Applicants Selected for FY 2025 Brownfields Job Training Grants
EPA is selecting 16 communities to receive approximately $7.7 million in Brownfields Job Training Grants to recruit and train unemployed and underemployed individuals with the skills needed to secure long-term employment in the environmental field. Each recipient will receive up to $500,000 to develop and operate environmental job training curriculums that advance environmental justice by providing opportunities for residents living in areas impacts by contaminated lands.
- EPA News Release
- Fact Sheets on Selected Job Training Grantees
- More Information about the Brownfields Job Training Grant Program
- FY25 JT Applicants (pdf)
- To learn how to start a Brownfields Job Training Program please visit the Brownfields Job Training Grants Technical Assistance Resources page
The video below offers an insightful overview of the Brownfields Job Training Grant Program, showcasing a compelling example from a successful grantee.
In concert with EPA’s commitment to conducting business in an open and transparent manner, copies of applications submitted under the FY 2025 Job Training Grant solicitation are publicly available until June 1, 2025, on this webpage. Note, EPA is releasing a subset of the applications received. Additionally, attachments (including attachments that were included in response to threshold criteria), and information that is confidential has been removed or redacted. These examples highlight strong proposals that align with OBLR's mission to support workforce development in brownfield remediation and environmental restoration. By reviewing these successful applications, prospective applicants can gain valuable insight into what makes a compelling proposal, including effective objectives, clear outcomes and a strong connections to EPA's priorities. Please contact the applicant for additional information. If you encounter accessibility issues with an application, please contact the Office of Brownfields and Land Revitalization at
- Iowa Western Community College (pdf)
- Workforce Alliance of South Central Kansas (pdf)
- City of Worcester, Executive Office of Economic Development MassHire (Massachusetts) (pdf)
- NyE Communities Coalition (Nevada) (pdf)
EPA cannot attest to the accuracy of the information. The cooperative agreement is negotiated after the selection announcement. Therefore, the funding amount and activities described in the selected applications are subject to change.
All funds from this announcement come from the historic once-in-a-generation $1.5 billion investment from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to help turn brownfield sites across the nation into hubs of economic growth. EPA anticipates making the awards once all legal and administrative requirements are satisfied.