CAA Permitting in Utah
Clean Air Act permitting in Utah is the responsibility of the Division of Air Quality of the Utah Department of Environmental Quality.
Responsible Area
Statewide, except in Indian Country, where EPA Region 8 is the permitting authority
Agency Office
Division of Air Quality
Utah Department of Environmental Quality
195 North 1950 West, P.O. Box 144820
Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4820
801-536-4000, Fax: 801-536-4099
Air Permitting Information and Contacts
Title V Operating Permit Program
Permits (AO), Draft Permits (ITA), Applications Received (NOI), and Title V Permits
Title V Operating Permits
David Beatty (
Major NSR Permits
Jon Black (
Minor NSR Permits
Alan Humpherys (
EPA Permit Program Oversight Contact
DJ Law (
(303) 312-7015
EPA-Approved/Delegated Authorities
Federal Construction Permit Authority
Federal Title V Operating Permit Authority
Title V Program Approval History
Delegations of Authority for NSPS/NESHAP/MACT