Cleaning Up Tribal Lands in Region 10
This page highlights some of the EPA resources available to help Tribes address environmental issues impacting tribal lands in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. For additional information, visit EPA's Cleaning Up, Protecting and Preserving Tribal Lands website.
- Brownfields
- Contamination on ANCSA Conveyed Lands
- Solid Waste and Sustainable Materials Management
- Superfund and Emergency Response
- Toxic Materials Reduction
- Underground Storage Tanks
- Contacts
- Brownfields and Land Revitalization in Region 10: Information about Targeted Brownfields Assessments, technical assistance, and funding opportunities.
Contamination on ANCSA Conveyed Lands
EPA's Contaminated ANCSA Lands Assistance Program provides cooperative agreements to Alaska Tribal entities for environmental cleanup on ANCSA lands that were contaminated prior to the time of conveyance.
Visit Contamination on ANCSA Conveyed Lands for more information.
Solid Waste and Sustainable Materials Management
EPA Region 10’s Tribal Solid Waste and Sustainable Materials Management Program provides tools, technical assistance, and other resources to support Tribal implementation activities.
Learn about building a self-sustaining Tribal solid waste program and how to reduce the waste your community sends to the landfill through recycling, backhauling, reusing materials, reducing food waste, composting, and planning for natural disasters. Through sustainable materials management, Tribal governments and communities can use and reuse materials more efficiently while also minimizing their environmental impacts.
Visit Tribal Solid Waste and Sustainable Materials Management in Region 10 for more information.
Superfund and Emergency Response
EPA’s Superfund program is responsible for cleaning up some of the nation’s most contaminated land and responding to environmental emergencies, oil spills and natural disasters.
- Tribal Lands Assistance Center: The Tribal Lands Assistance Center provides all federally recognized Tribes, including Alaska Native Villages, a single point of access to information and resources regarding contaminated sites on and near Tribal lands and waters.
- Superfund Sites Where You Live: Search for sites proposed to, currently on, and deleted from Superfund's National Priorities List, as well as sites being addressed under the Superfund Alternative Approach.
- Regional 10 Regional Response Team (RRT) and the Northwest Area Committee (NWAC): RRT/NWAC protects public health and safety and the environment by ensuring coordinated, efficient, and effective support of the federal, state, Tribal, local, and international responses to significant oil and hazardous substance incidents within the Pacific Northwest Region, including Idaho, Oregon, and Washington.
- Alaska Regional Response Team: A collaboration between EPA, the U.S. Coast Guard, and the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, the Alaska Regional Response Team provides federal, state, and local governmental agencies with the means to participate in response to pollution incidents. This site provides information on Alaska emergency response trainings, plans, exercises, and more.
Toxic Materials Reduction
- Pollution Prevention: also known as source reduction, is any practice that reduces, eliminates, or prevents pollution at its source prior to recycling, treatment, or disposal. EPA's pollution prevention program includes several programs, including grants, to assist with toxic chemical reduction and sustainable materials management. This resource helps applicants with accessing grants to implement these programs.
- Safer Choice: Common household chemicals can contain substances that are hazardous to human health. EPA’s Safer Choice program lists products made with non-hazardous materials as well as resources for manufacturers.
Underground Storage Tanks (USTs)
- USTs in Region 10 Indian Country: Is Your Facility Ready?
- UST Program in Indian Country: Basic information, training resources for Tribes, publications, and Tribal data.
- Wildfire Guide: Preparation and Recovery for Underground and Aboveground Storage Tank Systems (pdf)
- Flood Guide for Underground Storage Tanks
EPA Region 10 Tribal Land & Solid Waste Contacts
Staff | Focus Area/Expertise |
Alicia Guyette ( 206-553-0716 |
Tribal Specialist Superfund and Emergency Management Division |
Angel Ip |
Tribal Specialist |
Brownfields Team | Brownfields program contacts for Region 10. |
Tribal Solid Waste Team | Tribal solid waste program contacts for Region 10. |
Underground Storage Tanks Team | UST program contacts for Region 10. |