Western and Central Gulf of America Offshore Oil & Gas NPDES Program
This page contains information about the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) general permits for offshore oil and gas in the central to western portions of the Gulf of America. These general permits are managed under the jurisdiction of EPA Region 6.
See also: Eastern Gulf of America Offshore Oil & Gas NPDES Permits
Gulf of America Offshore Oil Gas NPDES General Permit
The Gulf of America Offshore Oil & Gas NPDES General Permit was a requirement written in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Interior’s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) compliance concerns. The Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) inspectors conduct NPDES offshore inspections on behalf of the U.S. EPA Region 6 . We also work closely with the Offshore Operators Committee, which is a trade organization representing the offshore operators.
Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) General Permit
OCS General Permit Minor Mod (GMG290000) is for new and existing sources and new discharges in the offshore subcategory of the oil and gas extraction point source category for the central and western portion of the outer continental shelf of the Gulf of America. All operators much apply for coverage using an eNOI and recording their discharge monitoring reports through NetDMR.
Support Documents for the NPDES General Permit for Offshore Oil and Gas Operations in the Western Gulf of America (NPDES GMG290000)
Supporting documents for NDPES General Permit for Offshore Oil and Gas Operations in the Western Gulf of America (NPDES GMG290000). Supporting documents include a link to the permit, fact sheet, guidance documents, instructions, and other information.
Regional Coordinator and Enforcement Officer
Jeanne Eckhart (eckhart.jeanne@epa.gov), 214-665-8174
Offshore Specialist and Enforcement Officer
Uma Lad (lad.uma@epa.gov), 214-665-8563
Note: Uma conducts enforcement actions and provides assistance with offshore eNOIs, eNOTs, and NetDMR issues.
OCS General Permit Writer (GMG290000)
Nichole Young (young.nichole@epa.gov), 214-665-6447
Note: Contact Nichole Young for all non-enforcement questions.
Mailing Address
For Notices of Intent (NOIs), Notices of Termination (NOTs), Transfers and Mergers, or Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs):
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
NPDES Energy Sector Compliance Section
Attn: Uma Lad
1201 Elm St., Suite 500 (ECD-WE)
Dallas, TX 75270
For enforcement issues:
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
NPDES Water Enforcement Section
Attn: Jeanne Eckhart
1201 Elm St., Suite 500 (ECD-WE)
Dallas, TX 75270