RRP Training Providers Course Information
This page contains information about the model training courses developed by the EPA for the Lead Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) rule.
These model courses are provided to show training providers the required curriculum for informational purposes. These model courses can only be used by a currently EPA-accredited training provider. These model courses are not for use by training providers not accredited by EPA.
On this page:
- Traditional print format for RRP rule model training courses
- Electronic learning format for RRP rule model training courses
- Expedited approval process for electronic learning for certain training providers
Traditional Print Format for RRP Rule Model Training Courses
EPA developed, in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Housing and Development (HUD), four training courses to provide instruction to individuals seeking certification as a renovator or dust sampling technician.
Renovator - Model Initial Training - Initial (8-hour) course to train RRP contractors how to work safely in housing with lead-based paint and comply with EPA's RRP rule and HUD's Lead Safe Housing rule.
Renovator - Model Refresher Training - Refresher (4-hour) course for previously trained RRP contractors how to work safely in housing with lead-based paint and comply with EPA's RRP rule and HUD's Lead Safe Housing rule.
Dust Sampling Technician - Model Initial Training - Initial (8-hour) course to teach contractors how to conduct non-abatement lead dust clearance testing under EPA's RRP rule and clearance examinations under HUD's Lead Safe Housing Rule.
Dust Sampling Technician - Model Refresher Training - Refresher (4-hour) course for previously trained individuals on how to conduct non-abatement lead dust clearance testing under EPA's RRP rule and clearance examinations under HUD's Lead Safe Housing rule.
Electronic Learning Format for RRP Rule Model Training Courses
EPA has also developed electronic learning (e-learning) model courses in English for three of the four training courses that provide instruction to individuals seeking certification as a renovator or dust sampling technician: Initial Renovator, Refresher Renovator and Initial Lead Dust Sampling Technician courses. Training providers who choose to use the EPA model e-learning course must incorporate the model course into a learning management system.
Training providers that choose not to use the EPA model course may develop their own e-learning courses and must submit the alternative course and a quality control (QC) plan with their application for review (Since each course is unique, alternative course review takes considerably longer than those using the EPA model course). Whether the training program is using their own curriculum or using the EPA e-learning curriculum, the QC plan must include a web address, and username and password in order for EPA to review and audit the e-learning course content. EPA cannot process or review applications that do not include a web address at which the course can be reviewed. The e-learning specific QC plan requirements are specified here: e-learning course component specifications (PDF).
A training provider may request a copy of the following model e-learning course materials. The materials will be sent via email using “GoAnywhere,” an electronic delivery service due to the size of the course files. You can request a copy of the following model e-learning course(s).
- Initial Renovator Model E-learning Course
- Refresher Renovator Model E-learning Course (with and without a hands-on component)
- Initial Lead Dust Sampling Technician Model E-learning Course
Expedited Approval Process for E-Learning for Certain Training Providers
EPA has developed a process for currently accredited training providers to receive expedited approval to provide the initial or refresher renovator RRP e-learning courses online. This process allows accredited training providers to amend their accreditations in order to offer e-learning using a course and learning management system from another training provider that is already accredited by EPA to provide e-learning training. This requires an agreement with an EPA accredited e-learning provider for the use of their online course material. Learn more about e-learning course approvals.
The expedited process may not be used by training providers to make other changes to their accreditation, e.g., it does not allow for changes to student-to-teacher ratio, facility information, permanent location vs. traveling trainer location, etc. To make these changes, please contact the appropriate regional lead contact.
Have a Question?
If you have questions about applying for accreditation and/or maintaining your RRP training provider accreditation, please visit: