WIFIA Pending Loans
Since Fiscal Year 2017, WIFIA has selected hundreds of projects to be supported by WIFIA loans. In total, selected borrowers have requested nearly $39 billion in financing to support over $83 billion in infrastructure investment.
The Pending Loans table below provides basic information about each selected borrower’s WIFIA project. To filter these projects, either use the Search bar at the top right of the table or sort any of the columns using the arrow keys.
Prospective Borrower | Project Name | State | Status | Project Description |
City of Pacifica | Sewer Collection System Pipeline Rehabilitation and Replacement Project | California | Invited | This project will increase the reliability of the City of Pacifica’s overall sewer collection system by replacing approximately 8 miles of sewer conveyance pipelines and associated laterals and manholes. |
County of Los Angeles – Loan 2 | Rory M. Shaw Wetlands Park | California | Invited | The County of Los Angeles will convert an existing 46-acre inert debris landfill into a park, working in conjunction with the Sun Valley Upper Storm Drain Project to capture stormwater runoff from the watershed to be naturally treated and pumped to the adjacent Sun Valley Park. |
Town of Windsor | Water Reclamation Facility Modernization | California | Invited | Windsor is consolidating another nearby wastewater treatment plant. This project will include upgrades to manage increased flow, as well as rehabilitation of aging water infrastructure. |
Monte Vista Water District | Capital Improvement Program | California | Paused | The Monte Vista Water District Capital Improvement Program will improve water system reliability and supply quality by improving groundwater treatment facilities and rehabilitating wells, distribution pipelines, and the reservoir. |
Le Grand Athlone Water District | Intertie and Recharge Project | California | Invited | This project includes construction of canal infrastructure that will provide stormwater management and groundwater recharge improvements. |
County of Los Angeles | Reservoir Restoration Program | California | Invited | This project includes sediment removal from the Big Tujunga and Pacoima Reservoirs to restore capacity and protect downstream communities. |
City of Hayward | WPCF Improvements – Phase II Project | California | Applied | The City of Hayward will construct a replacement primary effluent facility and pump station to address nutrient removal. |
Central Coast – Pismo Beach (Water) | Central Coast Blue | California | Paused | The Central Coast Blue project will prevent seawater intrusion in the Santa Maria Groundwater Basin and develop a drought-resistant, sustainable water supply through groundwater recharge. |
Central Coast – Arroyo Grande | Central Coast Blue | California | Paused | The Central Coast Blue project will prevent seawater intrusion in the Santa Maria Groundwater Basin and develop a drought-resistant, sustainable water supply through groundwater recharge. |
Big Bear Valley | Replenish Big Bear | California | Paused | Replenish Big Bear will help protect Big Bear Valley and the Santa Ana Watershed from the impacts of climate change by recovering a local water resource currently discharged outside of the watershed. |
City of Daly City | Vista Grande Drainage Basin Improvement Project | California | Invited | The Vista Grande Drainage Basin Improvement Project will address storm-related flooding in the Vista Grande Drainage Basin while providing the additional benefit of augmenting the water level of Lake Merced. |
City of Escondido | Lake Wohlford Dam Replacement Project | California | Applied | The Lake Wohlford Dam Replacement Project will construct a replacement dam, integral spillway, a new outlet tower, and partially deconstruct the existing dam. |
City of Oceanside | Buccaneer Sewer Lift Station and Force Main Project | California | Paused | The Buccaneer Sewer Lift Station and Force Main Project will optimize and enhance the city's wastewater system by redirecting sewage flows from the aging La Salina Wastewater Treatment Plant to the existing centralized reclamation facility, the San Luis Rey Water Reclamation Facility. |
Las Virgenes | Pure Water Project (PWP) Las Virgenes-Triunfo | California | Applied | The Pure Water Project will construct an advanced water purification facility to treat tertiary effluent for indirect potable reuse reducing the need for imported water and supporting compliance with regulatory requirements for discharge to Malibu Creek. |
Rancho California Water District | Vail Dam Seismic and Hydrologic Remediation Project | California | Paused | The Vail Dam Seismic and Hydrologic Remediation Project will construct a new straight-axis concrete dam located downstream of the existing arch dam. |
Rialto Water Service LLC | Microgrid and System Improvements | California | Paused | The Microgrid and System Improvements project consists of wastewater and drinking water treatment plant improvements, the creation of retention ponds at the wastewater treatment plant outfall, a detailed analysis of condition assessments, cybersecurity enhancements, the installation of Automatic Meter Infrastructure, and expansion of the existing gravity sewer system. |
Sites Project Authority | Sites Reservoir Project | California | Applied | The Sites Reservoir project is a multi-benefit water storage project that will capture and store surface water and stormwater flows from the Sacramento River and release them for environmental use and for California communities, farms, and businesses in dry and critical years. |
South Coast Water District | Doheny Ocean Desalination Project | California | Invited | The Doheny Ocean Desalination Project will construct a desalination plant to produce up to 5 million gallons per day (MGD) of potable drinking water. |
Central Coast – Pismo Beach (Wastewater) | Central Coast Blue | California | Paused | The Central Coast Blue project will prevent seawater intrusion in the Santa Maria Groundwater Basin and develop a drought-resistant, sustainable water supply through groundwater recharge. |
Tahoe City | Tahoe Cedars Water System Reconstruction Project | California | Invited | Tahoe City will completely replace its existing water distribution infrastructure, including water mains, transmission mains, meters, and fire hydrants. |
Delta Diablo | Secondary Process Improvements Project - Phases 1 and 2 | California | Invited | Delta Diablo will modernize aging infrastructure, as well as install nutrient removal technologies to meet nutrient discharge limits. |
Amador Water Agency | Water System Capital Improvements | California | Invited | Amador Water Agency will complete several projects throughout the service area to improve drinking water quality and meet current and future water demand. |
Santa Clara Valley Water District | Safe, Clean and Natural Flood Protection Program – Loan 2 | California | Applied | This project includes improvements to reduce flood risk along nine miles of creek, enhance stream habitat, improve water quality, and construct a self-sustaining natural system. |
City of Pasadena | Water Infrastructure Program | California | Invited | The City of Pasadena will complete several drinking water infrastructure projects, including meter and water main replacement and water treatment plant improvements. |
Santa Clara Valley Water District | Water Reliability Program - Anderson Dam Seismic Retrofit | California | Invited | The Santa Clara Valley Water District will retrofit the Anderson Dam to restore water storage capacity, which is currently restricted due to the seismic vulnerability of the dam. |
City of Pueblo | Secondary Clarifier Replacement | Colorado | Invited | The City of Pueblo will install new secondary clarifiers to replace existing clarifiers that require a groundwater dewatering permit. |
Northern Water Enterprise | Northern Integrated Supply Project | Colorado | Invited | The Northern Integrated Supply Project is a proposed regional water storage and distribution project that will annually supply 15 Northern Colorado Front Range water providers with approximately 40,000 acre-feet of new, reliable water supplies by building two reservoirs and associated infrastructure. |
Project 7 Water Authority | Ridgway Water Treatment Plant | Colorado | Applied | The Ridgway Water Treatment Plant project will construct new water treatment plant to serve as a redundant water source for the communities in the Uncompahgre and Gunnison River Valleys. |
Colorado City Metro District | Pretreatment Facility Construction Project | Colorado | Invited | Colorado City Metro District will construct a new pretreatment facility to address excess disinfection byproducts in the distribution system. |
South Central Connecticut Regional Water Authority | Lake Whitney Dam and Spillway Improvements | Connecticut | Invited | The Lake Whitney Dam and Spillway Improvements project will rehabilitate the dam which is used for drinking water supply and drought mitigation. |
City of North Miami | NoMi Water Treatment Plant Expansion Project and Water System Upgrades | Florida | Invited | The City of North Miami will design and construct several water infrastructure improvements and also design a new 12 MGD water treatment plant to provide additional water capacity and reliability to customers. |
City of Wilton Manors | Wilton Manors Utility Systems Master Plan FY 2024 - 2028 | Florida | Applied | The Wilton Manors Utility Systems Master Plan projects will address sanitary sewer overflows, improve the quality of drinking water, and protect homes and businesses from flooding caused by rising sea levels and climate change. |
Winter Haven | City of Winter Haven One Water Program | Florida | Paused | The Winter Haven One Water Program will modernize aging water and wastewater facilities to support population growth, comply with future regulatory requirements, and address water supply affordability. |
Clayton County | Strategic Master Plan Funding 2024 | Georgia | Invited | Clayton County will complete several projects within their Master Plan, including treatment plant expansions, water meter installation, and sewer line replacements. |
Honolulu | Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility Project | Hawaii | Applied | The Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility projects help provide safe, dependable, and affordable water to the community, through the development of new water sources, replacement of aging pipelines, construction of a desalination plant, and more. |
Village of Oswego | Oswego WaterLink | Illinois | Invited | The WaterLink project (including the City of Yorkville, the Village of Montgomery, and the Village of Oswego) will include constructing new publicly owned drinking water infrastructure and replacing the current primary water source. |
City of Yorkville | Yorkville WaterLink | Illinois | Applied | The WaterLink project (including the City of Yorkville, the Village of Montgomery, and the Village of Oswego) will include constructing a new publicly owned drinking water infrastructure and replacing the current primary water source. |
Village of Montgomery | Montgomery WaterLink | Illinois | Applied | The WaterLink project (including the City of Yorkville, the Village of Montgomery, and the Village of Oswego) will include constructing a new publicly owned drinking water infrastructure and replacing the current primary water source. |
Grand Prairie Water Commission | Alternative Water Source Program | Illinois | Applied | The Alternative Water Source Program will create a sustainable, long-term source of water supplies by constructing a new, publicly-owned drinking water infrastructure system to meet current and future water supply needs. |
City of Joliet – Phase 3 | Alternative Water Source Program | Illinois | Invited | This project will provide a sustainable, high-quality source of drinking water to the City of Joliet and neighboring communities. |
Iowa Finance Authority | Clean Water and Drinking Water Infrastructure Projects | Iowa | Invited | A mixture of projects that are eligible for clean water and drinking water state revolving fund financing. |
Unified Government of Wyandotte County / Kansas City, Kansas | Kansas City, Kansas Community-Based Partnership - Stormwater Program | Kansas | Paused | The Community-Based Partnership - Stormwater Program will integrate stormwater, combined sewer, and green infrastructure projects to address frequent flooding, repair critical infrastructure, and improve water quality. |
National Water | Ascencion Parish Regionalization Project | Louisiana | Paused | The Regionalization Project will support reliable wastewater treatment service and future population growth in Asencion Parish by redirecting sewerage flow from decentralized sewer systems into existing wastewater treatment plants. |
Baltimore City Department of Public Works | Wastewater Rehabilitation Program 2020 | Maryland | Applied | The City of Baltimore's Wastewater Rehabilitation Program 2020 includes 5 projects to rehabilitate parts of the Patapsco Wastewater Treatment plant, the Back River Wastewater Treatment plant, and a high-level interceptor. |
Baltimore City Department of Public Works | Water Infrastructure Advancement 2021 | Maryland | Paused | The City of Baltimore's Water Infrastructure Advancement 2021 project will decrease the risk of water service interruption, main breaks and flooding, as well as emerging contaminants. |
South Sioux City | South Sioux City Wastewater Treatment Facility Expansion Project | Nebraska | Invited | The South Sioux City Wastewater Treatment Facility Expansion Project will expand its current wastewater treatment facility's capacity and conveyance system to accept domestic flows and additional industrial flows. |
City of Cortland | Homer Avenue Gateway Project | New York | Paused | The Homer Avenue Gateway project will completely replace the aging potable water, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer infrastructure along Homer Avenue. |
City of Sweet Home | Mahler Water Reclamation Facility Improvements | Oregon | Invited | The project includes a complete renovation of the City of Sweet Home’s sole wastewater treatment plant to increase its capacity and reliability of treatment. |
City of Ashland | 7.0 MGD Water Treatment Plant | Oregon | Applied | The City of Ashland will construct a new 7.0 MGD Water Treatment Plant to replace their aging plant and conduct additional work to route utilities to the new plant and abandon components of the City's existing water treatment plant. |
EPCOR Foothills Water Project Inc. | Lake Oswego Wastewater Treatment Replacement Project | Oregon | Paused | The Lake Oswego Wastewater Treatment Replacement project will replace the aging Tryon Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant that treats sewage collected from parts of southwest City of Portland, unincorporated areas of Multnomah and Clackamas counties, and the City of Lake Oswego. |
Grants Pass | Grants Pass Replacement Water Treatment Plant | Oregon | Invited | The Grants Pass Replacement Water Treatment Plant project will provide protection against natural disasters and prepare for expected future population growth. |
Port of Morrow | Groundwater Water Quality and Conservation Program | Oregon | Applied | The Groundwater Water Quality and Conservation Program will implement projects to reduce groundwater nitrate concentrations and dependency on groundwater. |
City of Medford | Regional Wastewater Reclamation Facility Upgrades | Oregon | Applied | This Regional Wastewater Reclamation Facility Upgrades project involves the design, construction, and commission of an advanced secondary treatment facility to meet wastewater permit and capacity needs. |
Rockwood Water People’s Utility District | Cascade Groundwater Development Project | Oregon | Invited | The Cascade Groundwater Development Project will establish an independent regional water supply system. |
Chester Water Authority | Susquehanna Raw Water Pumping Station Reliability Improvements | Pennsylvania | Paused | The Susquehanna Raw Water Pumping Station Reliability Improvements Project will maintain the Chester Water Authority's ability to reliably provide quality water to its customers by making improvements to the Susquehanna Raw Water Pumping Station. |
City of Memphis | Stiles WWTF Solids Processing Upgrades | Tennessee | Invited | The Stiles Wastewater Treatment Facility Solids Processing Upgrades project will help the City of Memphis meet its near-term and long-term biosolids management goals, including increasing capacity and performance, upgrading aging infrastructure and managing solids disposal. |
Columbia Power and Water Systems | Long Term Water Supply Program | Tennessee | Applied | The Long Term Water Supply Program includes water supply, treatment, and distribution system projects on the Columbia Power and Water Systems system and its two major wholesale customer's systems, city of Spring Hill and Maury County Water System. |
Denton - Water | 5-Year Water Capital Improvement Program | Texas | Invited | The City of Denton’s Water Capital Improvement Program will include upgrades and expansions to the water treatment plant and transmission lines. |
Denton - Wastewater | 5-Year Wastewater Capital Improvement Program | Texas | Invited | The City of Denton’s Wastewater Capital Improvement Program will include upgrades to the existing water reclamation plant and construction of a new water reclamation plant and wastewater interceptor. |
City of Austin | Walnut Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion | Texas | Invited | The City of Austin’s project will increase wastewater treatment plant capacity and upgrade to biological nutrient removal, as well as replace and upsize an existing lift station, rehabilitate headworks, and build a new odor control facility. |
City of Fort Worth | Mary’s Creek Water Reclamation Facility | Texas | Applied | The City of Fort Worth will design and construct a new water reclamation facility and associated lift stations and force mains. |
Blue Brine LLC | Blue Brine Plant Project | Texas | Invited | Blue Brine LLC’s project will address water scarcity and pollution by turning desalination discharge waste into fresh water and mineral byproducts. |
Mountain Regional Water Special Service District | Signal Hill Water Treatment Plant Optimization and Expansion Project | Utah | Invited | This project includes improvements and expansion of the Signal Hill Water Treatment Plant, to enhance water supply and address local water quality objectives. |