholders from the federal and state governments, as well as associations, banks, and other interested parties.
Air Quality
On July 5, 2024, the Brazilian National Environment Council (CONAMA) published Resolution No. 506, which updated and established new national air quality standards. In September 2024, EPA staff held two webinars with the Ministry of Environment (MMA) on topics related to air quality in response.
The first topic was presented by OAR staff on New Source Review (NSR) Basics, including the description, purpose, permits, and parts of the NSR program. The second was presented by ORD staff about EPA’s recent air sensor research and development. This presentation included sharing tools, how sensors are used at EPA, and the limitations of sensor data and function in relation to the sensor’s cost.
Methane Reduction
EPA OAR staff participated in a June 2024 methane study tour in Brazil to facilitate additional collaboration under the auspices of the Global Methane Initiative. EPA met with officials from the Office of the Brazilian Presidency, Ministry of Environment, and Ministry of Agriculture. The officials expressed interest in collaborating with EPA on waste and agriculture methane mitigation and signaled their intent to join the “LOW-Methane Initiative” (led by the World Bank and the Climate and Clean Air Coalition) in support of the Global Methane Pledge. EPA/OAR staff plan to coordinate with national and subnational partners to identify the most productive areas of cooperation to support Brazil's efforts to mitigate methane emissions. EPA/OAR staff are also working with the State of Rio de Janeiro to support development of an organic waste strategy.
Past Activities
Adaptation Resource Center Technology Transfer
EPA’s Office of Policy is working with the Sao Paulo Sanitation Technology Company (CETESB) to transfer the Climate Change Adaptation Resource Center (ARC-X) to them so they can develop a version of the system focused on climate impacts in Brazil. Cooperation between the two agencies provides a platform for CETESB and EPA to learn from each other’s climate change adaptation strategies, and will help boost Brazil’s capacity to adapt to ongoing climate change.
Water Quality Improvement
in 2EPA has worked with Brazil’s National Water Agency (ANA) to build capacity on water quality management, in partnership with the US Geological Survey (USGS) under an Interagency Agreement on Brazilian Water Quality. The activities under the agreement have included:
- 20 Webinars on how U.S. approaches might be applied in Brazil for priority water quality issues, covering topics including: Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs)/Impaired Waters Issues, Water Quality Assessments, Indicators, Enforcement, and Communication with the Public.
- Briefings and site visits for ANA experts on cross-jurisdictional water quality management, TMDL development and implementation, water modeling and other issues, as part of an ANA Study Tour to EPA Regions 3, 4 and 8 (Annapolis, Atlanta, and Denver, respectively).
- Further assessment of ANA’s water quality programs, including EPA participation with USGS in a mission to Brazil.
Cooperation with USGS and ANA is expected to enter its next phase in 2024.
Embassy Science Fellowships
The Embassy Science Fellows Program, led by the U.S. Department of State, provides U.S. embassies access to the expertise of U.S. government officers in science and technology fields. EPA worked with the State Department to develop programs for two Embassy Science Fellows (ESF) working on assignments with the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA).
- During the first ESF assignment (October-December 2016), an EPA mining enforcement expert worked with IBAMA to build their capacity on regulatory mining issues.
- A second EPA technical expert with a focus on chemical accident prevention assisted IBAMA in pursuing regulatory best-practices for chemical accident prevention from January- March 2018.
Agreements and Relevant Documents
Key Partners
The following links exit the site
- Brazilian Ministry of Environment and Climate (MMA)
- Brazilian National Water and Sanitation Agency (ANA)
- Sao Paulo Sanitation Technology Company (CETESB)
Learn More About Brazil
- State Department Brazil Page
- U.S. Central Intelligence Agency World Factbook: Brazil
- U.S. Embassy in Brazil
- Embassy of Brazil in the U.S.