Consultation and Coordination with Tribes in Region 10
EPA's policy is to consult on a government-to-government basis with federally recognized tribal governments when EPA actions and decisions may affect tribal interests.
To view all of EPA's current consultation opportunities, visit our Tribal Consultation Opportunities Tracking System (TCOTS) website.
- Consultation and Coordination Procedures
- Upcoming Consultations in Region 10
- Region 10 Tribal Operations Committee
Consultation and Coordination Procedures
The EPA Policy on Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribes (December 7, 2023) establishes national guidelines and institutional controls for consultation across EPA. See also the companion document, Guidance for Discussing Tribal Treaty or Similar Rights (December 7, 2023).
The EPA Region 10 Tribal Consultation and Coordination Procedures (pdf) are consistent with the agency-wide consultation policy, but include more specific guidelines for the consultation process to meet the needs and practices of tribes in EPA Region 10.
To learn more about EPA's consultation standards and policies, visit Consultation with Tribes.
For questions about consultation in Region 10, contact Jim Zokan (, 208-378-5772.
Upcoming Consultations in Region 10
The following table lists upcoming consultations relevant to tribes in Region 10. To view all of EPA's consultation opportunities, visit our Tribal Consultation Opportunities Tracking System (TCOTS) website.
Region 10 Tribal Operations Committee (RTOC)
The RTOC is a partnership between EPA Region 10 and elected tribal representatives to further tribal environmental objectives at the regional level, serve as a liaison between the EPA and tribes regarding information exchange, and provide assistance to the National Tribal Operations Committee.
Funding for the RTOC is provided under a grant/cooperative agreement from EPA Region 10.
For questions about RTOC, contact Lucas Dusablon (, 206-553-2570.