Superfund Sites in Reuse in Missouri
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12th Avenue Solvents
The 12th Avenue Solvents site is in Ava, Missouri. It includes four properties: the former Emerson Electric Company facility, the former Rawlings facility, part of the Douglas County Health Department and part of the Sentinel Wood Treating Superfund site. Since 1968, companies have used the area for manufacturing activities. These activities contaminated site soil and groundwater. From 1994 to 2000, Emerson Electric Company, the potentially responsible party (PRP), led a series of time-critical removal actions on site. Actions included installing and sampling three groundwater monitoring wells under the southwest part of the facility. They also included installing a dual-purpose groundwater and soil vapor extraction well and a dual vapor extraction (DVE) system and removing and treating about 57 tons of soil. In 2001, EPA, the Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) and the PRP signed an agreement. The PRP agreed to continue the cleanup through a non-time-critical removal action. EPA’s long-term cleanup plan includes groundwater treatment and land use restrictions. Due to perceived risks, office space in only one of the warehouse buildings was in use. The PRP did a vapor intrusion assessment. It confirmed indoor air safety. In 2021, a beehive manufacturing company purchased the warehouse. The company is upgrading the warehouse and putting in a new loading dock. Other uses on site include a police station, a heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration manufacturing business, and other commercial businesses.
Last updated December 2023
As of December 2024, the EPA did not have economic data related to on-site businesses, or economic data were not applicable due to site use. For additional information click here.
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77th & Troost Fireworks Explosion
The 77th and Troost Fireworks Explosion site is in Kansas City, Missouri. A previous resident made and stored fireworks in the basement of the home. In 2000, an open flame or spark ignited the fireworks and the house exploded. One person was killed and several people were injured in the explosion. EPA completed a removal action at the site in 2000. Cleanup included removal of chemicals and chemical containers. Today, cleanup is complete. A new home has been built on the site.
Last updated December 2023
As of December 2024, the EPA did not have economic data related to on-site businesses, or economic data were not applicable due to site use. For additional information click here.
For more information:
- Protecting Public Health Through Time-Sensitive Cleanups: Cleanup, Redevelopment and Continued Used of Removal Action Sites in the Kansas City Metropolitan Area (PDF)
- Superfund Site Profile Page
Annapolis Lead Mine
The 200-acre Annapolis Lead Mine Superfund site is in Iron County, Missouri. It includes historic mining areas, Sutton Branch Creek and its floodplain, and the town of Annapolis. Massive piles of mining waste left on site eroded over time, resulting in lead contamination of soils, sediments and nearby bodies of water. EPA added the site to the National Priorities List (NPL) in 2004. EPA worked with the Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MoDNR) and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to develop a cleanup plan. The plan addressed contaminated sediments in the Sutton Branch Creek floodplain and contaminated soils in nearby residential yards. Workers excavated and combined contaminated materials and capped them. EPA and MoDNR also planted over 1,000 trees, revegetating parts of the site. Cleanup activities also stabilized parts of the creek. In the town of Annapolis, EPA and MoDNR tested soils and removed contamination. Studies focused on areas attractive to children, such as residential yards, school yards and church yards. Remedy construction finished in 2007. EPA deleted the site from the NPL in 2020. MoDNR continues to inspect the site and conducts regular maintenance activities to make sure the remedy remains protective of human health and the environment. Hay production takes place on a small part of the Sutton Branch Creek floodplain.
Last updated December 2023
As of December 2024, the EPA did not have economic data related to on-site businesses, or economic data were not applicable due to site use. For additional information click here.
For more information:
- Addressing the Legacy of Mining Contamination in Southeast Missouri: Cleaning Up Residential Lead Contamination in Jefferson, Washington, St. Francois and Madison Counties (PDF)
- Superfund Site Profile Page
Armour Road
The Armour Road Superfund site is in North Kansas City, Missouri. From the 1920s to 1986, several different parties ran an herbicide mixing and packaging facility on the 1.8 acre site property. A 1989 environmental assessment found high levels of arsenic and other herbicide-related contaminants in soil and groundwater. To protect public health and the environment, EPA conducted a time-critical removal action. EPA covered the site property with geofabric and crushed rock and put a perimeter fence around the property in May 1996. EPA added the site to the National Priorities List (NPL) in 1999. Under EPA oversight, the site’s responsible parties continued cleanup activities. From August 2004 to October 2004, a removal action was conducted to decontaminate and demolish the building and foundation and to dispose of construction debris in a permitted landfill. Another removal action was conducted from March 2005 to April 2006 to excavate contaminated soil from the site property, to dispose of contaminated soil off-site in a permitted landfill and to backfill with clean soil. The most recent soil cleanup was completed in January 2017 to excavate, treat and dispose of contaminated soil in a permitted landfill from beneath Railroad Avenue to the east and south of the site property and the adjacent property to the west. Soil cleanup at the site is complete. EPA continues to work with the responsible parties on the final groundwater remedy. Cleanup enabled the reuse of the site property and opened the door to redevelopment opportunities in the area. In 2016, Northern Kansas City released its Northern Kansas City Master Plan. It included the site as part of a large redevelopment project called the One North Redevelopment Area. To date, redevelopment at and around the site includes a medical center with a solar array on its covered parking lot and a fast-food restaurant. Road realignments and extensions across the site facilitate access to the larger One North Redevelopment Area, improving traffic flow and establishing a gateway to North Kansas City’s downtown. In September 2019, EPA Region 7 presented its Leading Environmentalism and Forwarding Sustainability (L.E.A.F.S.) Award to Northern Kansas City and Rio Tinto Mining Company, one of the site’s responsible parties. Today, EPA continues to work with the local government to facilitate property transactions and construction planning, ensuring the long-term protectiveness of the site’s remedy and supporting the site’s successful redevelopment.
Last updated December 2023
As of December 2024, the EPA had data on 3 on-site businesses. These businesses employed 45 people and generated an estimated $6,490,000 in annual sales revenue. For additional information click here.
For more information:
- An Overnight Success Story, Twenty Years in the Making (PDF)
- Reuse Fact Sheet: Armour Road (PDF)
- EPA Region 7 Leading Environmentalism and Forwarding Sustainability (L.E.A.F.S.) Award
- Superfund Site Profile Page
Bee Cee Manufacturing Co.
The 5-acre Bee Cee Manufacturing Co. Superfund site is in Malden, Missouri. The Bee Cee Manufacturing Company made aluminum moldings for storm windows and doors at the site from 1964 to 1983. Waste from facility operations contaminated soil and groundwater with hexavalent chromium. EPA added the site to the National Priorities List (NPL) in 1986. EPA removed contaminated soil from the site in 1992. Other cleanup activities included monitoring natural processes to clean up groundwater and putting in several monitoring wells. Institutional controls in place restrict groundwater use and limit land uses to industrial and commercial uses. Annual sampling of the monitoring wells is ongoing. A grain processing facility is active on site.
Last updated December 2023
As of December 2024, the EPA did not have economic data related to on-site businesses, or economic data were not applicable due to site use. For additional information click here.
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Big River Mine Tailings/St. Joe Minerals Corp.
The 110-mile Big River Mine Tailing/St. Joe Minerals Corp. Superfund site is in Desloge, Missouri. From 1742 to 1972, mining operations resulted in enormous piles of mine waste tailings and chat on site. The site includes eight large areas of mine waste. In 1977, heavy rains caused 50,000 cubic yards of the Big River Mine Tailings Pile to slump into the Big River, contaminating surface water and soil with heavy metals. Residents and businesses used the mine waste as fill for construction projects and as agricultural amendments. Contaminants from the waste seeped into the Big River. EPA added the site to the National Priorities List (NPL) in 1992. The cleanup includes mine waste removal and stabilization as well as treatment of dissolved zinc in groundwater seeps. Land uses at the site include residential, commercial, industrial, recreational, public services, agricultural and ecological areas. EPA and potentially responsible parties test residential properties, schools, daycares and parks for heavy metals, and replace contaminated soil as needed. In 2019, EPA’s Superfund Redevelopment Program (SRP) started a regional seed project to work on a reuse assessment for the site. It identified community redevelopment priorities across four cities – Park Hills, Bonne Terre, Leadwood and Desloge – in St. Francois County. Development of a solar reuse assessment for the site followed. In 2021, the site was among those selected by EPA to receive cleanup funding under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL). With this funding, EPA is already initiating work on backlogged remedial construction projects and accelerating cleanups at NPL sites.
Last updated December 2023
As of December 2024, the EPA had data on 999 on-site businesses. These businesses employed 12,913 people and generated an estimated $1,690,622,611 in annual sales revenue. For additional information click here.
For more information:
- Addressing the Legacy of Mining Contamination in Southeast Missouri: Cleaning Up Residential Lead Contamination in Jefferson, Washington, St. Francois and Madison Counties (PDF)
- Reuse and the Benefit to Community: Big River Mine Tailings/St. Joe Mineral Corp. Superfund Site (PDF)
- Cleanup and Redevelopment Guide to Lead Mining and Smelting Sites in Region 7
- Superfund Site Profile Page
Carter Carburetor
The Carter Carburetor site is in St. Louis, Missouri. From 1915 to 1984, companies made carburetors on site. Manufacturing activities led to contamination of soil and debris. EPA’s cleanup included asbestos and debris removal as well as demolition and capping of on-site structures. EPA partnered with local leaders and other stakeholders and hosted public meetings and information sessions to make sure the community had a voice in site activities. Cleanup finished in 2020. Long-term monitoring is ongoing. EPA Region 7 and EPA’s Superfund Redevelopment Program (SRP) launched a reuse planning process in 2019 to align reuse planning with remedy features and long-term monitoring at the site. The Herbert Hoover Boys and Girls Club (the Club) is next to the site. In September 2020, EPA signed a Prospective Purchaser Agreement with the Club. The agreement provides the Club with liability protections. In early 2021, the Club acquired the site with plans to open an urban golf center in collaboration with Gateway PGA Reach. A non-profit, Gateway PGA Reach is dedicated to positively affecting the lives of youth by increasing access to the game of golf. In addition to golf activities, the center will provide after-school resources, mentoring and a path to college education for neighborhood youth. EPA and local partners also worked to refine the reuse plan for another part of the site owned by the city of St. Louis. Potential uses include pollinator habitat, commercial or community facilities, and parking.
Last updated December 2023
As of December 2024, the EPA did not have economic data related to on-site businesses, or economic data were not applicable due to site use. For additional information click here.
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Compass Plaza Well TCE
The Compass Plaza Well TCE Superfund site is in Rogersville, Missouri. It consists of contaminated groundwater that has contaminated domestic wells and irrigation wells. The site includes a small cluster of wells in Greene County near Compass Plaza, a commercial area in Rogersville. After public drinking water monitoring by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MDNR), sampling found trichloroethene (TCE) in the Compass Plaza strip mall drinking water well and at two nearby public wells. In 2010, EPA provided water treatment systems to residents with private wells contaminated with TCE. In 2010, EPA, in cooperation with MDNR, Greene County Resource Management and the Natural Resource Conservation Service, capped a well with high levels of TCE to protect groundwater resources and oversaw the construction of a new drinking water well. EPA added the site to the National Priorities List (NPL) in 2012. Investigations and monitoring are underway. A manufacturing business is active on site.
Last updated December 2023
As of December 2024, the EPA did not have economic data related to on-site businesses, or economic data were not applicable due to site use. For additional information click here.
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Ellisville Site
The Ellisville Site Superfund site is in St. Louis County, Missouri. It includes three separate areas, called operable units (OUs). The 85-acre Rosalie property is OU1. A sewer worker found buried drums on the property in 1980. Site investigations in the 1980s found the buried drums had contaminated soil at OU1. The 11.6-acre Bliss property is OU2. The Bliss Waste Oil Company operated at OU2 during the 1960s and 1970s. The company disposed of waste on site by dumping and burying drums. The 8-acre Callahan property is OU3. In 1980, investigations found buried drums at OU3. EPA added the site to the National Priorities List (NPL) in 1983. To clean up OU1 and OU3, EPA removed contaminated soils and drums, backfilled with clean soil, and reseeded the area. EPA took OU3 off the NPL in 2017. Cleanup for OU2 included removing contaminated soil and either incinerating it or transporting it to a permitted landfill. EPA did more short-term cleanup activities west of the Bliss property in an area considered for potential residential development. Groundwater investigations by EPA and the Missouri Department of Natural Resources are ongoing. A residential housing subdivision is on the Rosalie property. Ecological uses on the Bliss and Callahan properties include streams and small ponds.
Last updated December 2023
As of December 2024, the EPA did not have economic data related to on-site businesses, or economic data were not applicable due to site use. For additional information click here.
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Findett Corp.
The Findett Corp. site is in St. Charles, Missouri. Findett Corp. opened an industrial facility on site in 1962. It reprocessed heat transfer fluids, hydraulic fluids, solvents and catalysts. The process fluids and materials contained hazardous substances, including volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Facility operations contaminated soil and groundwater. The site came to EPA's attention in the late 1970s, when Findett Corp. reported handling PCBs. EPA’s inspection found improper waste disposal practices on site. EPA did not add the site to the National Priorities List (NPL). It is an NPL-caliber site. EPA addresses it through the Superfund Alternative Approach (SAA). Cleanup includes hydraulic control of the shallow contaminated plume using groundwater extraction wells, and groundwater treatment. It also includes discharge of treated groundwater to the sewage treatment plant and off-site disposal and treatment of contaminated soil. Activity and institutional controls are in place. Groundwater monitoring is ongoing. An electrical substation is active on site.
Last updated December 2023
As of December 2024, the EPA did not have economic data related to on-site businesses, or economic data were not applicable due to site use. For additional information click here.
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Fulbright Landfill
The Fulbright Landfill Superfund site is in Springfield, Missouri. It consists of two closed landfills – the 98-acre Fulbright Landfill and the 114-acre Sac River Landfill. From 1962 to 1974, the landfills accepted industrial and domestic wastes that contaminated soil and groundwater. In 1983, EPA added the site to the National Priorities List (NPL). EPA and the parties responsible for the contamination, including the city of Springfield (City), cleaned up known areas of contamination at both landfills. Cleanup activities, which included the removal of drummed waste and contaminated soil, finished in 1992. Groundwater monitoring is ongoing. The site’s location near the Little Sac River is ideal for recreational use. The City expressed interest in expanding nearby trails onto cleaned-up areas of the site. EPA’s Superfund Redevelopment Program (SRP) supported a reuse planning process to identify potential future uses that could be compatible with the site’s remedy. Stakeholders met in 2004 and 2005 to explore reuse options as well as innovative techniques to protect the site’s remedy. A police department firing range remains active on site. In 2020, a segment of the Fulbright Spring Greenway Trail opened on site. It connects to several local parks, neighborhoods and an elementary school. People use it for walking, biking and running. More trail work is underway.
Last updated December 2023
As of December 2024, the EPA did not have economic data related to on-site businesses, or economic data were not applicable due to site use. For additional information click here.
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KCMO Fire Grenades
The KCMO Fire Grenades site is in Kansas City, Missouri. EPA responded to a home in August 2005 after the homeowner found five fire grenades in the attic. Fire grenades were fire extinguishers used in the late 1800s and early 1900s. The bottles were made of thin glass designed to shatter when thrown on a fire, dousing the flames. EPA removed the devices. EPA confirmed their contents to be a mixture of high concentrations of tetrachloroethylene and trichloroethylene. The home where the devices were found remains occupied.
Last updated December 2023
As of December 2024, the EPA did not have economic data related to on-site businesses, or economic data were not applicable due to site use. For additional information click here.
For more information:
- Protecting Public Health Through Time-Sensitive Cleanups: Cleanup, Redevelopment and Continued Used of Removal Action Sites in the Kansas City Metropolitan Area (PDF)
- Superfund Site Profile Page
Madison County Mines
The 511-square-mile Madison County Mines Superfund site is in Fredericktown, Missouri. Mining operations began in the area in the early 1700s. They ended in the mid-1900s. Mine operations left behind 13 major tailings and chat deposit areas. Contaminated soil, tailings and chat were used in residential areas for fill, foundation bases, driveway aggregate and topsoil. Contaminated materials were also used as aggregate for road construction and as traction on public roadways during winter weather. EPA added the site to the National Priorities List (NPL) in 2003. Cleanup includes removing contaminated soil and replacing it with clean soil. Mine waste locations are being addressed in stages, as cleanup plans are finalized. A Health Education Program and a Voluntary Institutional Controls Program (VICP) are in place through cooperative agreements with the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services. The U.S. Forest Service manages part of Mark Twain National Forest on site. The federal recreation area supports hiking, camping and water access for fishing and kayaking. Other continued uses at the site include residential, recreational, commercial, industrial, ecological and agricultural areas. EPA partnered with the Madison County Health Department, area organizations and a cleanup contractor to host the Madison County Mines Superfund Job Training Initiative (SuperJTI) at the site from December 2017 to March 2018. This initiative provided 24 local job seekers with new skills, certifications and hands-on training for construction and cleanup. In December 2021, the site was among those selected by EPA to receive cleanup funding under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL). With this funding, EPA is already initiating work on backlogged remedial construction projects and accelerating cleanups at NPL sites. Under the BIL 200 properties are projected for remediation through 2027.
Last updated December 2023
As of December 2024, the EPA had data on 32 on-site businesses. These businesses employed 493 people and generated an estimated $21,652,010 in annual sales revenue. For additional information click here.
For more information:
- Addressing the Legacy of Mining Contamination in Southeast Missouri: Cleaning Up Residential Lead Contamination in Jefferson, Washington, St. Francois and Madison Counties (PDF)
- Superfund Site Profile Page
Minker/Stout/Romaine Creek
The Minker/Stout/Romaine Creek Superfund site includes about 10 acres of separate properties near Imperial, Missouri. In the early 1970s, site operators sprayed dioxin-contaminated oil on the Bubbling Springs Ranch horse arena to control dust. The dioxin-contaminated soil from the horse arena was later used as fill material in local residential areas. These areas included the Minker, Stout, Cashel and Sullins homes where much of the fill from the Minker residence eroded into Romaine Creek. In 1983, EPA found dioxin in soil on site and in Romaine Creek sediments. EPA added the site to the National Priorities List (NPL) in 1983 and permanently relocated 11 families affected by the contamination. From 1985 to 1989, EPA removed approximately 26,420 tons of soil from the Minker/Stout/Romaine Creek site. The contaminated soil was then transported off-site for incineration at Times Beach in 1996 and 1997. In all but one area at this site, cleanup levels were achieved in excavating dioxin-contaminated soils exceeding one part per billion (ppb) to a maximum depth of four feet or bedrock. The singular area at a depth of four feet containing residual concentrations of up to 266 ppb remains covered by clean backfill with permanent survey markers to distinguish itself on the Minker area of this site. EPA completed cleanup in 1997 and the site remains in continued residential use.
Last updated December 2023
As of December 2024, the EPA did not have economic data related to on-site businesses, or economic data were not applicable due to site use. For additional information click here.
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Missouri Electric Works
The Missouri Electric Works Superfund Site consists of soil and groundwater impacted by polychlorinated biphenyls, or PCBs, related to servicing and remanufacturing electric equipment. The site property is 6.4 acres located adjacent to U.S. Highway 61 (South Kings Highway) in Cape Girardeau, Missouri. Missouri Electric Works, Inc., sold, serviced and remanufactured electric motors, transformers and equipment controls at the site property from 1953 to 1992. During most of its time in operation, the company processed electrical equipment that was filled with oil containing PCBs. Part of the operations were to recovery oil from electrical equipment and to recycle or dispose of the oil. These operations resulted in soil and groundwater contaminated with PCBs. During a facility inspection in 1984, the Missouri Department of Natural Resources found soil contaminated with PCBs and over 100 drums containing PCB-contaminated oil. EPA added the site to the National Priorities List (NPL) in 1990. EPA did more investigations from 1985 to 1988 to characterize the contamination. The soil cleanup included the excavation, processing and treatment of PCB-contaminated soils using thermal desorption technology. On-site construction activities to implement the remedy began in June 1999 and were completed in September 2000. The remedial action at OU01 has been completed and achieved cleanup levels for soil. Groundwater monitoring and institutional controls address the two groundwater aquifers affected by site contamination. Groundwater monitoring is ongoing. Land use restrictions limit the use of the site property to industrial and commercial uses. In 2010, a buyer bought and redeveloped the property. The renovated former facility building now hosts a commercial business. A self-storage facility is also on site.
Last updated December 2023
As of December 2024, the EPA had data on 2 on-site businesses. These businesses employed 7 people and generated an estimated $1,899,490 in annual sales revenue. For additional information click here.
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National Mine Tailings
The National Mine Tailings site is in a former mining region known as the “Old Lead Belt”, about 70 miles south of St. Louis, Missouri. The site is part of the larger Big River Mine Tailings site, which includes eight large areas of mine waste and covers about 110 square miles. Cleanup included moving lead contaminated mine waste and regrading and covering the removal area with clean fill. EPA worked with the potentially responsible parties and property owners to make sure businesses at Park Hills Industrial Park could remain open during cleanup. Today, several businesses and new facilities are located at the industrial park. Commercial, industrial, recreational, ecological and public-service uses are active on parts of the site. Facilities on site include manufacturers of tank trailer parts and plastics, as well as a mechanical construction contracting business.
Last updated December 2023
As of December 2024, the EPA did not have economic data related to on-site businesses, or economic data were not applicable due to site use. For additional information click here.
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Newton County Mine Tailings
The Newton County Mine Tailings Superfund site (Site) encompasses over 600 square miles of Newton County and a portion of Lawrence County. Extensive mining in the area between 1850 and 1970 resulted in underground mine openings with exposed lead, cadmium and zinc ores. Waste from mining activities contaminated surface soil, sediments, surface water and groundwater with heavy metals. EPA added the site to the National Priorities List (NPL) in 2003. Cleanup activities include removal and disposal of contaminated soils and sediments, capping of disposal areas, revegetation of the excavated and capped areas, and monitoring. Institutional controls will restrict the use of the disposal areas. Removal of contaminated residential yard soils and temporary replacement of residential water supplies has restarted at the site. Cleanup of heavy metal-contaminated wastes, soil and sediment is ongoing. EPA will continue to work on road repair and revegetation. A city park has reopened on site. The city put in new sand courts for volleyball. The park also has a playground, picnic pavilions, open space and a walking trail. Its cleanup and restoration restored a vital recreation resource in the community, providing access to facilities for sports and other outdoor activities. Ongoing cleanup of mine waste and contaminated soils has returned over 150 acres to beneficial use, including residential and agricultural uses. In December 2021, the site was among those selected by EPA to receive cleanup funding under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL). With this funding, EPA is already initiating work on backlogged remedial construction projects and accelerating cleanups at NPL sites.
Last updated December 2023
As of December 2024, the EPA did not have economic data related to on-site businesses, or economic data were not applicable due to site use. For additional information click here.
For more information:
- Cleanup and Redevelopment Guide to Lead Mining and Smelting Sites in Region 7
- Superfund Site Profile Page
Newton County Wells
The Newton County Wells Superfund site is in Joplin, Missouri. From 1972 to 1982, FAG Bearings, now Schaeffler Group USA Inc., made ball bearings on site. These operations contaminated soil and groundwater. The Missouri Department of Health initially found the contamination during another investigation in 1991. The contaminated groundwater extends from the facility under portions of the villages of Saginaw and Silver Creek. The total area affected is approximately 2.5 square miles. EPA added the site to the National Priorities List (NPL) in 2000. Cleanup included connecting affected homes to the public water supply, abandoning some private wells and monitoring groundwater to assess the natural breakdown of site-related contaminants. Groundwater monitoring is ongoing. Institutional controls prevent contact with the groundwater. Schaeffler Group continues to operate its manufacturing facility on site.
Last updated December 2023
As of December 2024, the EPA had data on one on-site business. This business employed 293 people and generated an estimated $4,614,000 in annual sales revenue. For additional information click here.
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Oak Grove Village Well
The Oak Grove Village Well Superfund site is in Franklin County, Missouri. It consists of two areas of groundwater contamination from volatile organic compounds. The contaminated groundwater is in the city of Sullivan and Oak Grove Village. Routine sampling by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources in 1986 found contamination at the site. EPA added the site to the National Priorities List (NPL) in 2002. A local commercial show cave had unacceptable levels of site contaminants in the air due to a contaminated spring which discharged into the cavern. The show cave was temporarily closed to allow for mitigation. Successful mitigation of cave air resulted in the cave being reopened to tourism.
Last updated December 2023
As of December 2024, the EPA had data on one on-site business. This business employed 10 people and generated an estimated $572,222 in annual sales revenue. For additional information click here.
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Oronogo-Duenweg Mining Belt
The 250-square-mile Oronogo-Duenweg Mining Belt Superfund site is in Joplin, Missouri. Mining, milling, and smelting of lead and zinc ores at the site began in the 1850s. These operations continued in some site areas until the 1970s. Smelting operations dispersed airborne contaminants, contaminating site groundwater, surface water and soil with metals, including lead. EPA added the site to the National Priorities List (NPL) in 1990. EPA led a time-critical removal action to address high blood lead levels in local children. EPA cleaned up about 2,500 residential properties and agricultural lands in surrounding communities. The city of Joplin cleaned up lead-contaminated soil at 443 more homes as part of the recovery from a tornado in 2011. Other work included connecting 350 homes to public water supplies, digging up mine waste from 4,500 acres of contaminated land, and constructing wetlands. Further cleanup will address contaminated sediments in the Spring River. In December 2021, the site was among those selected by EPA to receive cleanup funding under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL). With this funding, EPA is initiating work on backlogged remedial construction projects and accelerating cleanups at NPL sites. Collaboration among EPA, the state of Missouri and the community resulted in innovative approaches to encouraging new productive uses. After signing a Prospective Purchaser Agreement with EPA, a scrap metal recycler bought and cleaned up 40 acres of the site before building its facility. The Missouri Highway and Transportation Department built a Route 249 highway bypass across part of the site that was cleaned up by EPA. The Route 249 Development Plan contains details on zoning, land use and institutional controls to facilitate sustainable development while protecting human health. Cleanup of a 12-acre former mine pit and waste area provided new level areas that supported a 23-acre expansion and infrastructure improvements at neighboring King Jack Park. In 2021, a local utility provider, Liberty Utilities – Empire District completed a 12-acre pilot solar farm on part of a mine waste repository. The utility plans to expand the solar farm to the entire 60-acre repository if the pilot project is a success. Former mining land in Webb City has been transformed into the 300-acre Centennial Park development. New businesses there include a farm and home goods retailer, restaurant and hotel. Nearby, a new 1.3-mile trail provides public access to the Cardinal Valley Habitat Restoration Project. The 740-acre project features restored prairie, wetland, woodland and pollinator habitat on former mining lands. The site continues to support other residential, agricultural, commercial, industrial and public service uses. Joplin is experiencing strong demand for new housing and many areas of remediated mine lands are being turned into residential areas, under the guidance of the Jasper County Contamination Ordinance that requires testing prior to building any new residential developments as a part of the site’s Institutional Controls. Additional reuse planning is underway. Over 4,000 acres of cleaned-up land are ready for redevelopment.
Last updated December 2023
As of December 2024, the EPA had data on 356 on-site businesses. These businesses employed 3,797 people and generated an estimated $742,213,207 in annual sales revenue. For additional information click here.
For more information:
- Site Redevelopment Profile: Oronogo-Duenweg Mining Belt Superfund Site (PDF)
- Cleanup and Redevelopment Guide to Lead Mining and Smelting Sites in Region 7
- Superfund Site Profile Page
PCB Inc - Missouri
The PCB Inc. – Missouri site is in Kansas City, Missouri. Since 1982, PCB Treatment, Inc. treated and disposed of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB)-containing materials that contaminated the walls and floors of the company’s 7-story building at 2100 Wyandotte Street. Combined with its second location at 45 Ewing Street, Kansas City, Kansas, the business received more than 25 million pounds of PCB-containing materials from about 1,500 parties. Facility operations contaminated the soil as well as building walls and floors. EPA inspected the facility in 1985 and issued a Notice of Violation. Facility operations stopped in 1986. EPA took down the building in 2005. EPA disposed of over 19,000 tons of contaminated materials in landfills, including drums containing chemical waste. Cleanup finished in June 2005. Today, a mixed-use development is at the site. The 12-story building includes luxury apartment complex Arterra, with 126 residential units, first-floor retail space, parking, and an infinity pool overlooking Liberty Memorial, Penn Valley Park and the Arts District. It opened in January 2019.
Last updated December 2023
As of December 2024, the EPA had data on 2 on-site businesses. These businesses generated an estimated $550,000 in annual sales revenue. For additional information click here.
For more information:
- Protecting Public Health Through Time-Sensitive Cleanups: Cleanup, Redevelopment and Continued Used of Removal Action Sites in the Kansas City Metropolitan Area (PDF)
- Site Redevelopment Profile: PCB Inc. - Missouri Superfund Site (PDF)
- Superfund Site Profile Page
Pools Prairie
The Pools Prairie Superfund site is near Neosho, Missouri. The U.S. government purchased the property in the 1940s for a U.S. Army installation named Fort Crowder. The facility supported rocket engine production and testing and later jet airplane engine manufacturing, testing and refurbishing. Waste disposal and weed control practices at several military and private industrial facilities in the area contaminated groundwater and soil. EPA added the site to the National Priorities List (NPL) in 1999. The site’s potentially responsible parties (PRPs) are cleaning up the contamination. EPA and the Missouri Department of Natural Resources provide oversight. EPA and the PRPs identified four source areas that resulted in groundwater contamination affecting private drinking water wells nearby. Cleanup includes connecting 200 homes to the public water supply, digging up and treating soil, and groundwater monitoring. Investigations and cleanup are ongoing. Uses on site include a storage building and a tiny house manufacturing business and its corporate apartments. The Missouri Army National Guard operates on a portion of the site that is part of Camp Crowder.
Last updated December 2023
As of December 2024, the EPA had data on one on-site business. This business employed one person and generated an estimated $88,939 in annual sales revenue. For additional information click here.
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Prier Brass MFG Co
The Prier Brass MFG Co site is in Kansas City, Missouri. A brass plumbing supply manufacturing facility and warehouse operated on site. Its activities contaminated soil with metals. The company filed for bankruptcy and stopped operating in 1985. EPA led cleanup activities. Cleanup included treatment of contaminated soil, removal of debris and disposal of chemicals stored on site. Today, a non-hazardous waste management company is active on site.
Last updated December 2023
As of December 2024, the EPA had data on one on-site business. This business employed 10 people and generated an estimated $990,000 in annual sales revenue. For additional information click here.
For more information:
- Protecting Public Health Through Time-Sensitive Cleanups: Cleanup, Redevelopment and Continued Used of Removal Action Sites in the Kansas City Metropolitan Area (PDF)
- Superfund Site Profile Page
The 321-acre Riverfront Superfund site is in New Haven, Missouri. In 1986, the Missouri Department of Natural Resources found that the public water supply wells on site were contaminated with industrial chemicals. EPA identified six different areas of concern where different sources contributed to the contamination. EPA added the site to the National Priorities List (NPL) in 2000. Cleanup includes groundwater monitoring and use restrictions, land use restrictions, treatment of soil and groundwater contamination, and installation of water treatment units for area homes. Contaminated groundwater vapor in one home resulted in the decision to relocate one resident. In December 2021, the site was among those selected by EPA to receive cleanup funding under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL). With this funding, EPA is already initiating work on backlogged remedial construction projects and accelerating cleanups at NPL sites. Today, the site supports new and continued uses. One site area is now a New Haven Public Works Department yard waste/gravel storage and composting area. After cleanup of this area finished, EPA and the state of Missouri took it off the NPL in September 2021. Another site area is now a part of an industrial park that hosts warehouses and manufacturers. On part of the site near the Missouri River, a bed and breakfast, distillery, brewery and kayak/paddleboard manufacturer attract people visiting area wineries. Other parts of the site include residential and rural areas.
Last updated December 2023
As of December 2024, the EPA had data on 7 on-site businesses. These businesses employed 108 people and generated an estimated $12,985,140 in annual sales revenue. For additional information click here.
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Shenandoah Stables
The 7-acre Shenandoah Stables Superfund site is near Moscow Mills, Missouri. In 1971, a St. Louis waste oil hauler sprayed the horse arena with about 1,500 gallons of dioxin-contaminated oil for dust control. Afterward, several adults and children became ill, and many birds, rodents and horses died. In 1971, site operators removed contaminated soil for use as fill material for a new highway. In 1972, site operators disposed of more soil from the arena in a swampy area on site. EPA sampling in 1982 confirmed dioxin contamination of the arena soil. EPA added the site to the National Priorities List (NPL) in 1983 and started cleanup in 1990. The cleanup included the removal and off-site burning of 6,452 tons of dioxin-contaminated soils. After the removal of contaminants, the cleanup of storage structures and fencing further protected public health and safety. Remedial action was completed in 1997 and EPA took the site off the NPL in 2001. Today, the site is used as commercial and agricultural property.
Last updated December 2023
As of December 2024, the EPA did not have economic data related to on-site businesses, or economic data were not applicable due to site use. For additional information click here.
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South KC Radium
The South KC Radium site is in Kansas City, Missouri. EPA responded to a home in October 2004 after the owner found an abandoned radium plaque under the back porch. EPA removed the device and its container and shipped it off site for appropriate disposal. Follow-up sampling confirmed there was no residual radium at the home. The residence remains occupied.
Last updated December 2023
As of December 2024, the EPA did not have economic data related to on-site businesses, or economic data were not applicable due to site use. For additional information click here.
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Southwest Jefferson County Mining
The Southwest Jefferson County Mining Superfund site includes all of Jefferson County, except for the Herculaneum site. Jefferson County is located in the northern portion of an area known as the Old Lead Belt. Heavy metal mining began there in the early 1700s. Industrial mining started in this area in the 1800s. By 1855, three active smelters and many mines were operating in Jefferson County, with over 3 million pounds of lead shipped annually from the county. Mine waste has contaminated soil, sediment, surface water and groundwater with lead and other heavy metals. Mine waste has been transported by the Big River and it has been used in residential areas as topsoil, fill material and aggregate for roads throughout the county. Sampling began in 2004 and more assessment work continued in 2007. In 2007, EPA began removal activities, digging up contaminated residential soils and taking them off site for disposal. EPA added the site to the National Priorities List (NPL) in 2009 and continued its cleanup efforts. Cleanup included backfilling and revegetation of these areas. The remedy also included health education for residents and institutional controls to protect areas from lead recontamination. A remedial investigation and feasibility study for the Big River and floodplain are ongoing. In December 2021, the site was among those selected by EPA to receive cleanup funding under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL). With this funding, EPA is already initiating work on backlogged remedial construction projects and accelerating cleanups at NPL sites. Current site uses include residential, commercial, industrial, ecological, public service and recreational areas.
Last updated December 2023
As of December 2024, the EPA did not have economic data related to on-site businesses, or economic data were not applicable due to site use. For additional information click here.
For more information:
- Superfund Site Profile Page
- Addressing the Legacy of Mining Contamination in Southeast Missouri: Cleaning Up Residential Lead Contamination in Jefferson, Washington, St. Francois and Madison Counties (PDF)
St John Drum
The St John Drum site is in Kansas City, Missouri. The city of Kansas City (City) planned to remove a building on a vacant lot, but found chemicals stored on site. In 2001, EPA removed drums and smaller containers of chemicals from the site. The City then removed the building. In 2006, a nonprofit organization turned the vacant lot into a community garden. The garden serves as a location for community events. It also provides opportunities for community members to rent garden plots and grow fresh vegetables.
Last updated December 2023
As of December 2024, the EPA did not have economic data related to on-site businesses, or economic data were not applicable due to site use. For additional information click here.
For more information:
- Protecting Public Health Through Time-Sensitive Cleanups: Cleanup, Redevelopment and Continued Used of Removal Action Sites in the Kansas City Metropolitan Area (PDF)
- Superfund Site Profile Page
St. Louis Airport/Hazelwood Interim Storage/Futura Coatings Co.
The St. Louis Airport/Hazelwood Interim Storage/Futura Coatings Co. Superfund site, also known as the Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) site, is in St. Louis City and St. Louis County, Missouri. It includes two areas – the St. Louis Downtown site and the North County site. The St. Louis Downtown site includes the Mallinckrodt Chemical Plant and 63 nearby properties. From 1942 to 1957, under contracts with the U.S. government, operators processed uranium ore on site. Byproducts containing radioactive residuals went to properties near the St. Louis Airport during this same period. In 1966, some of this byproduct material was moved about a half-mile northeast, to property on Latty Avenue, for interim storage. From 1977 to 1986, the U.S. Department of Energy brought more contaminated soils to the Latty Avenue properties. Residues from these operations contaminated other properties nearby as well as Coldwater Creek. Coldwater Creek flows through northern St. Louis County until it discharges into the Missouri River. The North County site consists of the St. Louis Airport site properties and the Latty Avenue properties (including the Hazelwood Interim Storage site and the Future Coatings Company). It also includes Coldwater Creek, which extends 15 miles from the St. Louis Airport site to the Missouri River, and over 148 nearby properties located along haul routes and in the 10-year floodplain of Coldwater Creek. EPA added the North County site to the National Priorities List (NPL) in 1989. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers manages cleanup activities. EPA provides oversight. Cleanup includes soil removal and disposal. Sampling and cleanup are ongoing. Commercial and industrial businesses, homes and recreation areas are on site. These areas include stores as well as metal salvage and steel fabrication facilities. The areas also include residential properties and parks in the 10-year floodplain of Coldwater Creek, and a section of the St. Louis Riverfront Trail. Public service uses are also on site. These uses include railroad lines, bridges and part of a floodwall that protects the St. Louis area from Mississippi River floodwaters. There is also a timber salvage yard on site.
Last updated December 2023
As of December 2024, the EPA had data on 73 on-site businesses. These businesses employed 6,947 people and generated an estimated $3,171,728,860 in annual sales revenue. For additional information click here.
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Studer Container Service
The Studer Container Service site is in Kansas City, Missouri. EPA responded to the site in 2012 after the property owner discovered 55-gallon drums and containers of waste dumped on his property. The containers held various waste materials that were not secured properly. Some containers had contents that could easily catch fire. EPA removed and properly disposed of the materials. Today, a forklift dealer is active on site.
Last updated December 2023
As of December 2024, the EPA had data on one on-site business. The EPA did not have further economic details related to this business. For additional information click here.
For more information:
- Protecting Public Health Through Time-Sensitive Cleanups: Cleanup, Redevelopment and Continued Used of Removal Action Sites in the Kansas City Metropolitan Area (PDF)
- Cleanup and Redevelopment Guide to Lead Mining and Smelting Sites in Region 7
- Superfund Site Profile Page
Syntex Facility
The Syntex Facility Superfund site is in Verona, Missouri. Prior to development, the 180-acre area along the Spring River was for agricultural and recreational purposes. Hoffman-Taff constructed a facility began making chemicals on site in the 1960s for the U.S. Department of Defense as part of the production of Agent Orange. Hoffman-Taff leased part of the facility to Northeastern Pharmaceutical and Chemical Company (NEPACCO) for production of hexachlorophene, a chemical antiseptic. Syntex Agribusiness (Syntex) bought the facility in 1969, with NEPACCO continuing to operate until 1972. Waste disposal in several areas at the facility contaminated soil and groundwater. Fish downstream in the Spring River also showed signs of contamination. State and federal agencies began investigating waste management and disposal practices at the facility in 1979. EPA added the Syntex facility to the National Priorities List (NPL) in 1983. Contaminated soils were addressed by a combination of excavation and treatment, capping, and revegetation. Aquifers in the surrounding areas are used by rural households for domestic purposes and some agriculture and by water utilities and large-scale agricultural operations. In 1996, Syntex sold the East Area of the Site to DuCoa, L.P. In 2001, DuCoa, L.P. sold the East Area to BCP Ingredients, Inc., which is the current owner of the East Area and operator of the facility. The facility makes human-grade and feed-grade choline chloride products. The West Area is not in use and remains owned by Syntex.
Last updated December 2023
As of December 2024, the EPA had data on one on-site business. This business employed 59 people and generated an estimated $88,851,000 in annual sales revenue. For additional information click here.
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Times Beach
The 1-square-mile Times Beach Superfund site is 20 miles southwest of St. Louis, Missouri. The site is a former city that sprayed its roads with waste oil to control dust in the early 1970s. In 1982, EPA found that the city had used dioxin-contaminated oil. During the same period, the Meramec River flooded the city and residents evacuated their homes. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended the permanent relocation of evacuated residents. EPA added the site to the National Priorities List (NPL) in 1983. EPA transferred funds to the Federal Emergency Management Agency for the permanent relocation of residents and businesses. All residents relocated by the end of 1986. The state of Missouri took ownership of the site. Cleanup activities finished in 1997. In 1999, Missouri opened Route 66 State Park at the site and EPA took the site off the NPL in 2001. Route 66 State Park includes a section of the historic roadway, including a bridge across the Meramec River. The park provides more than 7 miles of trails for hiking, biking and equestrian use. Visitors can see a range of wildlife, including turkeys, geese, deer and more than 40 species of birds. Other park amenities include a visitor’s center, picnic areas and a boat ramp that provides access to the Meramec River. In 2012, EPA reassessed the park to see if any residual dioxin contamination remained above a recently revised cleanup goal. The reassessment found that the current use of Route 66 State Park does not pose risks to public visitors or park workers.
Last updated December 2023
As of December 2024, the EPA had data on one on-site business. This business employed 4 people. For additional information click here.
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Valley Park TCE
The Valley Park TCE Superfund site is in Valley Park, Missouri. The Site consists of two source areas: the Wainright Industries and current Valley Technologies properties. Wainright Industries owned and operated a metal stamping and tool and die shop at the site from 1949 to 1979. Part of the manufacturing process included a solvent degreasing system that used the solvents TCE from 1963 to 1970 and PCE from 1970 to 1979. Wainwright Industries and Valley Technologies used the area for metal processing. Wainwright Industries stopped operating on site in 1979. Several other businesses were active at the former Wainwright Industries property. Beginning in 1954, Valley Technologies operated two divisions in Valley Park, Missouri: Prevision Forgings and Valley Heat Treat. It began operating solely as Valley Technologies in the early 2000’s. Precision Forgings manufactured aluminum pressings, and Valley Heat Treat provided heat treatment services on metal parts. Valley Technologies still operates a metal processing facility at the Operable Unit 2 (OU02) source area. EPA added the site to the National Priorities List (NPL) in 1986. Cleanup activities at the Wainright Industries source area include soil vapor extraction (SVE) of contaminated soil, removal and treatment of contaminated groundwater, institutional controls, and groundwater monitoring. Construction of the Wainright Industries source area remedy finished in 1999. Cleanup activities at the Valley Technologies source area included treating shallow soils with SVE, in-place SVE treatment of deep soils, removal and treatment of contaminated groundwater with air stripping, institutional controls, and groundwater monitoring. Construction of the Valley Technologies source area remedy finished in 2007. Because the cleanup did not adequately address all contamination, investigations for future cleanup are ongoing. EPA issued a Record of Decision (ROD) for the Wainright Industries source area in 2000 that changed the soil remedy to thermal treatment. Remedial design began in 2022 and is ongoing. EPA issued a RPD amendment for the Valley Technologies source area in 2020 that changed the soil remedy to thermal remediation. EPA completed the remedial design in 2022. The remedial action is ongoing. In 2021, OU02 was selected by EPA to receive cleanup funding under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL). This funding will be used to address soil contamination at OU02, the Valley Technologies soil source area. With this funding, EPA is already initiating work on backlogged remedial construction projects and accelerating cleanups at NPL sites. Several commercial businesses are active on site. Valley Technologies also continues to run its metal-processing facility on site.
Last updated December 2023
As of December 2024, the EPA had data on 4 on-site businesses. These businesses employed 42 people and generated an estimated $4,245,000 in annual sales revenue. For additional information click here.
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Washington County Lead District - Furnace Creek
The Washington County Lead District – Furnace Creek Superfund site is in Washington County, Missouri. The county is part of the Old Lead Belt mining area in southeast Missouri. The site includes about 533 square miles of southeast, southwest and northwest Washington County, and is about 65 miles southwest of St. Louis. The communities of Belgrade, Caledonia, Irondale, Courtois and Pea Ridge are within the site boundaries. The Mark Twain National Forest resides in the southwest portion of the Site. This area was one of the world's largest lead mining districts. Washington County has hosted over 1,000 lead and barite mining, milling or smelting sites. Remnants of mining activities include strip mines, mineshafts, mine dumps, tailing areas, tailings ponds and associated dams. Mining practices contaminated soil, groundwater, surface water, and sediment with heavy metals. It has been reported that mine waste was used on residential properties for fill material, in private driveways, parking areas, as sand in play areas, and as an aggregate used in road construction. EPA added the site to the National Priorities List (NPL) in March 2011. In 2008, a removal action by EPA cleaned up lead-contaminated soil in residential yards and provided water filtration systems to homes where lead in the water exceeds health-based levels. Cleanup of lead-contaminated soil in residential yards is ongoing. It includes replacing excavated material with clean fill and vegetative cover. To date, about one in eight private drinking water supply wells qualify for a water filtration system. Investigations and cleanup at the site continue. In December 2021, the site was among those selected by EPA to receive cleanup funding under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL). This funding will be used to conduct cleanup of lead-contaminated soil at residential properties. Today, continued uses at the site include residential, commercial and industrial areas. The area’s ecological and recreational resources include parts of several national forests and conservation areas. The site also hosts key habitat for the Indiana bat and includes a network of streams and other hydrological features.
Last updated December 2023
As of December 2024, the EPA did not have economic data related to on-site businesses, or economic data were not applicable due to site use. For additional information click here.
For more information:
- Cleanup and Redevelopment Guide to Lead Mining and Smelting Sites in Region 7
- Superfund Site Profile Page
Washington County Lead District - Potosi
The Washington County Lead District – Potosi Superfund site covers about 47 square miles in Washington County, Missouri. The county is part of Missouri’s Old Lead Belt, where lead mining took place for hundreds of years. It includes residential and commercial districts, recreation areas, and ecological features, including ponds, creeks and rivers. Lead mining in Washington County dates to the early 1700s. Mining activities contaminated soil, groundwater, surface water and sediment. EPA added the site to the National Priorities List (NPL) in 2008. Through time-critical removal actions starting in 2006, cleanup actions replaced surface soil at over 200 homes and provided an alternative drinking water source to 127 homes. Cleanup of residential yards is ongoing. This work involves removing contaminated soil from residential properties and replacing it with clean material. In 2021, the site was among those selected by EPA to receive cleanup funding under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL). This funding will be used to conduct cleanup of lead-contaminated soil at residential properties. The site is in continued use. These uses include commercial, ecological, industrial, recreational and residential areas.
Last updated December 2023
As of December 2024, the EPA did not have economic data related to on-site businesses, or economic data were not applicable due to site use. For additional information click here.
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Washington County Lead District - Richwoods
The Washington County Lead District – Richwoods Superfund site covers about 45 square miles in Washington County, Missouri. The county is part of Missouri's Old Lead Belt, where lead mining took place for hundreds of years. Site features include large tailings impoundments, associated dams and leachate ponds. Historical mining practices in southeast Missouri resulted in soil, groundwater, surface water, mine waste, and sediment contaminated with heavy metals at the site. In 2005, assessments by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources and EPA found high levels of lead in residential soils. EPA added the site to the National Priorities List (NPL) in 2008. Activities at the site include soil sampling, cleanup of residential yards and provision of long-term alternate drinking water sources for affected private wells. Investigations of mine wastes, surface water and sediment at the site are ongoing. Continued uses at the site include commercial and residential areas. The site’s ecological resources include Indian Creek, Big River and their tributaries, and several lakes . A post office and several recreational uses are also on site.
Last updated December 2023
As of December 2024, the EPA did not have economic data related to on-site businesses, or economic data were not applicable due to site use. For additional information click here.
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Westlake Landfill
The 200-acre Westlake Landfill Superfund site is in Bridgeton, Missouri. In 1939, rock quarrying and crushing activities took place on site. Beginning in the early 1950s, operators used parts of the site property as a landfill for municipal solid waste and construction debris. An asphalt/concrete processing plant was also on the property during quarrying activities. In 1973, operators used soils mixed with uranium ore processing residues as daily cover in the landfilling operation, resulting in radiological contamination of two areas. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission investigated the site in the 1970s. It found two areas affected by radiological materials. EPA added the site to the National Priorities List (NPL) in 1990. Active landfilling of new wastes at the Bridgeton Landfill ceased in 2004 and a waste transfer station later opened next to the former Bridgeton landfill. In 2008, EPA chose a cleanup plan for the site. Cleanup included putting in a landfill cover, restricting future land use and monitoring groundwater. In 2018, EPA amended the cleanup plan for radiological areas of the site. The cleanup now includes partial digging up and off-site disposal of contaminated material and placement of an engineered cover over the landfill. With EPA oversight, the potentially responsible parties (PRPs) are working on the cleanup of the radiological and non-radiological areas and are investigating groundwater contamination. EPA will select a cleanup plan for site groundwater, if appropriate, after the PRPs finish the groundwater investigation. Non-landfill parts of the site remain in industrial use. These uses include the solid waste transfer station and asphalt/concrete processing plant. A tractor-trailer storage facility is on another part of the site.
Last updated December 2023
As of December 2024, the EPA did not have economic data related to on-site businesses, or economic data were not applicable due to site use. For additional information click here.
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