Brownfields Federal Programs Guide 2023
508 Compliant 2023 Brownfields Federal Programs Guide Overview (pdf)
EPA encourages stakeholders to think broadly about brownfields cleanup and reuse, and take advantage of various opportunities available for technical and financial assistance. Typically, communities must use federal, state or foundation grants and obtain additional financial support to complete the cleanup and redevelopment project. Leveraging resources is often essential.
The 2023 Brownfields Federal Programs Guide provides information on 22 federal programs and five federal tax incentives that could support brownfields cleanup and revitalization.
Brownfields Federal Programs Guide 2023 (pdf)
The entry for each federal agency or organization includes:
- Description of its mission, connection to brownfields, and the specific programs that provide technical or financial assistance relevant to brownfields.
- Eligibility requirements, availability, and uses/applications.
- The appropriate phase(s) within the brownfields redevelopment process for using the resource, such as in the planning, assessment, cleanup, and/or redevelopment phase.
- A “snapshot” that illustrates brownfields redevelopment projects that successfully leveraged funding
Most federal programs receive appropriated funds for these programs on an annual basis, but the amount available each year can vary significantly. Please visit the individual agency websites for updated information on program availability and resources.
Supplemental Information
Newly-available federal programs (as of Summer 2023); also visit Federal Infrastructure Investment Programs Related to Brownfields
Environmental Protection Agency
United States Forest Service Urban and Community Forestry Grants: $1.5 billion to deploy urban forests, tree planting, and green infrastructure for stormwater management and $250 million to state forestry offices to support community forestry programs, projects, and initiatives.
Department of Transportation Neighborhood Access and Equity Grant Program: $3.2 billion for planning or constructing capital projects that improve walkability, safety, and affordable transportation access in communities; clean up existing and prevent new environmental harms caused by transportation projects in disadvantaged communities; remove, retrofit, or mitigate highways or other transportation facilities that create barriers to community cohesion; and provide planning and capacity building support to disadvantaged and underserved communities.
Department of Energy Energy Infrastructure Reinvestment Loan Program: $5 billion in credit subsidy appropriations and up to $250 billion of loan guarantees to finance projects that retool, repower, repurpose, or replace energy infrastructure that has ceased operations or enable operating energy infrastructure to avoid, reduce, utilize or sequester air pollutants or greenhouse gas emissions.