Lead Service Line Replacement Program
- Purpose
- Examples of Eligible Activities
- Eligibility Requirements
- Funding
- How to Apply for Funding
- Project Award Timeline
- Documents
To assist federally recognized tribes within EPA Region 9 (CA, NV, AZ) address lead service line replacement projects and associated activities directly connected to the identification, planning, design, and replacement of lead service lines.
Examples of Eligible Activities
Infrastructure projects funded through the Drinking Water Tribal Set-Aside Program (DWTSA) Service Line Inventory (SLI) and Lead Service Line Replacement (LSLR) Program must address lead service line replacement projects and associated activities directly connected to the identification, planning, design, and replacement of lead service lines. We have classified project types as either SLI or LSLR project. Examples of eligible activities include:
Service Line Inventory (SLI) Projects - These projects aim to determine the materials of all applicable service lines to the extent that they are eligible for replacement or are determined to be non-lead (i.e., service line material that is not lead or galvanized requiring replacement).
- Development or updating service line inventories, including locating and mapping service lines.
- Methods of investigation to develop inventories could include records review, visual observation, water quality sampling (non-compliance), excavation, vacuum or hydro-excavation, or other emerging technologies.
Lead Service Line Replacement (LSLR) Projects are for planning, design and construction of lead service line replacements and other service line components.
- Planning and design, including environmental review and clearance.
- Complete removal of lead service lines or service lines made of galvanized iron or galvanized steel that are currently or have previously been downstream of lead or unknown components. Removal and replacement must include both the public and privately owned portion.
- Removal and replacement of lead or galvanized goosenecks, pigtails, and connectors.
Additional activities eligible to include in SLI and LSLR projects include:
- Temporary pitcher filters or point-of-use (POU) devices certified by American National standards Institute accredited certifier to reduce lead during or for a short period after a lead service line replacement.
- Technical assistance to small water systems undertaking lead service line inventories or construction projects.
- LSLR consumer education and outreach.
Eligibility Requirements
Only federally recognized Indian tribes within EPA Region 9 may submit proposals that benefit eligible public water systems (PWS). Eligibility is limited as follows:
- The project must be a LSLR project or associated activity directly connected to the identification, planning, design, or replacement of LSLs;
- Only public water systems that are community water systems or non-profit, non-community water systems are eligible to receive funding; and
- The water system must serve an Indian Tribe.
Approximately $18.9 million of fiscal year 2022 and $26 million in fiscal year 2023 funds may be available for projects ranging in size from $30,000 to over $2 million to support eligible projects under the DWTSA-LSLR Program. Region 9 anticipates receiving similar funding levels through fiscal year 2026. Matching funds are not required. This assistance will be awarded under Section 300j-12 of the Safe Drinking Water Act, 42 U.S.C. §1452. The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number is 66.468. The Funding Opportunity Number (FON) is EPA-CEP-01.
Funds will be awarded through the following mechanisms:
- Direct grant to the Tribe or a tribal consortium
- Interagency Agreement (IA) with Indian Health Service (IHS)
- EPA-directed in-kind assistance to Tribes
How to Apply for Funding
Project proposals are accepted throughout the year and will be evaluated as received. Proposal packages will differ depending on whether the project is a SLI project or LSLR project. A single project may cover multiple water systems.
All Project Proposal Applications must include the following:
- Project Proposal Form;
- Tribal Government Endorsement; and
- Cost estimate.
- LSLR project proposals must include a planning document.
E-mail one electronic copy of the proposal and any documentation to: Emma Young (young.emma@epa.gov)
Electronic files exceeding 10MB must be separated into emails not exceeding 10MB each. If you have difficultly submitting electronic documentation, contact Emma Young.
Project Award Timeline
Based on the actions and estimated timeframes above, applicants can expect funding awards to be completed up to six months after a complete project proposal is submitted to EPA. The table below provides a detailed timeline. Proposals received between May 15th and July 15th may exceed these timeframes.
Proposal Submission Steps
Proposal Submission Steps | EPA Actions with Estimated Timeframe |
STEP 1: Tribe Submits Proposal | EPA will review applications for completeness and notify each applicant with requests for additional information. (2 months) |
Step 2: Tribe Responds to EPA Comments | EPA reviews final submissions and notifies applicants of the funding decision, along with guidance letters for projects to be funded throughout the program. (1 month) |
Step 3: Tribe Submits Final Documents for Grant, Interagency Agreement, or In-Kind Services | EPA processes and awards funds for projects. (3 months) |
EPA Region 9 Service Line Inventory Form (xlsx)
EPA Region 9 has developed this service line inventory (SLI) form for tribal water systems to submit service line inventory information to be in compliance with the SLI requirement by October 16, 2024. - Service Line Inventory Requirement & Available Funding to Support Lead Service Line Replacements (pdf)
- Contractor Technical Assistance (TA) Services Available to Region 9 Tribal Water Systems (pdf)
- EPA R9 DWTSA Lead Service Line Replacement Program Guidance (pdf)
Project Proposal Form: EPA Region 9 DWTSA Lead Service Line Replacement Funding (xlsx)
(July 2023)
EPA Region 9 Drinking Water Tribal Set-Aside (DWTSA) Lead Service Line Replacement Funding Project Proposal Form. - EPA Region 9 Project Management Capacity Checklist for Public Water Systems (pdf)