Funding and Grants for Puget Sound
Open Funding Opportunities
None currently available.
Ongoing and Past Funding
Advancing Human Wellbeing and Ecosystem Recovery in Puget Sound and the Salish Sea (2024)
The Salish Sea Human Wellbeing Grant Program aims to connect overburdened, under-resourced groups to the Puget Sound Action Agenda and its implementation.
EPA anticipates awarding up to $7 million over two years of incremental funding.
Climate Resilient Riparian Systems Lead (2023)
The Puget Sound Climate Resilient Riparian Systems Lead establishes an innovative and collaborative riparian conservation program that provides financial incentives for landowners to permanently protect and restore riparian areas important for providing ecosystem services, including those supporting salmon recovery, while successfully implementing approaches to promote climate resiliency.
EPA anticipates awarding up to $30 million over four years of incremental funding, to be leveraged using non-federal matching funds with the hope of building a robust and sustainable program.
Tribal Implementation Lead 2.0 (2022)
The Tribal Implementation Award 2.0 supports implementation of Tribal priorities in the Puget Sound Action Agenda, and coordinates and integrates this program with Puget Sound management conference partners who also support Action Agenda implementation.
Strategic Initiative Leads (2020)
Strategic Initiative Leads implement the Action Agenda, serve as Implementation Strategy Leads, and participate in a number of Puget Sound Management Conference work groups and processes in the areas of habitat, shellfish, and stormwater.
Implementation Strategies – Science Awards (2017–2021)
Led by the Puget Sound Partnership, in coordination with the University of Washington Puget Sound Institute (PSI) and Oregon State University, to provide science support to Strategic Initiative Leads to update, complete, or initiate implementation strategies using the approaches developed through prior awards to the Puget Sound Partnership and PSI.
Takes the ecosystem perspective by:
- Integrating across Vital Signs and implementation strategies under development.
- Preparing the scientific basis required for future implementation strategies to ensure a balanced and comprehensive program.
Supports the foundational science basis for Puget Sound recovery and long-term protection programs. This work complements the focus on implementation strategies by:
- Identifying, prioritizing, and promoting critical information needs identified by implementation strategies.
- Ensuring critical evaluation and technical peer review of intermediate and final implementation strategy plans.
Tribal Implementation Lead Award (2016-2021)
Led by the Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission to facilitate implementation of projects of high tribal priority that are consistent with the action agenda.
Over $21 million awarded from 2016-2021.
Tribal Capacity Awards (2010-2019)
Awarded to 19 tribes and three tribal consortia to support tribal participation in regional coordination boards and management conferences as well as to implement recovery activities consistent with the Action Agenda.
Over $38 million awarded from 2010-2019.