Puget Sound Program
On this page:
- Background
- Eligibility
- Available Technical Assistance
- Connections to Other EPA, Federal or Non-Governmental Efforts
EPA’s Puget Sound Program, the Puget Sound Partnership and many other partners across the region work collaboratively to protect and restore Puget Sound – an economic and cultural engine for the region’s more than 4.7 million people, including 19 federally recognized Tribes. The 2022-2026 Puget Sound Action Agenda charts the course for Puget Sound recovery as a shared plan for advancing a wide range of protection and restoration efforts across the watershed. Funding from the Puget Sound Program generally goes toward the implementation of the Action Agenda’s goals, including incorporating climate adaptation and resilience into all Puget Sound strategies to protect and restore ecosystems and human well-being. This includes activities specifically tied to the Action Agenda’s three strategic initiatives for improving habitat, restoring and protecting shellfish, and preventing stormwater pollution. Visit EPA Geographic Funding at Work on Puget Sound Recovery for a broad overview of EPA’s work to protect and restore water quality and ecological integrity in Puget Sound.
Former funding opportunities provided by the program to advance its protection and restoration activities, while advancing the region’s climate resilience, include:
- Climate Resilient Riparian Systems Lead Request for Applications (2023).
- Funding Availability for Puget Sound Action Agenda Tribal Implementation Lead 2.0.
- Funding Availability for Puget Sound Strategic Initiative Leads.
More information about current and past opportunities for funding through EPA and the EPA Strategic Initiative Leads can be found on the Funding and Grants for Puget Sound page and the Puget Sound National Estuary Program's Funding Opportunities webpage.
Who is generally eligible to apply?
EPA provides funding to help implement the Puget Sound Action Agenda through cooperative agreements with designated state agencies, local and Tribal governments, universities and non-governmental organizations. The application process for these funding opportunities generally requires there to be one lead entity and does not allow co-applicants. However, applicants may be able to designate entities as partners or sub-awardees. The Puget Sound Program also strongly encourages partnerships for any funded activities. Visit the program's website for specific details on eligibilities, applicant requirements and sub-award requirements.
How can projects funded by this program incorporate adaptation and resilience considerations?
This program implements multi-benefit projects that help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase carbon sequestration in Puget Sound ecosystems, increase climate adaptation and promote climate resilience. Find a full list of funded projects through the EPA Strategic Initiative Leads at All Funded Projects - Strategic Initiatives of the Puget Sound National Estuary Program.
Examples of climate adaptation and resilience projects that may be supported by this program include:
- Developing a multi-benefit local climate action plan.
- Adopting green infrastructure design and low impact development practices in stormwater planning and construction to improve stormwater system resilience.
- Protecting and restoring habitat by re-connecting floodplains, re-establishing riparian corridors, restoring and protecting forests and considering land-use patterns.
- Coordinating investment strategies to maximize effectiveness for habitat restoration and protection, particularly for floodplains and estuaries.
- Controlling invasive species in order to preserve and restore native vegetation in key habitat areas.
- Protecting and reopening shellfish beds using water quality and agricultural best management practices to protect shellfish growing areas.
- Implementing climate-resilient floodplain management strategies that consider future changes in flooding, groundwater levels, population growth, habitat and land use.
- Educating and conducting outreach to communities and schools on climate risks and solutions.
- Developing the workforce to meet Puget Sound’s habitat recovery goals.
Available Technical Assistance
The Puget Sound Institute brings together scientists, engineers and policy makers working on the restoration and protection of Puget Sound and provides expert advice based on the best-available science.
EPA directly supports Tribal science through the Puget Sound Tribal Capacity Program. Eligible activities under this program include significant technical work in support of Tribal priorities related to Puget Sound recovery. The range of science work completed by grantees includes:
- Collaborative science.
- Water quality toxin/pathogen research.
- Baseline water quality monitoring.
- Climate resilience, habitat, training, wetlands, Geographic Information Systems, traditional knowledge and food web research.
EPA also supports Tribal science through the Tribal Implementation Lead Program, which is a subaward program managed by the Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission for all federally recognized Puget Sound Tribes and authorized consortia of eligible Tribes.
Connections to Other EPA, Federal or Non-Governmental Efforts
Support offered by the following programs can be used in combination with the Puget Sound Program to help advance climate resilience projects in the region.
Puget Sound Federal Leadership Task Force: On December 23, 2022, the President signed into law H.R. 7776, the James M. Inhofe National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023, which amends the Clean Water Act by adding a Puget Sound Coordinated Recovery section. The new section established a Puget Sound Recovery National Program Office in EPA, and a Puget Sound Federal Leadership Task Force. EPA Puget Sound Recovery National Program Office coordinates and manages the Puget Sound Federal Leadership Task Force.
Puget Sound Partnership: In partnership with EPA, the Puget Sound Partnership is the state agency leading the Puget Sound National Estuary Program to restore and protect Puget Sound. PSP brings together hundreds of partners to mobilize action around the Action Agenda by advancing Puget Sound’s investment priorities in nature-based infrastructure, climate resilience and equity.
EPA's Urban Waters Program: The Urban Waters Program advances climate resilience and water quality goals in 21 urban watersheds across the country. The Green-Duwamish River Watershed Urban Waters Partnership brings together federal agencies, Tribes, academia, private entities and non-governmental organizations to advance projects that address current and future climate impacts within underserved and overburdened communities in their watershed.
Puget Sound Starts Here: This local public-private partnership shares educational materials and classroom tools to raise awareness about how everyday actions can impact Puget Sound.