Ports Primer: A4. Endnotes and Image Sources
- 2.1 The Role of Ports
- 2.2 Current Port Industry Challenges
- 3.1 Port Operations
- 3.2 Port Governance
- 3.3 Federal and International Governance
- 4.1 Port Impacts to Local Communities
- 4.2 Case Studies: Port-Community Relations
- 5.1 Goods Movement and Transportation Planning
- 5.2 Land Use
- 5.3 Potential Community Interests
- 5.4 Case Studies: Land Use and Transportation
- 6.1 Local Economy and Jobs
- 6.2 Port Factors Impacting the Regional Economy
- 6.4 Case Studies: Job and Benefits
- 7.1 Environmental Impacts
- 7.2 Air Emissions
- 7.3 Federal Environmental Regulations and Programs
- 7.5 Potential Community Interests
- 7.6 Case Studies: Environment
- Additional Resources
- 8.2 Citizen Science Projects
2.1 The Role of Ports
- U.S. Maritime Administration. 2009. America’s Ports and Intermodal Transportation System (pdf). (pp. 8, 6.9 MB)
- American Association of Port Authorities. 2013. U.S. Public Port Facts.
- U.S. Maritime Administration. 2009. America’s Ports and Intermodal Transportation System (pdf). (pp. 43-44, 69 MB)
- American Association of Port Authorities. 2013. U.S. Port Industry.
- American Association of Port Authorities. 2013. U.S. Port Industry.
- American Association of Port Authorities. 2014. National Economic Impact of the U.S. Coastal Port System: Executive Summary (pdf). (496 KB)
- American Association of Port Authorities. 2013. U.S. Public Port Facts.
- U.S. Maritime Administration. 2009. America’s Ports and Intermodal Transportation System (pdf). (pp. 43-45, 6.9 MB)
- Adapted from: U.S. Maritime Administration. 2009. America’s Ports and Intermodal Transportation System (pdf). (pp. 44-45, 6.9 MB)
Image Sources
- U.S. Maritime Administration. 2009. America’s Ports and Intermodal Transportation System (pdf). (pp. 45, 6.9 MB)
- ©iStock.com/michaeljung – Not For Reuse
- ©iStock.com/TERADAT SANTIVIVUT – Not For Reuse
- ©iStock.com/kozmoat98 – Not For Reuse
2.2 Current Port Industry Challenges
- U.S. Maritime Administration. 2009. America’s Ports and Intermodal Transportation System (pdf). (pp. 8, 6.9 MB)
- U.S. Maritime Administration. 2009. America’s Ports and Intermodal Transportation System (pdf). (pp. 11, 6.9 MB)
- U.S. Department of Transportation. 2009. America’s Container Ports. (pp. 11)
3.1 Port Operations
- Adapted from: American Association of Port Authorities. 2013. U.S. Public Port Facts.
- American Association of Port Authorities. 2013. U.S. Public Port Facts.
- Definitions adapted from: American Association of Port Authorities. 2013. Glossary of Maritime Terms.
- Adapted from: Sherman, Rexford B. Seaport Governance in the United States and Canada (pdf) (69 KB).
- Definitions adapted from: American Association of Port Authorities. 2013. Glossary of Maritime Terms.
- Definitions adapted from: American Association of Port Authorities. 2013. Glossary of Maritime Terms.
Image Sources
- ©iStock.com/bugphai – Not For Reuse
3.2 Port Governance
- Adapted from: Sherman, Rexford B. Seaport Governance in the United States and Canada (pdf) (69 KB).
- Adapted from: Sherman, Rexford B. Seaport Governance in the United States and Canada (pdf) (69 KB).
- Adapted from: Sherman, Rexford B. Seaport Governance in the United States and Canada (pdf) (69 KB).
- Community Action Roadmap: Empowering Near-port Communities.
3.3 Federal and International Governance
- Adapted from: Sherman, Rexford B. Seaport Governance in the United States and Canada (pdf) (69 KB).
- U.S. Maritime Administration. 2009. America’s Ports and Intermodal Transportation System (pdf) (pp. 35, 6.9 M) .
- Sherman, Rexford B. Seaport Governance in the United States and Canada (pdf) (69 KB).
- U.S. Maritime Administration. 2009. America’s Ports and Intermodal Transportation System (pdf) (pp. 35, 6.9 MB).
- U.S. Maritime Administration. 2009. America’s Ports and Intermodal Transportation System (pdf) (pp. 36, 6.9 MB).
- Quoted from: U.S. Maritime Administration. 2009. America’s Ports and Intermodal Transportation System (pdf) (pp. 35, 6.9 MB).
4.1 Port Impacts to Local Communities
4.2 Case Studies: Port-Community Relations
- Baltimore Port Alliance. 2013. About the Baltimore Port Alliance.
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2014. Port Stakeholders Summit: Advancing More Sustainable Ports. Summit: Meeting Summary (pdf)
- Baltimore Port Alliance. 2013. Education and Outreach – Serving Communities, Serving Ports.
5.1 Goods Movement and Transportation Planning
- Adapted from and images from: Rhodes, Suzann. 2011. Talking Freight (pdf) (6.9 MB). [Presentation prepared for the Transportation Research Board].
- National Cooperative Freight Research Program. 2012. Guidebook for Understanding Urban Goods Movement.
- Adapted from and images from: Rhodes, Suzann. 2011. Talking Freight (pdf) (6.9 MB). [Presentation prepared for the Transportation Research Board].
- Adapted from and images from: Rhodes, Suzann. 2011. Talking Freight (pdf) (6.9 MB). [Presentation prepared for the Transportation Research Board].
- Adapted from: U.S. DOT. The Transportation Planning Process Key Issues: A Briefing Book for Transportation Decision-makers, Officials and Staff.
- U.S. Maritime Administration. 2009. America’s Ports and Intermodal Transportation System (pdf) (page 22, 6.9 MB).
Image Sources
- U.S. Maritime Administration. 2009. America’s Ports and Intermodal Transportation System (pdf) (pp. 22, 6.9 M).
- Rhodes, Suzann. 2011. Talking Freight (pdf) (6.9 MB). [Presentation prepared for the Transportation Research Board].
- ©iStock.com/bugphai – Not For Reuse
- ©iStock.com/StanRohrer – Not For Reuse
- ©iStock.com/monkeybusinessimages – Not For Reuse
5.2 Land Use
- Natural Resources Defense Council. 2004. Harboring Pollution: Strategies to Clean Up U.S. Ports (pp. 14-15).
- Natural Resources Defense Council. 2004. Harboring Pollution: Strategies to Clean Up U.S. Ports (pp. 63-64).
Image Sources
- Natural Resources Defense Council. 2004. Harboring Pollution: Strategies to Clean Up U.S. Ports (pp. 15).
- ©iStock.com/KSuhorukov – Not For Reuse
- ©iStock.com/Michal Krakowiak – Not For Reuse
- ©iStock.com/Leslie Achtymichuk – Not For Reuse
5.3 Potential Community Interests
- Natural Resources Defense Council. 2004. Harboring Pollution: Strategies to Clean Up U.S. Ports (pp. 15).
- Natural Resources Defense Council. 2004. Harboring Pollution: Strategies to Clean Up U.S. Ports (pp. 15).
- Adapted from Natural Resources Defense Council. Clean Cargo: A Guide to Reducing Diesel Air Pollution from the Freight Industry in Your Community (pdf) (pp. 3-5, 6.0 MB)
Image Sources
- Natural Resources Defense Council. Clean Cargo: A Guide to Reducing Diesel Air Pollution from the Freight Industry in Your Community (pdf) (pp. 3-5, 6.0 MB)
- ©iStock.com/AnthonyRosenberg – Not For Reuse
5.4 Case Studies: Land Use and Transportation
- Adapted from North Channel Star. July 23, 2014. Galena Park: Air Quality Report Cites Health Dangers.
- Adapted from: Switzer Network News. 2013. Ditching Dirty Diesel with Switzer Fellow Catalina Garzon.
- Adapted from: Natural Resources Defense Council. 2004. Harboring Pollution: Strategies to Clean Up U.S. Ports (pp. 63).
Image Source
6.1 Local Economy and Jobs
- Definitions quoted and adapted from: American Association of Port Authorities. 2013. Glossary of Maritime Terms.
- Smith, Rebecca, Paul Alexander Marvy, and Jon Zerolnick. 2014. The Big Rig Overhaul: Restoring Middle-Class Jobs at America’s Ports through Labor Law Enforcement (pdf) (2.7 MB).
- Colliers International. 2012. North American Port Analysis (pdf) (pp. 9, 2.7 MB).
Image Sources
- Colliers International. 2012. North American Port Analysis (pdf) (pp. 2, 2.7 MB).
- ©iStock.com/mstahlphoto – Not For Reuse
- ©iStock.com/Susan Chiang – Not For Reuse
6.2 Port Factors Impacting the Regional Economy
- BBC News. August 6, 2015. “Egypt Launches Suez Canal Expansion.” BBC News.
- U.S. Department of Transportation. 2018. Port Performance Freight Statistics Program Annual Report to Congress (pp. 15).
- American Association of Port Authorities. 2017. Port Industry Statistics.
- American Association of Port Authorities. 2017. Port Industry Statistics.
- American Association of Port Authorities. 2017. Port Industry Statistics.
- U.S. Department of Transportation. 2009. America’s Container Ports (pp. 1).
- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 2012. U.S. Port and Inland Waterways Modernization: Preparing for Post-Panamax Vessels (pdf) (pp. XIII, 7.2 MB).
- U.S. Maritime Administration. 2009. America’s Ports and Intermodal Transportation System (pdf) (pp. 8, 6.9 M).
- Colliers International. 2012. North American Port Analysis (pdf) (2.7 MB).
- Colliers International. 2012. North American Port Analysis (pdf) (pp.3, 2.7 MB).
- Colliers International. 2012. North American Port Analysis (pdf) (pp.2, 2.7 MB).
Image Sources
- Panama Canal Authority.
- U.S. Department of Transportation. 2018. Port Performance Freight Statistics Program: Annual Report to Congress 2018 (pp. 15).
- American Association of Port Authorities. 2017.
6.4 Case Studies: Job and Benefits
- Adapted from: Port of Oakland. 2015. The Social Responsibility Division (SRD).
- Quote comes from: Sandifur, Marilyn. 2011. Community Investments Stimulate Cycle of Benefits.
- Adapted from: Port of Los Angeles. 2017. Port of Los Angeles Project Labor Agreement (pdf) (8.6 MB)
Image Source
- ©iStock.com/Jason Doiy – Not For Reuse
7.1 Environmental Impacts
- Natural Resources Defense Council. 2004. Harboring Pollution: Strategies to Clean Up U.S. Ports (pdf) (pp. 1-10, 753 KB)
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2014. Near Roadway Air Pollution and Health: Frequently Asked Questions (pdf) (503 KB, August 2014, EPA-420-F-14-044).
Image Sources
- ©iStock.com/Prasit Rodphan – Not For Reuse
- ©iStock.com/princessdlaf – Not For Reuse
7.2 Air Emissions
- International Council on Clean Transportation (prepared by Starcrest Consulting Group LLC). 2012. Developing Port Clean Air Programs (pdf) (pp. 3-4, 1.1 MB)
- International Council on Clean Transportation (prepared by Starcrest Consulting Group LLC). 2012. Developing Port Clean Air Programs (pdf)> (pp. 4, 1.1 MB).
- Summarized from: International Council on Clean Transportation (prepared by Starcrest Consulting Group LLC). 2012. Developing Port Clean Air Programs (pdf) (pp. 7-13, 1.1 MB).
- International Council on Clean Transportation (prepared by Starcrest Consulting Group LLC). 2012. Developing Port Clean Air Programs (pdf) (pp. 39-55, 1.1 MB).
- International Council on Clean Transportation (prepared by Starcrest Consulting Group LLC). 2012. Developing Port Clean Air Programs (pdf) (pp. 2, 1.1 M).
- Adapted/quoted from: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2014. About SmartWay.
- Adapted from: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2010. Designation of North American Emission Control Area to Reduce Emissions from Ships.
Image Sources
- ©iStock.com/PhillipMinnis – Not For Reuse
- ©iStock.com/yenwen – Not For Reuse
7.3 Federal Environmental Regulations and Programs
- List quoted from: Natural Resources Defense Council. Defend Your Air: Guide for Reducing Freight Transportation Air Pollution Under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) (pdf) (pp. 8-9, 5.5 MB).
- .Environmental Compliance for Port Tenants and Authorities: About.
7.5 Potential Community Interests
- Definition provided by the Cambridge Dictionary.
- Neighborhood Assessment Teams - Case studies from Southern California and instructions on community investigations of traffic-related air pollution. 2013 (pdf) (1.9 MB).
7.6 Case Studies: Environment
- Adapted from: Natural Resources Defense Council. 2004. Harboring Pollution: Strategies to Clean Up U.S. Ports (pp. 25).
Additional References
- Corbett et al. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2007. Mortality from Ship Emissions: A Global Assessment (7 pp, 1.9 MB)
- Hricko A. Environ Health Perspect. 2006. Guest Editorial: Ships, Trucks, and Trains: Effects of Goods Movement on Environmental Health. Vol. 114(4) A204-A205.
- Hricko A. Environ Health Perspect. 2008. Global Trade Comes Home: Community Impacts of Goods Movement. Vol. 116(2) A78-A81.
- Hricko A. Environ Health Perspect. 2012. Progress and Pollution: Port Cities Prepare for the Panama Canal Expansion. Vol. 120(12) A470-A473
- Matsuoka et al. 2011. Global Trade Impacts: Addressing the Health, Social and Environmental Consequences of Moving International Freight through Our Communities.
- Vaishnav et al. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2016. Shore Power for Vessels Calling at U.S. Ports: Benefits and Costs. Vol. 50(3) 1102-1110.
8.2 Citizen Science Projects
- PolicyLink. 2012. Community-Based Participatory Research: A Strategy for Building Healthy Communities and Promoting Health through Policy Change (pdf) (2.1 MB).
- Adapted and quoted from: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2015. U.S. EPA’s Air Sensor Toolbox for Citizen Scientists.
Image Source
- ©iStock.com/wdstock – Not For Reuse