Public Notices, Meetings and Events in EPA's South Central Region
EPA’s South Central office (Region 6) implements and enforces federal environmental laws in Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas and 66 Tribal Nations.
EPA’s South Central Regional office (Region 6) encourages public participation in addressing environmental issues. When EPA hosts public meetings, events or other opportunities for public participation in the South Central area, they will be found on this page. Public Notices will also be posted on this page. EPA provides public notices about regulatory and other actions it takes, often related to its permitting authorities. Many public notices seek comment (e.g., notices about proposed EPA actions) or participation from the public (e.g., public meeting notice); some are for informational purposes only (e.g., announcing a final rule). Some EPA actions will be included in the Public Notices listing and some will be included in the Federal Register listing. Please be sure to check both listings to find the notice you are seeking.
Meetings and Events
California - Baja California Goal 3 Task Force Meeting
This will be the first Goal 3 Task Force meeting for the 2025 calendar year. There will be updates by the co-leads from California and Baja California. The meeting will include space for an open forum for members of the public.
Public Notices
Aprobación De Reautorización Para Safety-Kleen Systems, Inc., Denton, Texas (Español)
La Agencia de Protección Ambiental de los Estados Unidos propone volver a autorizar la solicitud de instalación de almacenamiento actual enviada por Safety-Kleen Systems, Inc., in Denton, Texas para el almacenamiento comercial de bifenilo policlo.
Decision to Issue Federal Synthetic Minor New Source Review Permit R6NSR-NM-001-M1 to Sandia Resort and Casino
The EPA has issued permit number R6NSR-NM-001-M1 for the Sandia Resort and Casino Facility located within the boundaries of Pueblo of Sandia sovereign lands at 30 Rainbow Road NE, Albuquerque, Bernalillo County, New Mexico.
El Paso Natural Gas L.L.C. (EPNG) Laguna Compressor Station Final TV Renewal Permit No. R6FOP-NM-R2-2020
Public Notice of Final Issuance of Renewed Permit
EPA is soliciting public comment on the proposed permit.
Final Permit Decision for Federal Clean Air Permit for Harvest Four Corners Los Mestenios Compressor Station
EPA is providing notice of a final permitting decision on the subject permit.
NPDES Environmental Justice Early Engagement Virtual Meeting for the Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority (ABCWUA) Wastewater Treatment Plant – NPDES Permit No. NM0022250
This virtual meeting is targeted to communities near south valley in New Mexico, and will engage early in the NPDES permitting process with the community about any questions or concerns they may have.
NPDES Environmental Justice Early Engagement Virtual Meeting for the Dona Ana County Utilities - NPDES Permit No. NM0030490
This virtual meeting is targeted to communities near Vado and Berino in New Mexico, and will engage early in the NPDES permitting process with the community about any questions or concerns they may have.
NPDES Environmental Justice Early Engagement Virtual Meeting for the Gadsden Independent school district– NPDES Permit No. NM0028487
This event will feature discussions and public input on the re-issuance of the Gadsden Independent school district permit. The community discussion and Q&A will follow a short presentation by the EPA.
Proposed Administrative Order issued to Parsage Oil Company, L.L.C. for Clean Water Act Violations
EPA is providing notice of this CAFO proposing the assessment of a civil penalty. EPA will consider all comments received in determining its final action.
Pueblo of Tesuque - Draft Permit No. NM0031224
EPA is soliciting public comment on the proposed permit.
Re-Authorization Approval for Safety-Kleen Systems, Inc., Denton, Texas (English)
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region 6, Dallas, Texas office proposes to re-authorize the current storage facility, Safety-Kleen Systems, Inc., located at 1722 Cooper Creek Road, Denton, Texas, for the commercial storage of PCBs.
Sea Port of Texas (SPOT) Deepwater Port Title V and PSD Air Permits Final Action
On August 30, 2023 EPA Region 6 took final action on permit applications for a title V operating permit and a Prevention of Significant Deterioration permit submitted by SPOT Terminal Services, LLC. Those permits have been issued.
Texas and Oklahoma Regional Haze: SIP Disapproval and Revision of the Regional Haze Federal Implementation Plan to Address Reasonable Progress Requirements of the First Planning Period
EPA proposed a rule to address Clean Air Act requirements to protect visibility in national parks and wilderness areas. EPA is proposing to disapprove portions of Texas’s and Oklahoma’s SIPs and amend the their Regional Haze Reasonable Progress FIPs.
Texas Chapter 111 and Agreed Orders SIP Revision
Texas Title 30 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Chapter 111 Agreed Orders (AOs) State Implementation Plan (SIP) Disapproval Final Rule Federal Register Notice (FRN).
Texas Regional Haze Best Available Retrofit Technology Federal Implementation Plan and Cross State Air Pollution Rule Petition Response
EPA proposed a rule to address Clean Air Act requirements to protect visibility in national parks and wilderness areas by proposing emission limits for sulfur dioxide (SO2) and particulate matter (PM) at 12 electric generating units (EGUs) in Texas.